Funny Distractions

Hello everybody! I don’t know about you but this week has been a whirlwind for me. Things are finally picking up academically with exams, readings and papers are all beginning to pile up. It’s only moments before our mid-winter break begins and it couldn’t have come at a better time! Throughout this entire week, I really needed a good laugh and distraction from homework for a little bit, so of course I went on YouTube and browsed. Typically I look up talk shows such as Jimmy Kimmel, Ellen and my favorite…Jimmy Fallon!!! Whenever I’m taking a quick break, his videos always crack me up and put me in a better mood. Therefore, I thought it would be nice if I was to share a few of the videos I watched this week that were absolutely hilarious and extremely clever.

For all of the “Fresh Prince of Bel Air” fans out there, you’ll get a kick out of this one. I was thoroughly impressed with the detail, both lyrically and costume-wise, and thought that went into making this. I love it when comedians put a funny twist on something as well as bringing back great memories of a classic show. Here’s the first video:

Along the same lines as the first video, this one was bringing back the good times from “Saved by the Bell.” It’s funny to see all of the cast members back together and recreating the show that made them famous. Of course Jimmy fit right in and made this reunion so much fun:

Finally, you may or may not have heard of the lip sync battles that Jimmy has with guests on his show, but this one is the absolute best. It includes Will Ferrell, Kevin Hart and a guest appearance. It cracks me up how invested they are in their performances and it shows the fun nature they all have. I can’t imagine how hilarious it would be to be a member of the audience witnessing all of this! Enjoy this piece of pure comedy:

I hope this made you laugh uncontrollably like I did when I first saw it and I also hope it brought a little humor to your day. Nothing feels better than a good hardy laugh to end the week. Enjoy your weekend and stay tuned for next week’s post.

Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter @hopeleslie15.

I Asked Myself Out On a Date, And I Said “Yes.”

There seems to be something romantic about being in a relationship in the winter.

I added the word seems because I’m honestly not really sure, as I’ve never been a part of that experience. But to me, it seems as though it would be lovely.

A couple of days ago I woke up to a world of white and I doodled pictures in my sketchbook of a bunch of random adventures I would take if I was in a relationship (saying that aloud feels a little bit embarrassing.)

I’d go to the beach and take pictures of the frozen waves. I’d drink late-night coffee and walk around downtown Holland to look at the ice sculptures. I’d flip open my Bible to a book that I can’t even pronounce and read a couple passages to try to interpret the message. Then I’d sing along (poorly) with my car radio, park somewhere, and stroll down the beach to watch the sunset fall sweetly beneath the waves.

Then, I realized this includes only the things that I want to do.

…And I already do all of that stuff by myself. My perspective took a 360 degree turnaround.

For me, it wasn’t about having a boy around – it was about the “fun” factor of having someone else ask me to do the stuff I already want to do. For all that I know, my (future) boyfriend might sing well when I turn on the radio. Or he doesn’t like coffee. Or he doesn’t like strolling through the sand and would much rather like walking on the sidewalk. (I at least hope he likes coffee.)

It hit me: it doesn’t take another person for me to do the things I already love to do – I can just do them.

After realizing this, I now take an extra moment to invite myself to go be awesome. To psych up about the fact that I love so many things. I say, “Hey Soph, want to go drink coffee? Want to go study on the second floor of the library?” And each time, I say, “yes.”

Campus at Night
Sometimes you can look back at your own footsteps and realize that you’ve been there for yourself all along– it doesn’t always take two to be successful.

Relationships are about sacrifice, and one day, when I find the right person, I’ll have it figured out. I’ll skip the coffee and go to an ice cream shop for the afternoon if that’s what he wants to do. I’ll walk down a path instead of blazing my own trail. But for now, while I’m single, I’m taking the opportunity to have fun and do the things that I love with the person I know best: me.

