Bruxelles, je t’aime: SIT Study Trip (Part 1)

This past week, my cohort went to Paris and Brussels as a part of a formal study trip. Here are some of the highlights from Brussels! Day 1: Sunday On Sunday, my cohort made the 6-hour train journey from Geneva to Brussels (with a brief stop in Paris along the way). One of the advantages …

Mes études à Genève

My study abroad program is focused on International Studies and Multilateral Diplomacy– but what does this entail? What am I learning about? What classes am I taking? What language am I taking classes in?  Let’s take a look at my schedule! Classes: International Relations and Multilateral Diplomacy: In this course, we learn more about the …

A Week in Crete

College Year in Athens has multiple student trips throughout the semester to different historical and archaeological sites. These trips included Delphi (which occurred during my first week in Greece), the Peloponnese region, and the island of Crete. I recently got back from Crete and would love to tell you all I saw and took part …

“Fall”ing in Love with a New Routine

Fall is my favorite season– it always has been, and, most likely, always will be. Most of it I can attribute to growing up on the east coast, where crisp, mountain air, maple leaf lattes, listening to Carole King and The Lumineers during a morning walk, and nature’s brilliant colors work to create a cozy, …

Chapter 4: confidently lost

song: live like there’s no tomorrow Hello wonderful people! I am writing to you from a place of peace and sending you waves of positive energy. Do you know how people say studying abroad will change you? Well, when I first heard that, I failed to realize that studying abroad can only change you if …

These “montagnes” !

My first visit to Switzerland was in 2015; my family and I were traveling to another European country when we had a layover in Geneva. During the brief 4 hours we were there, I remained in awe of the landscape. I even remember pointing out the Swiss alps from my airplane window upon our descent!   …

Life in Athens

After traveling over five thousand miles, I made it to Greece and started my semester! Flying into Greece was beautiful. I arrived at seven in the morning and enjoyed seeing the sun rise over the country. One thing I remember is being initially surprised by the size of Athens. I never realized how big the …

Chapter 3: the beauty around us

semana 2 – 11/09/2022 song: blow away ¡Hola a todos! ¡Happy Catalan National Day! On September 11, 1714, Barcelona fell to the Bourbon Dynasty Forces and this defeat is celebrated as Catalonia’s National Day. Week two is officially in the books. After a week of adjusting to jetlag, making new friends, and learning the best …

Chapter 2: Adjustment Period

song: Unwritten Hello wonderful people! I am writing to you from mi dormitorio after a jam-packed first week. Now when I say jam-packed, I mean in a good way because I completed orientation, started classes, took a Gothic tour, and went on a class trip to the beautiful city of Tarragona! At times, I still …

Chapter 1: The Arrival

songs: Butterfly Fly Away meets The Party’s Just Begun WOW, so this is really happening! As my departure date draws closer, I continue to feel emotions that I did not expect. My feelings range from excitement to disbelief to hesitation to happiness then anxious to ecstatic…the list goes on. But, as my wise mother told …