Hopeful Faith

College is a busy time. You are constantly running to class, work, events, extracurriculars, etc. So when is there time for your faith? You can find the time, it just takes a little intentionality. I grew up in a very Christian household and when I came to college I wanted to deepen my own personal …

Impending Graduation

For some, graduation is coming up fast and can feel very daunting. Four years of your life are ending, and a new chapter is approaching. How terrifying. I know I personally am a little wary of graduating, even though I have been looking forward to it all year. Four months away now. What do I …

How Ghana Changed my Life

Let me take you tell you why studying abroad in Ghana has been nothing short of the best trip I have taken. Buckle up, because this journey is about to unfold into a tapestry of vibrant cultures, delectable cuisines and life-altering realizations. Embracing the Culture: A Lesson in Rich Traditions From the moment I set …

Visiting Hope College

I toured Hope in August 2021, right before I started my senior year of high school.  I had been on plenty of college tours before, and kept visiting schools after my trip to Hope.  Still, this certain visit stood out in my mind through my college decision process.  In fact, the nature of my visit …

Living in Holland

When you move to a town you aren’t accustomed to you might be wondering what there is to do. Well, have no fear! As someone who was living in Holland before attending Hope I am here to offer some ideas. Downtown This one is obvious. Since Hope is located right next to Downtown Holland you …

Visiting Campus

When it came down to deciding what college to go to, I found visiting campus to be essential. It allowed me to truly imagine being a student here. There are many ways to visit campus, and Hope makes it easy to find a time that works for you.  The two most popular ways to visit …

Can Students Balance a Job?

Well? Can they? Or more specifically; can you, as a student, balance work and school? Yes. You can. It may seem overwhelming. Coming to college and not knowing a lot of people, you are already balancing a lot of stressors. How are you supposed to confidently balance a job? Know Yourself The overall answer here …

The Great Cloud of Witnesses: Campus Ministries at Hope

Campus Ministries is one of my favorite places on Hope’s campus.  It perches on a hill near the edge of the Pine Grove.  In just the past year, it has held memories of early morning study sessions, nights reading by the fire, and days on the porch playing card games with friends.  Memories of meeting …

My Best Advice to an Incoming Freshman from a Hope College Senior

From a Hope College Senior writing to an incoming Freshman, this is my best advice for you:  Fight the urge to compare yourself to other freshmen. Every upperclassman I know can recall a moment when they called their mom on the phone and said or felt some version of, “It just feels like everyone else …

The Reality of Campus Visits

I love Anchor Days–the sea of visiting students who can’t quite figure out the least awkward way to hold their bright orange folders and the parents buzzing with excitement, pride, and nostalgia, all while simultaneously feeling directionally challenged and overstimulated. I love visit days, not just because of the extra energy at chapel or the …