Au revoir aux États-Unis

“There’s only so much preparation you can do for a chapter of unknowns”.  A friend reminded me of this subtle, yet powerful, phrase the other day. Her wisdom came shortly after I explained the lingering, paradoxical feelings of nerves and excitement that have grown as the number of days that I have left in the …

A glimpse into ethical tourism in Jordan

Are study abroad students tourists in the country in which they study? I have been asking myself this question for the last four months, and I am still not sure of the answer. However, I do know that as temporary visitors (okay, so maybe we are tourists) we have the responsibility to leave the country …

The Land of Seven Moles, Giant Balls of Cheese, and Grasshoppers?

There is no better way to explore Oaxaca than through your stomach. When people think of Mexican food/drink, they think of 10-peso taco stands, rice and beans, and of course, tequila. However, Oaxaca has so much more to offer, it is the gastronomic hub of Mexico after all. Think mole to memelas, chapulines and mezcal, …

The Promised Land

Earlier this week we had the opportunity to visit Mount Nebo (the land of Moab, now Jordan), where God showed Moses the Promised Land. This is also where Moses was said to have died. The view from the top of Mount Nebo is spectacular. From it, you can see the Dead Sea (far left), Jerusalem …

Facts about Jordan you wouldn’t read in a guidebook

As I prepared for my time in Jordan I did a LOT of research about what culture, food, and life in Amman was going to be like. A lot of the information I found was helpful, but there are some things that guide books just don’t tell you! I have been a long time lover …

World’s Biggest Game of Frogger

Did anyone else love the computer game Frogger growing up? The adrenaline rushing through your fingers as tiny timed movements determined the fate of a little digitized frog? One incorrect press of the arrow keys and beep! beep! the little frog is smooshed beneath a tire. Thinking about it makes me rather nostalgic. Well, that …

Summaq, sitting rooms, and shisha

As I prepared for my time in Jordan, one of my biggest concerns was what my host experience would be like. So many students cite living with their host families as the most rewarding part of their study abroad experience, whereas some have horror stories that would knock your socks off. SIT tends to keep …

Hey look Ma, I made it!

I had my moment (*queues Rebecca Black*). To be exact, that moment when you’re learning a new language and everything just seems to click. Two months in Mexico and a lightbulb just went off. Don’t get me wrong, I am by no means fluent, I just feel confident and comfortable that I can communicate what …

A Change of Pace

Just like that, my classes are done! In the blink of an eye, ten weeks flew by and I am stepping into the next phase of my program: research! A unique part of all SIT programs is the transformation of the final month of studying abroad into an opportunity for students to participate in either …

24 hours in my shoes

One of the best ways to get to know a place is to walk around in it–to get your own shoes dirty and get lost in a new city. While you may not be able to visit Amman yourself, today I thought I’d let you walk in my shoes for 24 hours and see a …