Class of 2025
Majors | Social Work and Sociology
Emphasis | Criminal Justice
Hometown | Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Off-Campus Study Program
SIT Study Abroad – Refugees, Health, and Humanitarian Action
Amman, Jordan
Hello all! My name is Emma Raybould and I am a junior double majoring in Sociology with an emphasis in criminal justice and Social Work. I grew up in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and am so excited to share my journey as I study in Amman, Jordan with SIT’s Refugees, Health, and Humanitarian action program.
At Hope I have had the pleasure of getting involved in a number of student groups and organizations including SAC and leading through Campus Ministries. In my free time, I love to do anything outside including hiking, swimming at the beach, running, and spending time with family and friends! I am so excited to immerse myself in the culture of Amman and seek to engage in the communities of my host family and my fellow students. I hope to use this semester as an opportunity to learn from experts in Amman about populations I hope to work with in the future as I prepare to enter into the field of social work! I hope that, by following my journey, you are able to get a glimpse into Amman and see some of the beauty alive in the world we share!
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