Everyone told me when I decided to study abroad that it would be amazing — I would develop new skills, learn more about myself, and cultivate a more global perspective. Now facing the end of my semester, I can confidently say that all those things came to fruition, though not in the way I anticipated. …
Tag Archives: Lithuania
A Weekend in Warsaw
With the turning of the seasons, I decided it was finally warm enough to adventure into other areas of Eastern Europe and embarked on an independent travel trip to Warsaw, Poland over holy weekend (I’m a little behind in blogging). Aside from the gorgeous 76-degree weather and sunshine, Warsaw offered me a glimpse into deep …
A Trip to Sakartvelo!
მოგესალმებით საქართველოდან! Mogesalmebit sakartvelodan! Greetings from Georgia! Welcome to Georgia, a country laden with history, churches, diverse climates, awe-inspiring geography, and the best FOOD. As you might have already guessed, I spent my spring break in Georgia, known to Georgians as Sakartvelo or, more correctly, საქართველო. Starting in Kutaisi, we journeyed across Georgia to the …
Enjoying the Marathon
Philip McGraw once said, “Life’s a marathon, not a sprint.” It’s been just over five weeks since I arrived in Vilnius and had my first taste of Lithuania. The initial week was a whirlwind of orientation, acclimation, and establishing a new routine. Subsequent weeks have seen increasing sunlight and warmth, along with a settled weekly …
Labas, Lietuva!
The Adventure Begins! Exploring the Baltic Captial My first thought when I stepped out of the airport in Vilnius, Lithuania, was, “It’s cold.” Indeed, no amount of internet research and mental pep talks could have sufficiently prepared me for the frigid weather that greeted me. After the shock of the weather had left my system, …
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