Finding My Way Through New Worlds

Almost three years ago, I was preparing for a journey that would change my life in ways I couldn’t yet comprehend. At 17, fresh out of my junior year in high school, I was preparing to leave Afghanistan for the United States. I didn’t even know where my new school was located, nor what life …

Transformed by Hope

At Hope, you’ll often hear about how being here has changed people’s lives. While it’s become a bit of a cliche at this point, that’s because it’s true. You would be hard-pressed to find someone here who hasn’t experienced the aptly named Hope difference, and I am no exception. Here are just a few of …

Impending Graduation

For some, graduation is coming up fast and can feel very daunting. Four years of your life are ending, and a new chapter is approaching. How terrifying. I know I personally am a little wary of graduating, even though I have been looking forward to it all year. Four months away now. What do I …

Transformed by Hope

Just a few hours ago, I took my last exam and wrapped up my third semester at Hope. Three down, five to go. I’m almost halfway through my time here, which blows my mind! The majority of my college experience still lies ahead but I can confidently say that thus far, I’ve been transformed in …

Experience Life

Senior year creeps up on you faster than you may think. One moment you are moving into your Freshman year dorm and the next you are finishing up your first semester of your last year. Have you experienced everything possible? Have you done everything you could? Where are you going after graduation? Questions like those …

Academics at Hope

The academic structure at Hope allows students to immerse in multiple academic disciplines, engage with an array of people, and stretch their minds in new ways. Here at Hope, I’m double majoring in Communications and Spanish with a minor in Social Witness Ministry.  I’m hoping to work in a nonprofit or ministry setting post grad.  …

Can Students Balance a Job?

Well? Can they? Or more specifically; can you, as a student, balance work and school? Yes. You can. It may seem overwhelming. Coming to college and not knowing a lot of people, you are already balancing a lot of stressors. How are you supposed to confidently balance a job? Know Yourself The overall answer here …

Living the Residential Life

Living away from home can be terrifying. But, living in a building with a bunch of strangers can be worse. That’s what I thought. When I moved into Dykstra Hall back in the Fall of 2020 I was scared. I was going in blind and I was going to be with a cluster of girls …

The Great Cloud of Witnesses: Campus Ministries at Hope

Campus Ministries is one of my favorite places on Hope’s campus.  It perches on a hill near the edge of the Pine Grove.  In just the past year, it has held memories of early morning study sessions, nights reading by the fire, and days on the porch playing card games with friends.  Memories of meeting …

Away From Hope

Has it ever occurred to you that you can earn credits for course requirements off Hope’s campus? Have you heard someone talking about studying abroad? From a first-hand perspective I can tell you to go. Go out. Explore the world studying abroad. Take a month, two months, or if you are zealous, take an entire …