Perks of Living Near Downtown Holland

I didn’t choose Hope exclusively because of its downtown atmosphere, but having a campus so closely integrated into the beautiful Holland community has been a huge perk of my college experience. This summer, I’m continuing to live and work on campus. Watching one of my favorite cities bloom and buzz in the summer heat has …

Why Hope College?

With the end of the school year and as a rising senior, I find myself reflecting on my time at Hope College so far. With close friends graduating, I find myself pondering how soon that will be me. As I transition into preparing for the next semester, I wonder what makes Hope the place that …

Student Life at Hope!

My expectations about college life were shaped by what I saw on the tv show Gilmore Girls… Rory consistently spent her free time back at home in Stars Hollow. Before college, friends warned me that small schools are often “suitcase schools,” where every student packs up and goes home over the weekend. Since I wasn’t …

Transformed by Hope

At Hope, you’ll often hear about how being here has changed people’s lives. While it’s become a bit of a cliche at this point, that’s because it’s true. You would be hard-pressed to find someone here who hasn’t experienced the aptly named Hope difference, and I am no exception. Here are just a few of …

DR 2024: My Experience on an Immersion Trip

Immersion trips are one of my favorite opportunities at Hope. Students can sign up with Campus Ministries and travel on weeklong trips over spring break where they are able to be immersed in a new culture, have their worldviews expanded, serve in new ways, and build community with one another. In my freshman year, I …

“Hope”ful Living

Spring is in the air, birds are singing, the sun is shining, and there are scattered showers. Along with this beautiful weather there are so many exciting ways to “live it up” at Hope. Whether you are an incoming freshman or a graduating senior, you want to enjoy your college experience. Here at Hope, you …

Keeping up with the Coursework

Academics and coursework at Hope College can be overwhelming at times. So much to do and so little time. There can be many doubts: am I going to have enough time? Are my professors going to be helpful? Is there help that I can get? Let me reassure you; you will be okay. Hope College …

A School Day in the Life at Hope College

Every day at Hope looks different for me, but I try to maintain a semblance of routine and productivity throughout. Let’s walk through what my day last Thursday looked like– a combination of class, work, social time, homework, and self care. 9:00 AM-11:00 AM My morning starts every day at about 8:30 or 9:30, but …

Springtime in Holland

Springtime in Holland is like no other.  Don’t get me wrong, I love coming back to school in the fall, and the first snow is absolutely magical.  Still, there’s just something about the first few warm days on campus that have a special air to them. Here are my top five aspects of springtime in …

Navigating the journey of living away from home

With the seemingly dark, dreary, and cold days of ‘swinter’ (spring + winter) amid this point in the semester when days feel longer, mid-winter break is over, and the heap of homework, projects, and exams seemingly competes in height with that of Mount Rushmore, feelings of homesickness inevitably creep in. Especially as a first-year student, …