Bittersweet Beauty: Making Friends Abroad

This post has been collecting dust for two months now (WHAT?!) and the consequence of my procrastination is that instead of finishing it on a train or in a hostel on the continent, I’m next to my little sister on the couch at our home in Saugatuck where the evening breeze tosses the song of crickets and the faint rumble of semis on the highway through the screen door. I’m home. 

I’ve been back for almost two months and the word I continually fall back on to describe the feeling is weird. It’s just weird. I could write about the reverse culture shock (why so many choices in the store? Why so big? So loud? Why do I have so much stuff?), how the reality of Dutch bingo in my small hometown is unsettling, how campus feels hollowed out in the summer, how it’s hard to know how to share months of my experiences abroad with family back. Or I could share all the beautiful parts of being home: my Dad’s homemade breakfasts, playing in the yard with my little siblings, reuniting with old friends, riding my horses again, making it home in time for Mother’s Day, Lake Michigan sunsets, so many trips ‘up north.’ But instead, I want to rewind even further, to revisit this draft to take you with me to a small town in northern France with a very special friend I made in Liverpool. 

If you’ve followed any of my posts, you’ll know about Romane. You might know her as my flatmate or my hiking buddy, but she became so much more than that. After our first weekend of orientation at LHU, I felt a little overwhelmed and out of place. I missed the familiarity of my friends from Hope, the easy way that time passed when I was with them, our comfortability with silence, the non-existence of small talk. I had met so many lovely, fun, enthusiastic people in Liverpool, but I started praying for a special friend. The next morning (literally, THE NEXT morning), while making breakfast, I (accidentally) set the toaster on fire, disrupting the delicious breakfast of the sweet French girl who lived down the hall from me. We put out the fire, choked on the smoke, called the security guard, and laughed about it all the way to campus on the bus together. And so began our friendship. Who knew burned toast, ruined appliances, and getting yelled at by a Scouser could be an answer to prayer. 

After my classes ended, I spent a month traveling around Europe, staying in hostels and Airbnbs, enthralled by history, hiking, architecture, food, and people. Yet, the nomadic lifestyle, however thrilling it is, becomes exhausting. I discovered my tolerance for solo hiking isn’t infinite, nor was my desire to spend hours exploring museums and cathedrals alone. So when Romane invited me to visit her and her family in northern France, I leaped at the opportunity.

Hiking in 9 countries was a highlight of Europe!

I didn’t know I’d said yes to what I look back on as one of my favorite memories from Europe. Romane greeted me at the bus station in Lille after I’d spent 19 hours with no sleep on an overnight bus across France. She escorted me back to the apartment where she and her sister live when attending university in Lille. Romane and her parents led me on a tour of Lille, showing me the university, the park, several charming shops, and the market called La Vieille Bourse. My dad, who very last minute booked a flight to spend a few days traveling with me, flew into Paris that same morning and took a train to Lille to meet up with all of us. We almost bumped into him downtown! Romane was an excellent translator in the flurry of introductions, hugs, and questions that filled the afternoon and evening.

Among the sometimes awkward and humorous communication attempts between my dad, myself, and Romane’s parents, our time together was full of laughter. When I look back on the days we spent together, they are marked by an overarching joy.

Romane led us on a tour of her charming hometown of Gravelines, just 15 miles from Dunkirk. We saw lovely gardens, the expansive beach, and the old city walls! Her family provided home-cooked meals (and the traditional pre-meal snack and after-meal dessert) and insisted we eat it all as was the “French way” according to Romane. And WOW. Their food was amazing!! My favorite treat was something they bought at a shop in Lille, called Le Mereilleux, which literally translates as “the marvelous.” I don’t know how to describe or explain it except that it exceeded any expectations and is, quite possibly, the most delicious thing I tried in Europe.

One of my favorite moments was when Romane, knowing my love for horses, surprised me by bringing us to the equestrian center in their town. Another highlight was going to the French side of the English Channel where we walked along the clifftops of Le Cap Blanc Nez, gazed across the sparkling channel, splashed in the waves, and visited the seaside town of Wissant. Romane and I, who both have a budding interest in photography, passed an evening downloading and editing our travel photos together.

We spent our last day together in Bruges, Belgium, thanks to the generous driving of Romane’s dad. It was a gloomy, grey day, but the delicate spring flowers, quaint brick buildings, rows of chocolate shops, charming canals, and the clatter of horse-drawn carriages made it feel like a fairytale town.

