My time in Rome!

Dzien Dobry everyone! We’re back for another blog on life in Krakow! Jumping back a little to March 14th, it was another week of classes! I had Theology of the Body followed by Mass at the Dominican church as usual. Later that night we had another community night with adoration and confession followed by dinner …

Don’t Sink: Visiting Saint-Malo and Mont-Saint-Michel

Though France is beginning to blossom and warm, on Saturday morning I wrapped my fuzzy pastel scarf securely around my neck in preparation for the cooler coastal winds of Saint-Malo and Mont-Saint-Michel. For the third IES field trip of the semester, we headed back to Brittany, the northwestern region of France known for its cider, …

Practice the Pause

Now that I’ve wrapped up midterms, I’m noticing some changes within myself and my worldviews. Of course, like any other semester, this first half has not been entirely sunshine and rainbows. However, the moments in which I’ve paused, reflected, and appreciated the world around me have provoked such rewarding feelings that any challenges are outweighed. …

Welcome to Venice

An early morning on Saturday last weekend consisted of empty buses and train station cappuccinos. My LA native housemate Vahna and I had a 9:30 train to catch, and we were determined to do so in a calm and collected manner. (Like women of class, okay? No more running through Roma Termini for us! Those …

The Sound of Salzburg

Cue The Sound of Music soundtrack: I ventured to Salzburg for a day trip this weekend. No, I did not take the famous Julie Andrews picture, sorry to disappoint. However, I walked through some of the filming locations. I also toured a fortress in the mountains and ate some delicious food. A Few of My …

Quick chat about money

(Please go to YouTube and watch the “Money, Money, Money” scene from the hit 2008 film “Mamma Mia!” and then return to this tab and read the article. Trust me, it’ll get you in the right headspace.) The most common thing I hear between abroad friends and Hope friends that are abroad is: “I’m worried …

Essentially Nantes

Today I was struck with an idea. There are so many small tools that I’ve discovered during my time in France that I wouldn’t have heard of had a friend or family member not recommended them. So, I am here to be that friend to the future generation of students, specifically those heading to Nantes. …

Why do you travel?

During reading week, which is basically a spring break with an emphasis on self-studying, I found myself eating a baguette every day and saying merci beaucoup. Can anyone guess where I was? Yes, I was in France! France was one destination I was determined to get to as soon as I decided to study abroad …

Skiing with JP2

Hello everyone! It’s been a little while. Last weekend I was on retreat again, so I wasn’t able to write a blog post. (Disclaimer: none of my pictures are cooperating to be uploaded for this post, I’m so sorry! Hopefully I’ll have this problem fixed soon for the next post!) Here’s a little update on …

Tips for Weekend Travel

I remember reading off-campus student blogs from years prior who shared how easy it is to travel on the weekends. They would sit in a café on a Monday and plan where in the world they’d like to visit on that upcoming weekend. True, I’ve found myself doing the same thing— enjoying a chai while …