Country Havens to Hidden Homes

The places I once called Rome’s havens are now mine too. This morning on the way to class I stopped in with my guy friend at my favorite sweet little Sicilian-style bakery to get an overpriced fluffy cornetto on the walk to our last final (and truthfully treated myself to two cornetti instead of one). …

Coffee Culture in Italy

Although very popular in the States, coffee is entirely different in Italy. Forget flavored lattes (unless you want a cup of milk), frappucinos, and iced coffees, and dive into Italian coffee’s simplicity. Disclaimer: there are places in Milan where you can get an iced coffee (12oz coffee). A typical morning coffee order would consist of …

My Daily Italian Breakfast

I have attended my classes for about the entire semester, so I have fully adapted to the Italian breakfast lifestyle. Breakfast in Milan looks different than my typical breakfast in America. Every Monday and Wednesday, I have class at 9:00 am, and with the commute being so early, I typically don’t get a coffee or …

Pick Your People

Happy Friday! After the full week of travel during Reflective week, it has been refreshing to be back in Liverpool this week! To echo the words of another friend studying abroad, I hadn’t realized how much Liverpool had started to feel like home until I returned from Italy. On Sunday, I left the city center …

Four Countries, One Week

Hello from Ireland, Wales, and Italy, although by the time this is published, I’ll be back in England! At Liverpool Hope University (LHU), terms are split into four weeks of class followed by a reflective week. Reflective weeks are weeks without classes intended for students to catch up on work, study, research, or rest. This …

First Field Trip Weekend

Culinary Experience in Bologna My first weekend in Milano began by visiting the FICA center (the worlds largest food park) to take a pizza-making class. Once entering FICA I soon learned why it was the worlds largest food park as there was attractions that looked like food, everywhere!! After walking around FICA our group landed …

My First Week in Milano

Pizza, shopping, and more pizza After flying for nearly ten hours I found myself heading to my beautiful Residential Living center (it even has a pool) and settling in to my single studio room.The first night of my arrival the staff took us out to a pizza ristorante where I ordered my first authentic Italian …

Semester recap: Rome edition

This morning I finished the first half of my exams and walked away feeling pretty lucky. The important classes are finished, and the tests seem to have gone well. (Of course, we’ll see in 3 to 6 weeks when I get my final grades back.) As of today, I have eight days before I head …

Let’s talk about your profs abroad

Let me summarize this article for you real quick: some professors are awesome and others… Not so much. It’s a fact of life and it’s a given in college. You’ll gel with some, and might lose sleep over others. It’s not rocket science, and it’s not a slight to any of my professors that I’ve …

Exploring London with Flying Dutchmen

My spring break here in Rome was held over Easter weekend, for obvious reasons. Since Rome is a place of pilgrimage for Catholics, it can get pretty crazy over Easter. So, I decided to meet up with my friends Annika, Jack (both studying in London with IES and CIEE respectively), and Grace (studying with IES …