A Weekend in Warsaw 

With the turning of the seasons, I decided it was finally warm enough to adventure into other areas of Eastern Europe and embarked on an independent travel trip to Warsaw, Poland over holy weekend (I’m a little behind in blogging). Aside from the gorgeous 76-degree weather and sunshine, Warsaw offered me a glimpse into deep …

Farewell Krakow!

Hello friends! Welcome to my last study abroad blog post. Can you believe it? This last week was definitely full. On Sunday, I spent the day with my parents in Old Town on their last full day in Poland. We went to English Mass at St. Giles in Old Town, and enjoyed shopping and exploring …

My time in France!

Hello friends! It’s been a little bit since my last post because life has been busy! Let me share what I’ve been up to… Sunday, April 24, was Divine Mercy Sunday, and oh my goodness, it was such a gift to be able to celebrate it here in Krakow. If you don’t know, the devotion …

Easter Week in Krakow

Oh my goodness, guys, Easter here in Krakow is absolutely amazing. Most of Holy Saturday we spent preparing for Easter meals and celebrations the next few days, so it was a bit of a busy day leading up to the Easter Vigil Mass that evening. We went over early to the sanctuary to get seats …

Holy Week in Krakow

What a beautiful Holy Week it has been! Palm Sunday in Krakow was unlike any I’ve seen in the US. We began with a gathering outside where the bishop blessed everyone’s palms, followed by a procession into the church to represent Christ’s triumphant entrance into Jerusalem. The Mass at the shrine was beautiful as usual, …

Snowy Warsaw

Warsaw was so beautiful! We headed off late Friday morning after community Mass in the chapel. It was about a four-hour drive, so there were lots of naps, music, and chit-chat along the way. We arrived at a museum about Cardinal Stefan Wzinski and John Paul II. Cardinal Wyszynski was a father figure to John …

Christ in the City

Hello everyone! Thanks for coming back! This was the first full week after Italy, and this weekend we leave for a pilgrimage to Warsaw! Life has certainly slowed its pace after the fast pace of the streets of Rome. We didn’t have any class this Monday, so we all were able to sleep in on …

The beauty of Assisi

Ciao everyone! Let’s continue the journey through Italy… Sunday was largely a travel day since we were moving to Assisi for the rest of the pilgrimage. We first had Mass as a group in a chapel that was St. Bridget’s cell originally. After Mass we got on the bus. The town of Orvieto was on …

My time in Rome!

Dzien Dobry everyone! We’re back for another blog on life in Krakow! Jumping back a little to March 14th, it was another week of classes! I had Theology of the Body followed by Mass at the Dominican church as usual. Later that night we had another community night with adoration and confession followed by dinner …

Skiing with JP2

Hello everyone! It’s been a little while. Last weekend I was on retreat again, so I wasn’t able to write a blog post. (Disclaimer: none of my pictures are cooperating to be uploaded for this post, I’m so sorry! Hopefully I’ll have this problem fixed soon for the next post!) Here’s a little update on …