Praise God for New Beginnings

New year. New semester. New habits. New mugs. That last one wasn’t important… But I really, really like mugs. Exhibit A: I got back to campus a little earlier than most people for some quick RA training sessions, so I had some extra downtime to think, refocus, and prepare for a new semester. This semester …

2,014 is more than a number

I’m not a mathematician, but I can tell you, a number holds so much value. When I think about the year 2014, I consider it to be so much more than a number. Looking back at the weeks and months in which I faced significant challenges, I can hear the echoes of my disappointment, anger, …

How to be a Leader: Walk on the Water, Remain on the Rock

Being a Leadership minor has its perks, and one of them is the Keurig coffee maker in the Idea Lounge. I haven’t actually used it personally, but I’ve heard good things about it. And we can’t forget about the sweet whiteboard walls in VanZoeren 182, one of the few times in our lives in which it’s …

This is Only the Beginning

When you leave Hope’s campus at the end of four years, your story isn’t over. I promise you, your journey won’t be finished. These four years are only the beginning. There is so much glory left to come. If you walked these sidewalks, sat in the dining hall, attended class, or set foot on a …

Looking Back

As we enter into the last day of classes, right before we (Hope students) hit exam week, I have had a moment to breathe and thus this thought has hit me: “This semester, my 3rd semester in college, is coming to end.” What?!?! Wasn’t it just the other day that I got here as part of the orientation staff? How …

Rest is the Rescue, and Chaos is the Culprit

“Take what’s dead, and make it come back to life.” Back home in Iowa, the week before finals is what many schools call “Dead Week.” This is because while you’re studying for your cumulative exams for 4 classes, you’re also writing three 5-page research papers, eating food, socializing for 10 minutes a day, and sleeping …

Heartwarming Videos To Brighten Your Day

With Thanksgiving right around the corner, everybody has giving back on their mind (at least hopefully)! I find it important to be thankful for our friends and family but viewing this holiday from a different view, I see that some people can be thankful for different things than I would initially think of. For some …

The (Final) Gathering of 2014: Greater Height, Greater Depth

“Sometimes we have a hard time seeing the bigger picture,” Chaplain Trygve Johnson stated during his sermon tonight at the last Gathering service of 2014 in Dimnent Chapel. Maybe it’s because I’m always looking at the world from the same height. 5’6″ is a good number. Not too tall, yet not too short. I’m rather …

Choosing Your Major..

Hey Everyone, So I have been so set on my major for the past year, and yes, just a week ago I started having major doubts about what I want to do with my life. I know this is a very common thing during college, but I thought I had battled with this enough already. …