Nagoya Scenery

Hello, all! Guess what?! I saw Mt. Fuji!   ….Well, a model version of Mt. Fuji. On a high rise observatory machine. But still cool! I’ll back up a little bit for you: I actually recently came back from a trip to Nagoya! Nagoya is a city located in Aichi Prefecture, which is southwest of Tokyo. …

Starting off Right

Hi again! Life in Japan post number TWO. Here we go! As I mentioned in my previous post, my first few days in Japan were wonderful. Let me go into further detail about that here! I arrived in Japan on March 25th in the late afternoon. My flight was 13 hours long and I had …

First Impressions

Yes, yes, yes, I am alive and in Japan!!! Sorry if it seems like I’ve been M.I.A. lately! My first few days here were absolutely wonderful, and as much as I wanted to share my thoughts about the beginning of my journey, I  really wanted to just soak everything up by myself first. I didn’t …

The Waiting Game—Pre-Departure in All its Glory

Hello, everyone! So…in case anyone hasn’t noticed already…I haven’t posted anything on this blog until now. This is because I am not abroad yet, actually! Some students studying abroad have semesters on a similar schedule to Hope College, but in Japan, the spring semester is from April to July. This means I’ve had about a …

Reverse Culture Shock

It isn’t that I didn’t really believe that I wouldn’t be surprised by some of the things I encountered in the US after my term abroad, but I was slightly skeptical of calling it a form of “culture shock.” However, after being in the US now for a full week I would agree that I …

Lost in Paradise or Paradise Lost?

As my semester has come to an end, I am able to look back on these past three months and see how much I have learned and see all the fantastic experiences I have had. It is impossible to sum up a whole semester of experiences in one blog post, and therefore, I will not even …