I love dreadlocks!                I wanted to lock my hair since I went natural four years ago. So when I arrived in South Africa and saw all the people with dreadlocks I figured why not get locks in Durban. Therefore on Saturday November 14, 2015 I woke up at …

5 Reasons to Study Abroad

All semester I’ve been thinking to myself, “Why doesn’t everyone study abroad?! It’s probably the greatest thing ever!” So, I thought I’d make a list of 5 reasons why I think you should study abroad, or at the very least, travel. 1. Culture Culture is probably one of my favorite parts about traveling! I love …

A Peek into the Marine-rich Life of Kaikoura

I have thoroughly enjoyed and learned so much from all of my classes thus far.  From Sustainable Community Development to Environmental Literature to God and Nature, I have gained so much insight on what it means to be a good steward of Creation Care. Being a biology major and animal-lover, though, Marine Ecology was right …

Living in discomfort

Wanna hear an irony everyone? The more I am in Durban the more I understand white Americans discomfort in entering other cultural spaces. On Monday, October 27th, I went to a Black Consciousness talk about Black Consciousness and democracy. I didn’t really know what to expect, so when the host introduced the first speaker Chumani …

Learning to be present…

When I arrived in Johannesburg almost two months ago, my academic director kept reiterating the idea of being present in South Africa for the time that we are here. He began to explain that South Africa is not as Wi-Fi connected as the US therefore; my peers and I should try to adjust to our …


Not much in a way of pictorial evidence for this one, friends.  My apologies. I ate too quickly. As Caldwell says, I regret nothing. So I visited a tiny Chinese restaurant in the middle of Syntagma Square, Athens. Tucked away to the left of the hipsterville Ermou Street, was a little pan-Asian enclave of sushi …

Doing Life Together

I’ve loved sharing with you all the adventures I’ve been having away from The Old Convent, but really, my favorite part about life in New Zealand is often the things that happen in my day-to-day life here. What separates CCSP from other study abroad programs is the concept of ‘doing life together’ that it embodies. …

Split Apples, Tramping, Dolphins, and Sunsets – Another Week Living Life Kiwi

To celebrate the completion of our first course, two girls and I decided to take a road trip to Abel Tasman National Park.  Rental car (aka The Jellybean) packed, leftovers for food, and no road map, we were in for an adventure.  We eventually arrived after a wrong turn or two…or five, but nonetheless we …

Chile in Tunisia?

Sitting in class on Wednesday morning I was surprised to hear the name Pinochet mentioned. Pinochet was the dictator of Chile from 1973 until  1988 and was one of the most oppressive dictators in South America, but how does this relate to Tunisia? Apparently Ben Ali was given the nickname “Pinochet on the Mediterranean.” After …

Common Courtesy

Once again I resurface like a beluga from beneath the arctic circle, and almost as graceful. Athens has treated me well. The Greeks are, in truth, a remarkably kind and courteous people. Among the elderly there is the slightest suspicion of foreigners, but among the vast majority of folk on the street, I’ve been treated …