Questions? Comments? Want a list of fun things to do when you’re single in college? Tweet at me @hopesophie17. Or, send me an email at

Pretty as a Picture

My parents came to visit me this past weekend and we spent Saturday walking around Holland, eating good food, and enjoying each others company. As the day wore on and the weather reports kept updating, my dad became increasingly concerned about leaving as late as they had originally planned on with the impending snow storm. So, they adjusted their departure time and I pulled myself out of bed at 5:45 on Sunday morning to go see them off. As I walked over to the Haworth Inn where they had stayed I marveled at the beauty of our campus. I was the only one out with about 3 inches of fresh, sparkling snow covering the campus. Since I was already awake I figured I might as well take a stroll around campus with my camera after saying goodbye to my parents.

These are a few of my favorites pictures from Sunday morning.

I love taking pictures of campus because it never ceases to surprise me with just how beautiful the place I go to college is.

I hope you enjoyed the pictures and have a happy Hump day!

If you happen to want more insights to life at Hope through my eyes you can follow me on Twitter (@HopeErin18) and Instagram (@e_delaney333).

Coffeewatch 2K15

This week, Marvin and I have united our powers to find the best coffee in town, just for you. As you might have seen some similar videos on the web, because this “challenge” was held in Holland, Michigan we can assure you that you will not see anything like this. All the caffeine addicts out there; we got you. As someone who is very particular with their coffee (extra hot, skim milk, double shot latte) I can assure you that the results were not biased and were definitely on point.

Enough said about the video; check it out to see who won two upperclassmen’s hearts who basically have more coffee than blood in their veins…

So if you liked that video (we’re sure you found that entertaining at least), you should check out the coffeeshop’s website. Our favorite (personal opinions) Lemonjello’s has so many great options. From teas, to pastries, what else could you want? And to mention that they were recently mentioned in a Buzzed article titled, “24 U.S. Coffee Shops To Visit Before You Die.” If it’s Buzzed mentioned, it’s definitely worth the visit!

The next coffeeshop to visit is JP’s Coffee. There is just so much recognition in Holland’s coffeeshops. They were mentioned as one of America’s top 10 coffeeshops according to the USA Today. So in other words, come to Hope. Not only do we have spectacular academics and community, but we have great coffee affirmed by the great nation of America.

Up next is Alpenrose Restaurant. What a great place. It’s Holland’s personal European style delicatessen and café. Definitely worth the visit with great coffee, pastries, and FOOD! Lastly, we have Hope College’s own coffee from Simpatico Coffee. Simpatico has coffee joints in both Holland and Grand Rapids. They offer a true café-esque atmosphere. Another place to visit!

Make sure you share our video and share this post with you friends. They’ll probably want to come to Hope College afterwards! Thanks for reading and the support!

A Letter to My Past Self

Yesterday I was sitting on the carpet of my room, typing on my laptop, and a thought occurred to me.

“Isn’t it weird how one day, at a particular time, your brain reminds you of something you haven’t thought about in over a year?” I looked up at my friend, who was standing nearby.

“It is pretty bizarre,” she replied. Because at that moment, I remembered the blog I started during my senior year of high school. I typed in the URL and I revisited “high school Sophie.” Each post made me laugh, reminding me of all of the little things that seemed so big at the time.

I wrote for the moment, because I didn’t know where I was going.

So much has changed since then.

College naturally makes me move faster. I’ve entered my major classes, I’m closer to completing course requirements, and I’m counting credit after credit. I hear the constant question, “What do you want to do when you graduate?” and I have a Pinterest board for an apartment I don’t own. I act like I know what I’m doing, and I think I know where I’m going, but in reality, I scarcely know what will happen tomorrow, let alone the rest of today.

Little Sophie, you had it right.

There are so many things to enjoy right where you are. You don’t have to worry about falling in love and finals week of next semester or even what you’re going to wear tomorrow. Start now. Look at what you have right now. There’s no sense in living for Friday and leaving Monday behind. Each day is an opportunity to be a little closer to building the future, because we can’t build the future by starting there. We build it by starting now.

