True or False: Does it rain in Ireland everyday?

A little over 10 days have passed since I came to Ireland and here are three things I need to admit :  1. I have NOT been caught in the rain 2. I have spent SO MUCH money already 3. My steps have been trending higher everyday ever since I got here 1. I have …

An Unforgettable Birthday Dinner

I don’t know about you But I’m feeling 22 -Taylor Swift, 22 On January 23, 2022, I turned 22. Turning 18 and 20 was nerve wracking because these numbers signified the beginning of adulthood in the US and Japan, respectively; and turning 21 was thrilling because it meant that I had finally reached the legal …

Trams, Trains, and Planes (But Mostly Trams)

Ok I might have lied. This is not a blog post where I talk about planes at all actually, or trains for that matter. Although both of the latter are very useful and common modes of transportation for traveling long distances across the country, I am excited to write about one of my greatest surprises …

The Irish Pub

On the second night in Dublin, Ireland, I went to an authentic Irish pub for the first time. My only exposure to an Irish pub was the Curragh (if you’re a Hope student, you know what I’m talking about), and I was thrilled to experience the true Irish pub. The name of the pub that …

The First Few Days

I have now been in Chicago for a few days, and it has definitely been quite an experience. Moving in definitely had its ups and downs, but in the end I am very happy with the room that we got as it is easily one of the bigger ones that we have seen (and that …

Apply, Apply Again

I’ve always been an organized person, just take a look at my planner! Since my first, school-given agenda in 2010 I’ve kept track of deadline after deadline, even notes for things as simple as ‘text Mom!’, to help me keep track of my days. In my experience, if it’s not written down it will quickly …

Why Ireland?

So Yuki, why did you decide to go to Ireland? Undoubtedly, this was the most commonly asked question during the winter break after I told people my plan to study abroad. To be completely honest, even now, as I’m sitting on the airplane to Dublin, I don’t quite know how to answer the question.  I …

Up and Around the Region

On some Fridays my study abroad program does excursions, and I wanted to highlight some of the day excursions I’ve been on this semester. Because of COVID, my study abroad program wasn’t able to take us on trips across country borders, so all of our sightseeing has been in the state of Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Heidelberg …

Reasons to be Thankful

It seems strange to miss Thanksgiving this year. I love the traditions of family and friends getting together to share a delicious meal and reflect on what makes them grateful. My family even takes a collective nap after the feast. That is a relaxing and necessary communal experience after the indulgences. Being in a foreign …

Being a Tourist Reprise

I can’t believe I have been in London for over 2 months. In that time, I have done the prerequisite tourist attractions. Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, London Eye, etc. However, I did most of that within the first two weeks. I am unbelievably fortunate enough that my parents were able to visit me while I …