Are You Alive?

Hello Hope College y Queridos Lectores, Yes, I am alive. Sorry I haven’t gotten back to pretty much all of you, especially those close who have been awaiting updates from me. Undoubtedly, it has been a tumultuous and invigorating last 5 weeks since my arrival in late February. I arrived with doubts, fear, and much …

A Double Holiday

Today, March 25, is a double holiday for the Greeks; Greek Independence Day, as well as the feast day of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary are celebrated on this day. Greece began to become independent from the Ottoman Turks in 1829. The exact date of the liberation was not March 25, but since …

Getting Involved

I’ve written a lot about my travels away from Salamanca on the weekends, but having a home base in this city is very important for my experience. We were told when we arrived that we have to be careful if we were planning on traveling every weekend because we are here to immerse ourselves specifically …

Packing for a Semester Abroad

Here are a few items that I have found to be very important (but often overlooked) when traveling abroad. Plug adapters for every country you plan to visit Small power adapters allow United States-style plugs to fit into different outlets. You can invest in fancy adapters or find them on Amazon. This is something you’ll …

Un día típica

I’ve had four weeks of classes so I’ve had time to establish a routine for school week. Although each day usually brings something new and unexpected, I have a general routine, so here’s a snapshot of a day in my life in Salamanca. I wake up around 8:00am to get ready for the day and …

A Typical Weekday

I cannot believe I’ve been in Paris for over a month; the time has flown by and there is still so much to see. This post is long overdue thanks to cold and flu season. Thankfully I got by with lots of hot tea and Ricola cough drops, and my cold is finally gone. Since …

The Week of Heavy Things

If you have been following this blog faithfully (hi mom!) you are probably hoping to see stunning panoramics of the Acropolis by now; I regret to inform you the Acropolis was closed by the time my group got there, so those photos will have to wait for another day. Instead of a panoramic photograph, allow …

Studying Abroad (Emphasis on Study)

Studying abroad is an incredible opportunity to meet new people, see new places, and learn new things about how the world works. It’s also still a semester of college classes. This week was my first week of classes and it was similar to any other first week of school. Each of my classes loosely followed …

A weekend trip to…the dentist?

Yia sas, readers! As the weekend quickly approaches I thought it is necessary to put down a few words about the happenings of last weekend and the first week of classes before they become eclipsed by the upcoming weekend escapades. As the title of this blog already revealed, I spent Friday afternoon in a dentist …

A Day in the Life

I have lived in Quito for about a month now and it is pretty crazy to think about how fast everything has happened. Time is such a strange concept while studying abroad. While I feel like I just said goodbye to Holland, I also feel like I have adjusted to life here and that this Ecuadorian …