Sometimes [drawing] from past experience is exactly where our future should lead. (I drew this for an assignment in my drawing II class).

We take each grace, and take it day by day, leading us a little closer to the destination.

Questions as you continue your college search? Want to know what I’m up to? Follow me @hopesophie17. Do you have questions, or just want to chat?

Château de Fontainebleau

This weekend was the first of several group trips that my program, CIEE, planned for us. On a bright and early Saturday morning, we got on a bus and headed towards le Château de Fontainebleau, located in the southeastern part of Paris. Driving by and seeing fields upon fields of grass made me smile because it is so different from the actual city of Paris. How I missed seeing nature! 🙂 Fontainebleau is one of the largest châteaux in France and housed many kings from Louis XII to Napoleon III over the span of seven centuries! From a historical perspective, Fontainebleau has lots of it, unlike Versailles. I hate to compare the two, but lots of tourists (like me) will come down to choosing Fontainebleau or Versailles. After visiting both, I still can’t choose which one I like more!


Either way, I always find visiting big old palaces fascinating, especially when it comes to walking through each room. You will never find one room similar to the other because they are all uniquely decorated! My personal favorite out of all the rooms was the Apartment of the Pope/Queen of Mothers. In 1804, Pope Pius VII stayed there because he was going to crown Napoleon I the Emperor of France. However, prior to his stay, the apartment housed Marie de’ Medici, who was the Queen of France alongside her husband Henry IV. I really liked the whole colorful aspect of the room, with its detailed paintings on the walls and the beautiful chandelier in the middle!

You can probably tell why it was my favorite room!
You can probably tell why it was my favorite room! #ilovechandeliers

There was also a chapel inside the château called the Chapel of the Trinity. It was the last part of the palace I saw, and well worth the wait. The chapel was built during the end of the reign of Francis I and finished under Henri II. The main standout of the chapel is the ceiling, which includes the depiction of God’s appearance at Noah’s Ark, the Kings of Judah, as well as the coming of Christ. I would have sat there for hours if I could just to take it all in!

Chapel of the Trinity
Chapel of the Trinity

After leaving Fontainebleau, all of the students in my program ate lunch together at a nearby café and it was delicious! Why try to describe food when you can just include pictures am I right?

du poulet et du riz
gâteau au chocolat
gâteau au chocolat

After lunch, we had some free time to walk around a bit, so some friends and I decided to visit the nearby park that is connected to the Fontainebleau. Despite the cold and rainy weather towards the end of our trip, it was nice being around nature for a little while! I can definitely say that is one thing I miss about Hope right about now 🙂 Well, on second thought, the snow is covering most of campus, but still, you get the idea!

Me trying to be cool in nature and what not

Keep up with my daily life in Paris on Twitter @HopeMarisela16 or send me an email at!

Being a Witness

Personally, I don’t believe in forcing my beliefs on anyone else. We’re all in this world to figure it out for ourselves, through whatever religion or lack of religion that may be. I don’t see harm, however, in letting others see what you’re doing and believing for sake of experience and knowledge.

The last week in Chapel they’ve been talking about being a witness to God, in connecting our words with our actions and going out into the world and living through Christ. I think I’ve always had a hard time with this. Being quiet, it’s hard to even voice where I’d like to go to dinner, much more explain and urge someone to go to church or preach God’s word or the way He’s impacted my life.

In my religion class the other day, my professor brought up a quote that I quite like to think about in times where I don’t feel adequate enough to serve the Lord and be a witness to Him. It’s by Francis of Assisi and it goes like this, “Preach the gospel at all times and when necessary use words.”

This is powerful to me. As I mentioned before, being a witness is about connecting our words with our actions, assuming that we are starting with words, and ending in actions. That being said, perhaps being a witness isn’t dragging all of your friends to church and brining God into conversation with others (though it very well can be). Maybe it’s just as simple as living in kindness and love as He would like us to, as He made us. Showing people through your actions what you stand for, while wearing the name of a Christian, can be profoundly impactful on those who see you do your good deeds.

