Politics, Goats, and Tea

“Why, for instance, is the ‘wilderness experience’ so often conceived as a form of recreation best enjoyed by those whose class privileges give them the time and resources to leave their jobs behind and ‘get away from it all’? Why does the protection of wilderness so often seen to pit urban recreationists against rural people …

Coffee Culture in Italy

Although very popular in the States, coffee is entirely different in Italy. Forget flavored lattes (unless you want a cup of milk), frappucinos, and iced coffees, and dive into Italian coffee’s simplicity. Disclaimer: there are places in Milan where you can get an iced coffee (12oz coffee). A typical morning coffee order would consist of …

My Daily Italian Breakfast

I have attended my classes for about the entire semester, so I have fully adapted to the Italian breakfast lifestyle. Breakfast in Milan looks different than my typical breakfast in America. Every Monday and Wednesday, I have class at 9:00 am, and with the commute being so early, I typically don’t get a coffee or …

Cats, Hummus, and One Month Left

I have just about a month left in Jordan, and return has been on my mind a lot lately. I’m looking forward to going home, seeing my family, and catching up with my friends. But I’m also already missing so many aspects of Jordan that I won’t get to experience in the states. Here’s a …

Hello Again

Hello. It has been a little while. Let’s catch up. Here is a quick little update. I roasted my first pan of vegetables, and I really enjoyed it. I then roasted my second pan and liked them a little less. I traveled to Ireland to meet up with some amazing friends. Then traveled to Zürich …

A Day at The Zoo

Since coming back from being up North, I have had some time to rest before preparing to head off to Kyoto, Nara, and Osaka for a couple of days (a jam-packed couple of days!). However, that doesn’t mean I have been without some soft adventures. I recently went to the zoo with a friend. Despite …

Fun Things for Spring Break!

Quote of the Week: “With ordinary talent and extraordinary perseverance, all things are attainable.” – Thomas Fowell Buxton This week was technically spring break. Although I did not get the entire week off, it has been one of the most fun, adventure-filled weeks here! From watching the sunrise and hiking to going skiing again, it …

Trip to Pulau Ubin

Hi all! It is past midterms and I have so many stories to tell about my time here in Singapore! I will start with one of the first trips we took! On the 4th day in Singapore, we had a trip to an island off of Singapore called Pulau Ubin. We had a tour guide …

The Beauty of Denver

Quote of the week: “A little progress everyday soon adds up to a big difference.” – Unknown. This past weekend the Denver Urban Semester did a retreat to an Airbnb in Palmer Lake. It was a time for everyone to relax and spend time together in a new space. Which, by the way, was gorgeous. …

Living with a Host Family

!مرحبا (marhaba—hi!) I’ve been in Amman for almost a month now: wow, is time moving fast! (If only my Arabic skills were moving at the same rate—learning vocabulary is taking me forever.) My amazing host family has played a huge role in making my experience so far such a positive one. Their hospitality and kindness …