Living with a Host Parent

One of the best components of my study abroad program was living with a host parent. I am super blessed to have had the opportunity to meet and live with my host mom. She is energetic, personable, and extremely kind. She was interested in me and my life, and she even opened up her home …

Putting the “study” in “study abroad”

At Hope, I have a few places on campus that I have designated as top-study locations.  If you know me, or have routinely seen an over-stuffed blue and maroon backpack in the same places, you would know that my favorite study spots are: the Bultman Student Center, Phelps Dining Hall, Ferris Coffee, and, of course, …

Foreign Travel and Study Abroad: What’s the catch?

Switzerland is conveniently located in the center of Europe, allowing access to a multitude of sub-regions within the European continent….and I may or may not have taken advantage of this characteristic already. Let’s recap:  Where I have traveled to, since the beginning of the semester? Bern, Switzerland Munich, Germany Paris, France Brussels, Belgium Grindelwald, Switzerland …

Post-Finals Activity: Commencing the Independent Study Project

(Bonus, my go-to study tunes are included below!) Alas, my final exams are finished!  But, what does that mean for the rest of the semester? If you think that the answer is that I have four free weeks to hang out with Swiss cows (though, I wish I could)… it’s actually quite the opposite.  While …

Sabbath Solo Trip to Grindelwald

As I have mentioned in some of my other posts, I enjoy taking solo trips. Inspired by my successful outing to the Musée d’Orsay in Paris, I decided to take the Sabbath to rest and recuperate (from the full week of classes and an academic trip that were now behind me).  But what did this …

A Weekend in Paris

Friday: Friday was my first fully-free day in Paris. During the summer of 2021, I participated in an immersive French program in Vermont, where I fully carried out day-to-day interactions in French and developed deep friendships with other students. One of my friends from that program is currently living and teaching in Paris… so of …

What was Seine and done in Paris: SIT Study Trip (Part 2)

Day 4: On Wednesday, my cohort hopped on the train and made the short – yet beautiful – journey from Brussels to Paris. At this point, I hadn’t been to Paris (well…outside of a 4-hour stop on a cruise when I was 6).  But needless to say, I was excited to spend some time in …

Bruxelles, je t’aime: SIT Study Trip (Part 1)

This past week, my cohort went to Paris and Brussels as a part of a formal study trip. Here are some of the highlights from Brussels! Day 1: Sunday On Sunday, my cohort made the 6-hour train journey from Geneva to Brussels (with a brief stop in Paris along the way). One of the advantages …

Mes études à Genève

My study abroad program is focused on International Studies and Multilateral Diplomacy– but what does this entail? What am I learning about? What classes am I taking? What language am I taking classes in?  Let’s take a look at my schedule! Classes: International Relations and Multilateral Diplomacy: In this course, we learn more about the …

“Fall”ing in Love with a New Routine

Fall is my favorite season– it always has been, and, most likely, always will be. Most of it I can attribute to growing up on the east coast, where crisp, mountain air, maple leaf lattes, listening to Carole King and The Lumineers during a morning walk, and nature’s brilliant colors work to create a cozy, …