Ancient Ruins, a Turkish Bath and Some Sheep

On Friday we had an excursion to ancient Carthage, which is basically in my backyard. We rode the TGM on the way and we even passed some of the ruins. Our first stop in Carthage was to visit some of the Phoenician ruins. According to legend, Carthage was founded by Didi in 814 B.C. Carthage …

Chile in Tunisia?

Sitting in class on Wednesday morning I was surprised to hear the name Pinochet mentioned. Pinochet was the dictator of Chile from 1973 until  1988 and was one of the most oppressive dictators in South America, but how does this relate to Tunisia? Apparently Ben Ali was given the nickname “Pinochet on the Mediterranean.” After …

Getting over homesickness & Some touristy moments

Sawubona (hello or I see you in Zulu) Friends and Family, Hope all is well in the US of A. So it’s week 3 here in Durban, can you believe it?! I know I can’t, sometimes I feel like I just got here and sometimes like I’ve been here for 6 months. But anyway let’s …


“You are studying in a giant political science lab.” That’s what my academic director said to us a few nights ago as we were sitting down eating dinner. Tunisia underwent a revolution in 2011 to become a democracy. Changes are happening all over the country, but change is also slow and democracy takes time. Throughout …

Ground Rules/ Blog 1

Disclaimer: I’m no longer in Johannesburg (aka Jo-burg or Jozi) but this is my first ‘official’ blog. Hello everyone and greeting from Johannesburg, So this is my first of many blogs from the wonderful country that is South Africa. And I want to set some ground rules for understanding and appreciating all that will be …

Living in Delhi

I have noticed recently that all of my blogs have to do with traveling outside of Delhi. Although that does consist of over half of my program, I should probably also talk about what happens when I am in Delhi. Long story short, when in Delhi, I do a lot of homework, meaning I don’t …

León Dormido

I’ve always wanted to learn how to SCUBA dive and when I made it to San Cristobal I figured…when in the Galápagos, right?! And let me tell you, learning to SCUBA dive was one of the best decisions I’ve made while studying abroad, allowing me to enter even further into the underwater realm. Besides being …

Los Lobos (aka Sea Lion Paradise)

We made it to the Galápagos Island of San Cristóbal (also known as Sea Lion capital of the world)! I’m still having a tough time comprehending that I have been abroad for a little over one month. We left Quito a week days ago and taking a plane from the city of Quito to Guayaquil and …

We are all fools

First day of school is finally finished.  I can’t believe everything I have learned in the matter of 24 hours.  After meeting all the Irish students some of my classes will be integrated with I couldn’t be happier.  I felt an overwhelming amount of welcome and warmth from everyone.  Our first day we went straight …

Packing Up

I take a quick break from studying and packing to write one final time from my new home in Spain. This is it! The bag is almost packed and the number of days left is withering. This week has already been such a whirlwind of emotions and thoughts and I don’t even hop on the …