My dad and I still marvel at the generosity of Romane and her family: an authentic, warm, sacrificial kindness. They literally offered their bedroom to a stranger (my dad) and gave up their time to devote several days entirely to the comfort of our visit. This generosity marked their actions to the very last moment: they not only helped carry our luggage to the station in Bruges but waited with us until our train to Brussels arrived. Saying goodbye to Romane was one of the hardest goodbyes I’ve had to make. Her friendship has been a deep and beautiful blessing to me.

We text almost daily, send letters and postcards, and DM each other travel reels, daydreaming of our someday trip to Scotland together. I also text her anything I can think of that would convince her West Michigan is worth the $$$ flight to come visit (we have Tulip Time! We could basically be Europe! And the Peanut Store could be Le Mereilleux! And we have the beach too!)

Romane, if you’re reading this, July is a fantastic time to visit Michigan. My hometown may not have ancient city walls like yours, but the meadows are laden with a rainbow of midsummer flowers and the wild blackberries are ripening along the edge of the forest. The golden beaches are wonderfully deserted at 7am (assuming you’re still an early riser) and the sapphire, non-salty waters of Lake Michigan have hit 70 degrees (Fahrenheit that is). My family’s doors are always open, and I’ll be ready to welcome you with some blueberry crisp and homemade ice cream (almost as good as Le Mereilleux).

A letter to IES Santiago Spring 2023, Thank you.

As my time in Santiago reached its end, I found myself very sentimental. 

Upon going to Chile, I had a lot of doubts and questions for myself. I wasn’t sure how I was going to make friends when naturally I am more of an introvert who only has a handful of very close friends. But going to South America all alone meant that I had to put in the extra work to meet new people and form those new connections. 

I decided and made sure that I actively participated in conversations and activities, regardless of my fear of being socially awkward or anxious, so that I could continue building the relationships that I so desired. The response that I received from the Spring 2023 participants blew my mind. I was surprised to be surrounded by people who were so genuine, kind, caring and loving. It was so easy to talk to everyone and relate to many things, especially the different emotions that came with studying abroad. 

I have been thinking about what exactly I want to say, but it is so hard to put all my emotions into words. I just feel so thankful, blessed, lucky, loved, joyful, and have been able to form a new family. Despite the distances and different stages of life that we are all on, I know the magic that our group has and will forever be present in my life.

Here, I would like to take some time to thank all of the friends I made in Santiago, Chile who have made my experience less intimidating and extremely fulfilling. 

Amelie, Beaujena, David, Eliana, Gicel, Hollie, Isaac, James, Lydia, Maggie, Malcolm, Marlen, Michaela, Sam Boehm, Sam Waller, Sarahi, Shragvi, Sidney, Tania, Uni, Victoria, and Xan. Thank you. Thank you for being there without asking for anything in return. I hope that you all know that I am always in your corner! I deeply appreciate each and every one of you. 

Thank you Fran, Benja, and Felipe for being the best Chilean friends, including us, and going above and beyond for the IES students. 

Thank you Maricarmen, Angela, and Caroline for helping with anything study abroad related but also for inviting us with open arms into your own lives. 

Thank you to all these people mentioned that supported me from a distance when I returned to the US in May for graduation. With some being present for the watch party at Livinnx, others watching the live stream wherever they found themselves, my host family tuning in as well, the surprise dinner celebration, and the surprise donuts on behalf of the IES staff!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart. 

With love, 


To Hope Students

If you have the opportunity to study abroad, go for it! If you are thinking about it, stop by Martha Miller and talk to the peer advisors. Listen to their story, see their emotions, and ask questions. It might be something scary and filled with emotions, but taking the risk might surprise you and will take you on a journey you least expected. You are supported at Hope and abroad as well! 

My journey has now come to an end. Thank you for taking the time to read my blogs and it was an honor to have been a blogger. Thank you Hope College. Thank you IES Abroad. Gracias Chile.

Discovering Marilyn.

Spring 2023 participants: students and professors

What can I expect from studying abroad? 

Expect the unexpected. Go with an open mind. Have a goal or two to accomplish. Be willing to change your perspective and be surprised. 

