Apply, Apply Again

I’ve always been an organized person, just take a look at my planner! Since my first, school-given agenda in 2010 I’ve kept track of deadline after deadline, even notes for things as simple as ‘text Mom!’, to help me keep track of my days. In my experience, if it’s not written down it will quickly …

How to Extend And Then Cancel a Study Abroad Extension

What a rollercoaster! So for a variety of reasons and a lot of planning, I decided it would be in my best interest to stay a year. Now, what does that process look like? Well, I can only speak for CIEE. The first thing I did was email the Center for Global Engagement at Hope …

Celebrating My Birthday Abroad

In all honesty, I’ve never really liked where my birthday is placed in the year. I grew up moving around a lot, and September 22nd was always just way too soon in the academic year. When I’d go to a new school, it was nearly guaranteed that it’d be forgotten just because, unless I went …

Mental Breakdowns Happen–My First and Second Culture Shock Moments

Before I begin, I’m writing this about a month removed since I’ve hopped on a plane and moved to Sharjah, and I LOVE IT HERE. So don’t let these mental breakdowns discourage you. They’re natural. They’re going to happen. But that doesn’t mean you didn’t make the right choice. So these are excerpts from my …

Studying Abroad with Disabilities/Special Needs–Yes, You Can!

So there’s actually not a ton of information about studying abroad when you have needs. I remember spending so much time browsing the internet trying to find literally anything regarding disability abroad. So I guess that makes it my job to break the ice. For a little bit of background, I have been chronically ill …