New Adventures in Oaxaca!

Bienvenidos! It’s been a minute since my last blog post – these past few weeks have been crazy. Amidst classwork, excursions, and exploring Oaxaca, I haven’t found much time to breathe! My program consists of nine weeks of classes, followed by a short break, and then a month of an internship or an ISP (independent …

I’m in Oaxaca!

Bienvenidos! I have officially been abroad for four weeks through SIT’s Migration, Borders, and Transnational Communities program! While the first week of our program started in Tucson, Arizona, I have officially been in Oaxaca, Mexico for three weeks now, and I’m excited to begin sharing insights into my life abroad through the Off-Campus Study Blog! …

The Land of Seven Moles, Giant Balls of Cheese, and Grasshoppers?

There is no better way to explore Oaxaca than through your stomach. When people think of Mexican food/drink, they think of 10-peso taco stands, rice and beans, and of course, tequila. However, Oaxaca has so much more to offer, it is the gastronomic hub of Mexico after all. Think mole to memelas, chapulines and mezcal, …

World’s Biggest Game of Frogger

Did anyone else love the computer game Frogger growing up? The adrenaline rushing through your fingers as tiny timed movements determined the fate of a little digitized frog? One incorrect press of the arrow keys and beep! beep! the little frog is smooshed beneath a tire. Thinking about it makes me rather nostalgic. Well, that …

Hey look Ma, I made it!

I had my moment (*queues Rebecca Black*). To be exact, that moment when you’re learning a new language and everything just seems to click. Two months in Mexico and a lightbulb just went off. Don’t get me wrong, I am by no means fluent, I just feel confident and comfortable that I can communicate what …

A Change of Pace

Just like that, my classes are done! In the blink of an eye, ten weeks flew by and I am stepping into the next phase of my program: research! A unique part of all SIT programs is the transformation of the final month of studying abroad into an opportunity for students to participate in either …

Let’s Build an Ofrenda!

One by one, we place the cempasúchils, mezcal, fruit, and more that serve as offerings and guides to los difuntos (loved ones that have passed). Alongside my host mom, we complete the final steps of lighting the candles and burning copal and the ofrenda is complete! El Día de Los Muertos is a special season …

La Flor del Muerto

All around me papel picado waves in the sky, cempasúchils (aka marigolds) line the streets, and pan de muertos occupy the shelves of every panadería. Spooky season: Mexico style (better known as Day of the Dead) has officially commenced. Take all of your ideas from past Spanish classes or Disney’s Coco and throw them out …

Over + Under

Teotitlan del Valle. With a name like that, one would expect an archaeological masterpiece or something. For that very reason, I was quite underwhelmed when, after a bumpy 40-minute ride, the bus pulled up to a rather insignificant-looking building. Boy was I wrong. I walked in the door and immediately my eyes fixated on the …

The Heart of Oaxaca

Did you know that Oaxaca is the state in Mexico with the highest indigenous population? In fact, there are 16 officially recognized groups. However, the reality is there are so many subgroups, the “true” number is unknown, but their presence is undeniable. This grand diversity of cultures and people groups explains the more than 70 …