I knew that studying abroad, I would participate in a program that was well-suited for me, but I never imagined the impact it would have. I was able to grow academically and learn so much about Chile. I grew a passion for public health and learned more about the disparities that may exist within the medical field. I was able to obtain new skills but also grow the skills that I already had. With this, I was able to accomplish one goal that I had for studying abroad and for the health studies program, which was gaining a global perspective on the health field. Since I only knew about the US’s health system, I wanted to be able to immerse myself in a different culture and be able to compare their health system to that of the US. With this, I would be able to better understand patients and be more personable with them. 

Being in a different country and culture allowed for me to learn more about understanding people and being genuine in the relationships that I built. Allowing myself to learn about a different culture than my own, I was able to gain a new perspective and take from the biopsychosocial approach that Chile uses within their healthcare system and implement it into how I would like to approach my own patients. This experience has made me also grow professionally and gain a better insight into what my future could look like. 

However, what has impacted me the most is the personal growth that I have been able to experience from my time in Chile. Even though I was still a student, the stress that came with academics was not as present as it was during my time at Hope. It’s something about the environment that allows you to constantly be learning and enjoy what you are experiencing. I loved the whole process and the journey had a lot of ups and downs but that made me grow into the person I am now. The Marilyn that boarded the flight felt alone, anxious, and nervous. 

Alone because I didn’t know anyone going to South America for a study abroad program. 

Anxious because it was an entirely new country and I was going to be away for a long time. 

Nervous because I had decided to miss my last semester at Hope and hoped that this experience would compensate for what I was missing. 

These feelings quickly diminished once I met the Spring 2023 students during the first week of orientation. I realized that I was going to be okay and that the experience would 100% be worth my time away. I received a pleasant surprise from the people that were a part of this program and I was able to learn so much from each and every one of them. I was able to feel loved, encouraged, accepted, extreme happiness, and comfortable with vulnerability. 

I was surrounded by the kindest, loving, caring, and genuine people, from the IES staff, to the professors, to the students. 

IES Santiago Spring 2023 is the reason why Marilyn began a journey she didn’t even realize she needed. I hold each person very near and dear to my heart and I will forever be grateful to have crossed with these special people.

The Activity That Lives Rent Free in My Memories

Images of street art seen during walks in the city:

What are some things to do while abroad? Would I get bored or will I see it all quickly? 

You will definitely not get bored or see it all quickly. You will have a lot to explore and will find many things to do during your time abroad! When I was researching Chile, I started to create a list of things that I wanted to look into or do while I was there. For example, during our Easter break, I traveled with a few friends to La Serena where I got to go on a whale-watching tour. Watching whales was a dream come true, as whales are my favorite animal. When I arrived in Santiago, I also started receiving recommendations of things to visit. I was able to visit some of the museums on my bucket list through field trips in my classes.

My favorite thing to do in Santiago was walking around and seeing all the street art. I always have enjoyed going on walks, and I knew that was something that I also wanted to do during my time in Santiago. I came to quickly learn that Santiago has a lot of history and to me, the streets told that story. It was always very interesting to me how the art was not covered up – it emerged to speak and showcase what Chileans were feeling during those times. It was also very fascinating to be able to understand the perspective and have background knowledge about the setting. This is an example of what I loved about studying abroad: the fact that I was able to learn about the history of Chile in the classroom and also on my daily walks around the city. 

Exploring surrounding neighborhoods and the city itself allowed me to constantly be active, and there’s just something about being in a new and unique environment that keeps you wanting to learn and see more and more. I never found myself to be bored, and every day saw something new. For me going on walks has been an activity of self-care, and having that opportunity while also stopping to read or see the different street art was a plus in my study abroad experience. It reminded me to take it all in, allow myself to take a mental break whenever I needed one and take care of myself, no matter where I was. 

I really enjoyed having my own favorite activity that I normally do in the States and implementing that to a daily activity in Santiago because it allowed me to explore where I was, live in the moment, immerse myself, expand my knowledge/understanding, and have that mental refresher. If you currently have a favorite activity, you will be able to fall back on that enjoyment and get to have a new memory and experience with that activity, which makes it even more rewarding than it was and always have a connection or tie to your study abroad experience!

Involvement and Immersion with the Local Community!

Marilyn and 4 students from Club Chileno on a trip to Cerro San Cristobal
Benjamin from Club Chileno with IES Spring students at the IES Center.
Marilyn and Felipe from Club Chileno after a visit to an educational center on Health!