For me, I think the best thing I can do is bear witness for the great life that I’ve been given through Him. These posts are one way I do that, for slowly and slowly God is changing my life here at Hope. I hope that all of you readers are able to see that, whether you have known me before or not. I would like to think that I’m being a good witness to God and to Hope College through these blogs.

Thank you for reading as I ponder these BIG questions in my life. If you would like to share your experience as a Christian or your experiences in any other religion, feel free to comment.

If you have any questions for me you can contact me at, through Facebook, or my twitter @hopebrooke18! I’d love to answer them!

~ Brooke

Step Up Your Grub Game, Part 1

TGIF, Readers! Am I right?

If you’re like me, you LOVE eating in Phelps! To me, it’s more than just the food, it’s the people you’re with, the big picture windows, and the community that’s formed there. Ok…let’s be real, all those things are great, but the main reason we actually go to Phelps is to eat.

Now, don’t get me wrong, Phelps is great – they always have very diverse food options to fit everyone’s style of eating, and most times, the main line options are pretty amazing, making choosing what to get super simple. But other times, there just isn’t anything that’s going to hit the spot for you that night. That’s what has happened to me the last few times I’ve gone into Phelps, so I figured I’d give you a little list of food options that can get you through almost any meal if the main meals don’t fit your fancy!

  1. Yogurt. Most people don’t know that Phelps has extremely yummy vanilla yogurt by the salad bar closest to the ice cream machines. Mix this with raisins, craisins, walnuts, granola mix, chocolate chips, fresh fruit or even Oreo pieces, and you’ve got a great addition to your meal that’s healthy too! Since I’ve discovered this, I eat it at every meal, no joke.
  2. Mexican Soup. This one involves a main ingredient that has to be served in Phelps in order to make it – Black Bean soup. Once you get the Black Bean soup, you can add all the Mexican toppings you want – sour cream, cheese, and tortilla chip and have a different twist on a regular soup. I love Mexican food, so I’ll definitely be trying this one soon.
  3. Speaking of Mexican food, you can take advantage of the Mexican station as well. I’m not a huge meat lover, so what I do is I ask for a plain tortilla and add all the vegetables they have. This gives me a quality veggie burrito that leaves me wanting more. Honestly though, sometimes I get a second one.
  4. The baked potato bar. Most people don’t know that every day Phelps has baked potatoes to add to your meal. Right next to the soup station, the baked potato bar has butter, sour cream, bacon bits, and anything you could want on a potato. It’s a nice starch addition to any plate.
  5. Fruit Salad. Every day, Phelps has fresh fruit. This gives the perfect opportunity for someone to make a healthy salad and be healthy, while also mixing it up with your food options.

Hopefully these were some helpful eating tips! This was just part one, so stay tuned for the part two where I’ll tell you about more different Phelps options. Have a great weekend, readers, and stay healthy!

Until next time!

Five Suggestions for Weight Loss

I started the title of this post tempted to stick an “easy” in between the words “five” and “step”, but then I realized I would have been typing to deceive, not to inform or encourage. It’s not easy; it’s never been easy. It’s a commitment, one reaffirmed everyday, from the second your feet touch the floor in the morning to the second you fall asleep at night. It is a promise made between the person you are today and the person you can be tomorrow.

1. Start. Just start. Throw yourself into it. Don’t give yourself time for doubt and second-guessing to settle in. But do not be reckless. Get a check-up if you have pre-existing medical conditions. You are, after all, in this to change your life for the better, not put it in danger.

2. Don’t overthink it. Don’t spend every moment of every day thinking about how much weight you might’ve lost the day before or how much you might have gained back after eating a meal. Anxiety drowns out optimism. If you make a bad dietary decision and have a donut you know you shouldn’t have indulged in, A-OK. Commit yourself to getting through the rest of the day; life’s hard enough without burdening yourself with petty regrets. Invest all the energy you might’ve wasted worrying into action on the streets or in the gym; strive to outpace the person who gave in to weakness in the past and race towards the stronger, better you of tomorrow.

