Conquering grocery shopping abroad

Something I never realized I was privileged to love is abundant, humongous American grocery stores. Oh, the glory of a Target! (Glory I have never basked in.) The joys of getting everything you need––ground beef, foot scrub, those smiley face fries from elementary school, and a puffer jacket––all in one place!  All of that American …

Adjustment and Grace

It has now been three weeks since I moved to Chicago, and overall it has been an amazing experience. I am finally used to riding the trains, and feel comfortable getting to and from my internship as well as my classes. One of the things that I have struggled with the most these past few …

Vienna Waited For Me

Travel Day After two long years of waiting, I am finally leaving for Vienna in less than two hours. Can you feel the anxious energy seeping through the text? I checked my bags in at exactly the weight limit – not an ounce over and not an ounce under. From there, I said goodbye to …

True or False: Does it rain in Ireland everyday?

A little over 10 days have passed since I came to Ireland and here are three things I need to admit :  1. I have NOT been caught in the rain 2. I have spent SO MUCH money already 3. My steps have been trending higher everyday ever since I got here 1. I have …

An Unforgettable Birthday Dinner

I don’t know about you But I’m feeling 22 -Taylor Swift, 22 On January 23, 2022, I turned 22. Turning 18 and 20 was nerve wracking because these numbers signified the beginning of adulthood in the US and Japan, respectively; and turning 21 was thrilling because it meant that I had finally reached the legal …

This One is for the Coffee Enthusiasts!

Turns out there’s a whole lot of biology behind that latte… While my program track is Evolution, Ecology and Conservation, I’m in a climate change class for the next three weeks from the Sustainability track in my study abroad program. Monday through Thursday, we have 3 hr. long lectures at the Galapagos Science Center. On …

Weekend #1!

One word for the weekend: wow. I really did not have any high expectations or plans for the weekend except to finally catch up on sleep, and that is the opposite of what happened. On Friday afternoon I was riding the subway home from Target when I met a guy who claimed he worked for …

The Irish Pub

On the second night in Dublin, Ireland, I went to an authentic Irish pub for the first time. My only exposure to an Irish pub was the Curragh (if you’re a Hope student, you know what I’m talking about), and I was thrilled to experience the true Irish pub. The name of the pub that …

The First Few Days

I have now been in Chicago for a few days, and it has definitely been quite an experience. Moving in definitely had its ups and downs, but in the end I am very happy with the room that we got as it is easily one of the bigger ones that we have seen (and that …

A Winter Wonderland & Other Final Moments

I spent my last week in Freiburg hiking, studying, and enjoying final special moments with friends. One hike I went on was in Triberg, to see one of the highest waterfalls in Germany. The town was dusted in snow and surrounded by snow-capped hills and pine trees. The waterfall is about a twenty-minute walk from …