What are ways to be immersed in the local community? Can you be involved? 

The answer to both questions is yes for my study abroad program. Right off the bat, the Spring 2023 students were introduced to “Club Chileno” during our orientation. Club Chileno were local university students who would plan activities, accompany us during class field trips, and were involved in different orientation activities/trips. This was a great opportunity to be able to get to know Chileans around our age and practice hearing Chilean slang. I was able to make really good friends from Club Chileno and create a support system with them as well. 

Personally, having Club Chileno was very helpful because I wasn’t really involved with any organizations/clubs from the partner university, but I was still able to be immersed. If I ever had any questions, needed resources, or with the adjustment process, Club Chileno was always my go-to people. Thankfully, I was able to become really good friends with them and learn from them a lot about Chile.

Even though I didn’t take classes on campus, I still had an opportunity to be involved. Since clinical observations technically counted as a class, I was still allowed to actively participate on the university’s campuses.

For IES Santiago, there was also a possibility of having an internship placement. This placement allowed you to also form a part of the community and immerse yourself in different areas. Students from my program participated in these different internship placements and others found ways to also be involved – whether it be joining the soccer team, the hip-hop dance team, any organization of interest, or any sports. 

If you are looking to be involved and immerse yourself while abroad, there will be plenty of opportunities to do so. Take advantage of anything that you’re interested in and try it in a new environment! Expand your horizons!!

An insight into the Health Studies Program!

Missing two students but the participants of the IES Health Program on our first day!
A silly picture!!

So what is the health studies program? 

As I’ve mentioned many times, I studied abroad with IES, specifically participating in their health studies program. I knew that if I got the chance to study abroad, then it would be somewhere in South America. I also wanted to go on a program that felt unique and special to me. I had heard about the health studies program since my freshman year, so I decided to research it once it came time for me to apply to an off campus program. 

Since I was on the PreMed track at Hope, I realized that this program was perfect for me. It checked many things off of the list that I had created to decide on a location to travel to for a semester. This program was in a country in South America, it allowed me to learn a different culture/dialect than what I know about Ecuadorian culture, and the most intriguing part – it offered clinical observations. 

If you are someone interested in public health or in a pre-health profession, then this program should be on your radar. Every week, I was able to partake in a clinical observation. Clinical observations can be compared to job shadowing different doctors, units, and hospitals/clinics. As part of the program, you take two classes in Spanish which go hand-in-hand to help you learn about the Chilean health system and support your learning so that you are prepared for clinical observations. I was able to learn about the Chilean health system but also be immersed in it, which allowed me to fulfill my goal of obtaining a global perspective in terms of public health. 

The knowledge that I have been able to obtain from the courses and clinical observations allowed for me to get job shadowing experience, have a professional experience in a medical setting, an insight into disparities within healthcare systems, and medical Spanish that will be helpful now and in the future!

Being a student abroad

Museum field trip with my Social and Political Role of the Arts class
Inside the Palacio de La Moneda, field trip for my Spanish class!
Picture of Campus Casa Central PUC (partner university with IES)

So what are classes like abroad? What is the difference to the classrooms at Hope? How will I be able to manage everything that may come with studying abroad while also being a student? 

To those who are thinking about studying abroad or preparing for their study abroad program, don’t worry – you can do it! The experience I have had with classes in Chile has been the best I could’ve asked for while in a completely different country and curriculum that I was used to. First off, I was able to have many Zoom meetings with the academic director for IES Santiago before I left the States, as well as a Zoom interview with the Spanish classes coordinator so that my Spanish level got assessed. All the questions I had, especially with making sure that classes/credits transferred over, were always answered within these Zoom meetings. This helped relieve the stress I had about choosing classes and making sure that everything was all set even before I left for the program. Within the second week of orientation and being in Chile, the academic director, Angela, required each student to meet with her so that we can all sit down with her and talk about all things academics in order to smoothen out the process of registration for those taking local university classes. Since I did not need to take local university classes, due to my clinical observations counting for credits, my registration process was very smooth-sailing. 