3. Don’t make a scene of it. It’s tempting to declare your intentions to the world, to tell everyone you know on and off social media that you’re really going to make the change this year. And there’s really nothing wrong with that. In fact, it seems like a good way to commit yourself to your efforts and have others hold you accountable. But it can also have the unintended effect of making you anxious and even paranoid. Suddenly its feels as though your friends and family are actively judging you, zeroing in on you waistline for any signs of improvement or regression. This could very well not be the case; they might accept you for who you are, thick or fit. But strange things happen when the body is deprived of the caloric intake it has grown accustomed to over the years. The body and mind are placed under a great deal of stress; it becomes all too easy to discourage oneself with thoughts of being judged or scrutinized. I would advise anyone dieting or planning to diet to tell those one knows best; tell those you know will love, support and even encourage you. You’ll need them, because there will be times (and they might be many) where your strength shall fail you, and you will need the support and encouragement of those closest to you.

4. Ease into it. Don’t get overzealous. It’s easy, tempting even, to start that first jog or lift with a pace that will tire you out quickly. Do not burn yourself out on the first day or week; that’s an excellent way to begin doubting yourself. Leave no room for pessimism by starting out at your pace. There’s no race here, no competition. Just you and the body you have invested time and effort towards making comfortable place for yourself. That is the real goal here; to become comfortable with the body you’ll be spending your life in. There’s no yardstick to measure yourself against, no imaginary hierarchy to climb. There is only you, and the standards you have set for yourself.

5. Self-restraint does not equal deprivation. Possibly the biggest fear of anyone contemplating a diet is the thought of having to do without a favorite food. Most people picture bowls of steamed vegetables and tofu when they think “diet”, and then almost immediately think of all their favorite food sitting in a big red circle with a bar drawn across it. The thought of doing without for months and even years is hugely discouraging. Its also hugely unnecessary. No one said stop eating your favorite food all together, even if they are high in saturated fats and sugars. You don’t have to give up donuts, pizzas and fried chicken legs cold turkey (no pun intended). Just eat less of it. Limit the amount of calories you consume. I would advice potential dieters to drink lots of water or fruit juice before every meal; I’ve found it limits the amount of food you are tempted to eat. Go for natural sugars found in fruits. Eat fiber; its an excellent hunger suppressant and gives one a feeling of fullness. You might find you like new and exciting dishes you once considered “strictly vegetarian”. Dont be afraid to broaden your horizons.

And that’s all I have to say about that.

5 Reasons Why You Should Get A Mentor

Over Christmas break, I made a lot of goals. One of those goals was to get a mentor. Through the course of some networking tactics this semester, I was able to get connected with a mentor. Last week, I had the opportunity to meet with him and talk to him for an hour over coffee. It was so good – both the conversation and what could come from this relationship. This one initial meeting reaffirmed to me the importance of having a mentor, especially in college as one is trying to discern and figure a lot out about themselves, what they are doing with their lives, and much more.

Here are 5 solid reasons why you should get a mentor (especially once you become a college student):

1. They will most likely pay for the coffee.

coffee animated GIF

Heck, your mentor may even buy you a second one.

2. They have wisdom.

yoda animated GIF

Your mentor should be older than you and thus have more life experience and ultimately more wisdom.

3. It is healthy for you to talk to someone and to have someone listen.

television animated GIF

It is always good to have a listening ear.

4. Because they are wiser, they can give guidance and advice.

modern family animated GIF

No one said the real world was going to be easy. They can help.

5. Even Lindsey Lohan has a mentor.

lindsay lohan animated GIF

Nuff’ said.

All in all, mentors are great and if you are in college already, get one. If you about to be in college, you should make it your goal. For real though, having a mentor is so good!

For more about me, follow me on twitter @hopejohnluke17 or on Instagram at johnlukehawkins. If you have a question you can email me at Until next time!