Netflix and Knitting

Studying abroad is a blast and a half. You’re in a new country, you’ve met awesome people, and you’re making memories to last a lifetime. But if I told you it was the time of my life 24/7, I’d be lying. Like anything, studying abroad has its downsides. When you’re in a big city like …

10 Reasons to be Thankful

Every Thanksgiving, Americans around the world are asked to practice gratitude and thankfulness. For me, this was the first Thanksgiving I was not celebrating with my family. It was easy to wish to be back at home, among the delicious fare my family whips up. But I found myself in London, thousands of miles away …

The Globe Theatre

In 1613, one spark from a cannon started a fire that burned William Shakespeare’s Globe theatre to the ground. Now, over 400 years later, people from around the world flock to London’s replica of the famous Elizabethan theatre to experience what it was like to watch Shakespeare’s plays back in the day. I have been …

Ceol Éireannach

In the evening, when you stroll down the cobblestone streets of Ireland, you can hear the strains of fiddles, pipes, and guitars pouring out of the local pubs playing ceol Éireannach (Irish music in Gaelic). Last weekend, I took a trip to Ireland and went on a Traditional, or “Trad,” Irish Music pub crawl. Our …

As they say in Les Miserables: Who am I?

Who am I, you ask? Well, to make a long story short, my name is Katie Joachim and I am a rising senior at Hope College, studying Theatre and Creative Writing. Some of you may have seen me as the Baker’s Wife in Hope’s production of Into the Woods last fall. Currently, I am an …

Irish Adventures & Deep Thoughts

I know, I know. It’s been a while.  But I have to be honest I have not have time!  I barely have time to sleep let alone take a few minutes to write about these beautiful experiences I’ve been having. Ireland has been making me fall in love more and more with it as each …

Failing and Singing

I am bound to fail and I am going to make mistakes, but that is absolutely okay.  This is something I’ve had to constantly remember during my first week of classes that began this past Monday.  Part of creating something or being artistic or just being a person even is failing.  We have to make …

We are all fools

First day of school is finally finished.  I can’t believe everything I have learned in the matter of 24 hours.  After meeting all the Irish students some of my classes will be integrated with I couldn’t be happier.  I felt an overwhelming amount of welcome and warmth from everyone.  Our first day we went straight …

Falling slowly for Dublin

1/11/2015 Aside from jet lag and my most recent state of food poisoning, I’d say Ireland is working out well for me.  Honestly, I immediately fell in love with the lights and warmth of the city of Dublin.  As soon as I saw the city coming into view from my airplane window I knew this …