Braving the Baltics 

Everyone told me when I decided to study abroad that it would be amazing — I would develop new skills, learn more about myself, and cultivate a more global perspective. Now facing the end of my semester, I can confidently say that all those things came to fruition, though not in the way I anticipated. …

So Long, Dublin: An open letter to a city that will always be home

Dear Dublin, I’ve been back in the States for a week and a half. Back in my comfortable life where I spend most of my time at home, petting my dogs and generally doing nothing. Back to being a daughter living with her parents. It’s a strange feeling after living months of complete freedom and …

Where Did The Time Go: My Final Week in Dublin

My last week in Dublin began like any other with the cry of seagulls, the tolling of bells, and the brilliant sun streaming through my window. Nothing had changed except for the sinking feeling in my stomach, the feeling reminding me that time was running out, that I would be getting on a plane in …

Another Kind of Holland: Amsterdam and Keukenhof Gardens

Visiting Amsterdam and the Tulip Fields has been on my bucket list for years. Before I left home, my dad asked me where I would choose to travel outside of Ireland and I told him London, Edinburgh, and Amsterdam. Honestly, I’m still in shock writing this. I never imagined that my dreams really could come …

A Weekend in Warsaw 

With the turning of the seasons, I decided it was finally warm enough to adventure into other areas of Eastern Europe and embarked on an independent travel trip to Warsaw, Poland over holy weekend (I’m a little behind in blogging). Aside from the gorgeous 76-degree weather and sunshine, Warsaw offered me a glimpse into deep …

A Solo Day in St Andrews, Scotland

If you know much about me, you’ll know that I have long held a fascination with St Andrews, Scotland, and have been desperate to visit since 2020 during my freshman year of high school. I am fully aware that this is a strange fixation but here me out. I was bit by the travel bug …

In Love with Hairy Coos: Edinburgh and the Highlands

I spent the past weekend in Scotland, a trip I had been looking forward to since I booked travel back in January. One thing’s for sure–I will miss cheap Ryanair flights when I am back home. I spent the weekend with one of my roommates, Kalysta, exploring as much of Scotland as possible. Get ready …

A Trip to Sakartvelo!

მოგესალმებით საქართველოდან! Mogesalmebit sakartvelodan! Greetings from Georgia! Welcome to Georgia, a country laden with history, churches, diverse climates, awe-inspiring geography, and the best FOOD. As you might have already guessed, I spent my spring break in Georgia, known to Georgians as Sakartvelo or, more correctly, საქართველო. Starting in Kutaisi, we journeyed across Georgia to the …

A Long Awaited Mystery: The Writers Retreat

If you look up anything about the Dublin Writers Program, you’ll start hearing about the Writers Retreat. You’ll learn that the location is kept secret until you arrive, that it changes from year to year to keep the mystery alive. If you’re curious, keep reading and you’ll find out where I ended up. 🙂 Before …

The Art of Being Alone: A Solo Date to Malahide Beach

They say studying abroad changes you, makes you more independent, teaches you about yourself, and broadens your perspective on the world. All of these things are true, yes, but they are also abstract. Nothing prepares you for what you will see, what you will do, what you will take away.  If I’m being honest, I …