Hopeful Faith

College is a busy time. You are constantly running to class, work, events, extracurriculars, etc. So when is there time for your faith? You can find the time, it just takes a little intentionality. I grew up in a very Christian household and when I came to college I wanted to deepen my own personal …

Keeping up with the Coursework

Academics and coursework at Hope College can be overwhelming at times. So much to do and so little time. There can be many doubts: am I going to have enough time? Are my professors going to be helpful? Is there help that I can get? Let me reassure you; you will be okay. Hope College …

Adjusting to Holland

I can’t wrap my head around the idea that Holland feels small to some people. To me, as someone who grew up in a small Upper Peninsula town, it feels almost limitless. It has so much that my hometown doesn’t have, such as a freeway (seriously, there are no freeways in the Upper Peninsula). This …

Springtime in Holland

Springtime in Holland is like no other.  Don’t get me wrong, I love coming back to school in the fall, and the first snow is absolutely magical.  Still, there’s just something about the first few warm days on campus that have a special air to them. Here are my top five aspects of springtime in …

Impending Graduation

For some, graduation is coming up fast and can feel very daunting. Four years of your life are ending, and a new chapter is approaching. How terrifying. I know I personally am a little wary of graduating, even though I have been looking forward to it all year. Four months away now. What do I …

Living in Holland

When you move to a town you aren’t accustomed to you might be wondering what there is to do. Well, have no fear! As someone who was living in Holland before attending Hope I am here to offer some ideas. Downtown This one is obvious. Since Hope is located right next to Downtown Holland you …

Maintaining Faith

Your schedule is busy, you’re running late to class, your homework isn’t done and you forgot to print something off for class. Your friends tried encouraging you to go to chapel, but you have no time. Even the idea of church on Sunday is exhausting. Devotions take too much time from homework. Praying takes time …

Life in Holland: Christmas Edition!

Holland at Christmas time is like no other. Life is full of joy and celebration whether you’re walking downtown, visiting your favorite coffee shop, or attending a Christmas performance in Dimnent Chapel. There’s plenty of ways to get into the Christmas spirit here, but I want to talk about my top five aspects of life …

Life in Holland: My Top 5

This summer, I jumped at any chance to drive the hour and ten minutes to Holland from my hometown. I love Holland.  I love the drive to get here, blasting Taylor Swift with the windows down. I love the glistening lake, the picturesque downtown, and of course the campus nestled nearby. Here are five of …

My Best Advice to an Incoming Freshman from a Hope College Senior

From a Hope College Senior writing to an incoming Freshman, this is my best advice for you:  Fight the urge to compare yourself to other freshmen. Every upperclassman I know can recall a moment when they called their mom on the phone and said or felt some version of, “It just feels like everyone else …