Highlights of my time in Ecuador

Hola amigos, sadly my time in Ecuador has come to an end. However, for those of you who may be thinking about studying abroad (or just visiting Ecuador), I’ve compiled a list of highlights of my time abroad. If you visit Ecuador, some of these places should be on your list too! Amazonía – Tena & …

Auf Wiedersehen, Berlin.

The time has come to bid Berlin farewell. This semester has been full of highs and lows, but everything worked out in the end. I traveled around Germany, France, Italy, Poland, Ireland, the UK and Greece. I had the opportunity to intern with an international business and meet some amazing people who are going to …

These are a Few of my Favorite Things

Wow, my semester in Berlin is coming to an end. Its hard to believe that it has been 5 months! As my final days are approaching I’ve been reminiscing of the things I’ll miss most about Berlin. Here are several of them. : ) Mustafas Oh my goodness. I am going to miss Mustafas every …

Varying Landscapes of Peru

Peru is a varied and diverse place, whether you’re talking in terms of cultures and linguistics diversity, biodiversity, or the landscapes themselves. To set the mood with a story, I’ll begin with a bit of food (as is my habit)… To the left, you will notice something green and slimy on the tip of my …

What I’ve Learned Through Study-Abroad

¡Hola amigos! With just a few more weeks left in this beautiful country, I’ve spent a lot of time reflecting on things I’ve learned, my growth, and how I’ve changed since arriving. While it’s difficult to name all of the ways I’ve changed (I’m sure to discover changes once I return to Holland), I’m going …

Running for Refugees

Running is one of my favorite past times. I make it a point to run every time I am in a new place. Not only is running a great way to get to know a city, but it also helps me relax when I am dealing with stressful situations. Study abroad can often be stressful. …

Summer Adventures

It’s hard to believe I only have one week left in Belgrade. This semester has flown by, what with the independent study month, multiple excursions and travel weekends. But my adventures are not over yet. After the program ends I will be traveling around the Balkans, spending time in Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria for a …

¿Eres francés? and other ironies

Well then! Here’s my food for the post, known colloquially in Quechua as lawa wallpa chaki, and in English as the exquisite Chicken foot soup. Okay, so I told a white lie. Rather than soup, it was perhaps more akin to couscous, which my host family served to me cooked with the foot of a chicken to give …

First Impressions

Yes, yes, yes, I am alive and in Japan!!! Sorry if it seems like I’ve been M.I.A. lately! My first few days here were absolutely wonderful, and as much as I wanted to share my thoughts about the beginning of my journey, I  really wanted to just soak everything up by myself first. I didn’t …