I was able to choose from the IES courses that were offered for the Spring semester, which made a lot of my academic decisions pretty easy. I was able to take classes that I normally would not take at Hope and got to really enjoy what I was learning. At Hope, I was used to either only taking classes to fulfill a Spanish requirement, a chemistry requirement, or a pre-med requirement. For my semester abroad, I was able to take a history course and an art course in addition to the required Spanish course and the classes needed for the health studies program. What I was most excited about were the history and art courses I was taking because the curriculum seemed very intriguing. There was the classroom setting, but there were also scheduled field trips built into the course. The opportunity to learn outside of the classroom and put into perspective everything that I was learning helped me to dive into the culture and really immerse myself to understand Chile. 

It is important to note the key role that professors played in my learning experience. They have really left an impact on me with all their wisdom, passion, understanding, charisma, and kindness. Honestly, the relationship that I was able to have with my professors at IES Santiago reminded me of the relationship that I was able to have with my professors at Hope. Since the classroom sizes were pretty small, we were able to build a tighter relationship between classmates and professors, which is what I really loved about the small classroom sizes at Hope. I really do appreciate the small size similarities with Hope because I was able to have a sense of belonging and familiarity that helped to be a student in a different country and with a different grading system/curriculum. 

What this whole experience made me realize was that, in a way, being a student at Hope prepared me to get adjusted and know how to be a student anywhere I go! I am more than positive that anywhere you decide to go, you are well equipped and prepared to go beyond the classroom to acquire life-changing skills.

Homestay decision led to a new family

Image with host mom and host brother’s dog!

When planning out my study abroad experience, the one question I would constantly be stuck on was, “Should I live with a homestay family or live in the apartment option that IES Santiago offered?” For some background context, at Hope residential life was a huge part of my experience and time while I was there. I was a resident assistant in Scott Hall for my sophomore and junior year, and then I was a neighborhood coordinator for the fall semester before leaving for Chile. Being a part of res life was the highlight of my Hope experience and all that I received from being an RA and NC was extremely impactful in my personal growth. I enjoyed everything that came from being a part of res life. The team I got to have, the people I got to connect with, the residents I had, and the bonds I was able to build with them even after their time in Scott. I really enjoyed planning and attending events, but the best part was having a tightly knit community that I was able to feel not only during my freshman year when I lived in Scott, but the three full years that I got to experience within that building. Because of the unique experience I had living in Scott for most of my college journey, living in an apartment complex with college-aged students in Chile sounded really tempting. I would be able to be surrounded by people my age who could be going through the same emotions and experiences as myself. The apartment complex housed international students from different programs but also had a mix of Chilean students. It seemed like the perfect option for me, especially because it was what I was used to. But isn’t the whole study abroad experience about immersing yourself and living with a host family? 

See, when I was researching Chile and its customs/traditions, I came across something that was interesting but not surprising for me, especially since I’m Hispanic as well. Typically in Chile, college-aged students do not move out of their homes and live on their university campus. They tend to still live with their parents while they are still studying and continue to live with their parents for a long time. Moving out and living on campus is more of a common experience for the US than it is for countries in South America. They have a more traditional ideology, something I also encountered with a few family members when I decided to leave Chicago and move to Michigan. However, I was so used to having lived independently since 2019, when I moved to Hope. Since I was also involved with summer research, every summer I would still live on campus and the time that I would spend living at home with my family was very minimal. Deciding to live with a host family again was something that I really had to think about because I did want to immerse myself in the culture. I already spoke Spanish so it wasn’t that it would better my speaking abilities, but it would teach me more about Chileans and give me a support system that I might need when going through the emotions/culture shock that I could experience while being abroad. 

Finally, I ended up living with a host family, or host mom. When I arrived to her house, we were able to sit down and get to know each other but we also were able to talk about expectations for both of us. She was such a sweet person and very welcoming but something that was important for her was communication, which I totally understood. However, this was something that I really struggled with at first. I wasn’t used to texting someone to let them know I was heading out of the house, when I arrived at my class, whether or not I needed lunch, when I got home, and what my plans were in between other things. It was definitely a learning curve but something that my host mom and I were able to meet in the middle and understand each other. 

There were many moments that were a learning curve throughout my homestay experience. One impactful learning moment occurred at the beginning of my study abroad. Upon having hours and hours of conversations with my host mom, I realized all the stereotypes and inaccurate impressions that many Chileans had of “Americans” and of the US. My host mom would refer to a lot of things that she had seen in movies that portrayed the US in a way that was not the same as what I personally experienced in the US. It was interesting to hear all her points of view and talk to her about my personal experiences living in the US. These were all fruitful conversations that I am really thankful for. They gave me a new perspective and pushed me into having conversations that might be a bit uncomfortable but allowed for a learning experience for both my host mom and me. I realized that the homestay experience was definitely what I needed and made my experience in Chile way better because of the conversations, new communication skills, the support system and actually having a genuine Chilean family!

