Varying Landscapes of Peru

Peru is a varied and diverse place, whether you’re talking in terms of cultures and linguistics diversity, biodiversity, or the landscapes themselves. To set the mood with a story, I’ll begin with a bit of food (as is my habit)… To the left, you will notice something green and slimy on the tip of my …

Starting off Right

Hi again! Life in Japan post number TWO. Here we go! As I mentioned in my previous post, my first few days in Japan were wonderful. Let me go into further detail about that here! I arrived in Japan on March 25th in the late afternoon. My flight was 13 hours long and I had …

¿Eres francés? and other ironies

Well then! Here’s my food for the post, known colloquially in Quechua as lawa wallpa chaki, and in English as the exquisite Chicken foot soup. Okay, so I told a white lie. Rather than soup, it was perhaps more akin to couscous, which my host family served to me cooked with the foot of a chicken to give …

Going bananas; a little experience starting the ISP

While perhaps I haven’t been the best at posting regularly, that will certainly change! Here’s some background information: SIT Abroad has a policy to include a course called “ISP,” or the Independent Study Project of the semester. The ISP follows introductory coursework meant to prepare the students for a topic of their choice, mine being …

First Impressions

Yes, yes, yes, I am alive and in Japan!!! Sorry if it seems like I’ve been M.I.A. lately! My first few days here were absolutely wonderful, and as much as I wanted to share my thoughts about the beginning of my journey, I  really wanted to just soak everything up by myself first. I didn’t …

The Waiting Game—Pre-Departure in All its Glory

Hello, everyone! So…in case anyone hasn’t noticed already…I haven’t posted anything on this blog until now. This is because I am not abroad yet, actually! Some students studying abroad have semesters on a similar schedule to Hope College, but in Japan, the spring semester is from April to July. This means I’ve had about a …


Touchdown! As in… on an airplane in Cuzco! The past few weeks have been filled with travel, climbing hills, picking some fruit here and there, and meeting lots of new people. A week and a half ago my study abroad program officially started in Lima, Peru, and for the past several days I have been taking …

Reverse Culture Shock

It isn’t that I didn’t really believe that I wouldn’t be surprised by some of the things I encountered in the US after my term abroad, but I was slightly skeptical of calling it a form of “culture shock.” However, after being in the US now for a full week I would agree that I …

Lost in Paradise or Paradise Lost?

As my semester has come to an end, I am able to look back on these past three months and see how much I have learned and see all the fantastic experiences I have had. It is impossible to sum up a whole semester of experiences in one blog post, and therefore, I will not even …