Post-Finals Activity: Commencing the Independent Study Project

(Bonus, my go-to study tunes are included below!) Alas, my final exams are finished!  But, what does that mean for the rest of the semester? If you think that the answer is that I have four free weeks to hang out with Swiss cows (though, I wish I could)… it’s actually quite the opposite.  While …

Mes études à Genève

My study abroad program is focused on International Studies and Multilateral Diplomacy– but what does this entail? What am I learning about? What classes am I taking? What language am I taking classes in?  Let’s take a look at my schedule! Classes: International Relations and Multilateral Diplomacy: In this course, we learn more about the …

Academics: Making Study Abroad Work for You!

The process of finding a program that meshes well with your academic needs can seem overwhelming. I often hear people say, “I’m interested in study abroad, but I have too many course requirements”, or, “I just don’t have space in my schedule.” I’m living proof that it can happen! I’m a Global Studies, Philosophy, and …