Ma’a Salama

I was walking down a slope and thinking to myself: How

do the narrators disagree over what light said about a stone?

Is it from a dimly lit stone that wars flare up?

Darwish, Mahmoud. “In Jerusalem.” Translated by Fady Joudah, The Butterfly’s Burden, Copper Canyon Press, 2008.

Ma’a salama is a way of saying goodbye in Arabic. It literally means “with peace.” As my time in Jordan draws to a close, I would like to end with peace.

It’s no secret that the Levant region has seen a lot of conflict. I am writing this on the May 15th, which is the 75th anniversary of the Nakba, or catastrophe: the day when the state of Israel declared independence and hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were violently expelled from their homeland. Seventy-five years later, the conflict is ongoing, and no end to the violence is in sight.

Living in Jordan, the Palestinian issue is impossible to avoid. A majority of Jordan’s population is of Palestinian descent, and the West Bank is just a few hours away. I looked over the border into Palestine and Israel several times this semester. What made this especially unsettling was that the border often coincided with sites of religious significance: at the Jordan River, where Jesus was baptized; in Um Quais, where Jesus cast demons into a herd of pigs and we could see into Syria, Israel, and the West Bank; at the Red Sea, which God parted for the children of Israel.

At the beginning of the semester, before our first excursion to the Jordan River baptism site, I read the story of Elijah and Elisha in 2 Kings. It talks about Elisha parting the water of the Jordan River:

He took the cloak that had fallen from Elijah and struck the water with it. “Where now is the LORD, the God of Elijah?” he asked. When he struck the water, it divided to the right and to the left, and he crossed over.

2 Kings 2:14, New International Version

“Where now is the God of Elijah?” I’ve found myself asking this question a lot this semester. The land on the East and West banks of the Jordan River is revered in the three Abrahamic religions. Is God still present in this land, thousands of years after the events of the Torah, the Bible, and the Quran? God parted the water of the Jordan River for Elisha; will God respond when the water of the Jordan dries up? When water becomes yet another casualty of the Arab-Israeli conflict? Does God still care about injustice and fight on behalf of the oppressed?

Jordan River

I’m not leaving Jordan with any answers, just a deep love and respect for this little country bearing the brunt of so much conflict.

And last but not least, Salaam.

Darwish, Mahmoud. “To a Young Poet.” Translated by Fady Joudah, Poetry, March 2010.

Coffee Culture in Italy

Although very popular in the States, coffee is entirely different in Italy. Forget flavored lattes (unless you want a cup of milk), frappucinos, and iced coffees, and dive into Italian coffee’s simplicity.

Disclaimer: there are places in Milan where you can get an iced coffee (12oz coffee).

A typical morning coffee order would consist of a single shot of espresso, sometimes served with some cream in a small cup. A caffe can be consumed almost all hours as a pick-me-up to keep the day’s energy going. My institution professor once mentioned that she believes it’s typical for someone to drink four to five shots of espresso daily, which was crazy to me. Another specific coffee order would be a cappuccino. This espresso with heavy-frothed milk is only consumed during breakfast as it is deemed strange to finish it after! Those are the most popular coffee orders, but a few honorable mentions would be caffe macchiato, americano, and affogato (this is coffee with ice cream!). The coffee in Milan typically isn’t sweet, but you always have the option to add a few sugars.

After coming to Milan, I fell in love with just a simple caffe, which I would never think to order back home. The flavor of coffee here is very strong and something I often could not go a day without. My favorite place to get coffee in Milan is called Caffe Napoli. This cafe is inspired by authentic coffee from Naples and is the best coffee I have ever had in my entire life. I typically get a single espresso here, which is surprisingly sweet and served with a small glass of water. Here they also have a multitude of delicious cafes, all with different designs and flavors. If you are ever in Italy or can try Caffe Napoli, you will not regret it!

(Also, the specific Cafe Napoli I go to is off Cadorna Station in Milano. It is across from a delicious cannoli place called Ammu, so you can always stop and get a tasty snack with your coffee!)