It’s Funny, The Difference a Year Can Make.

A lot happened in 2014. Here’s my 14-point summary of the year – high school seniors should relate 🙂 1.) Finally the seemingly ever elusive Senior year of high school begins. 2.) SAT/ACT scores are a big deal. -Meanwhile, less than a year later, they will become essentially irrelevant. 3.) College applications consume all spare time. …

7.5 things to focus on for the first half of ’15

I was so ready for the new year that I took my assignment notebook on December 31 and tore out all of the pages leading up to January 1. “New year, new schedule,” I told myself. Along with a new schedule, I created new truths for the upcoming year. Due to future circumstances that make …

2014: A Year In Review

2014 was a big year. Not only was it a year to remember for myself, but so much happened in our nation and in our world, making it a year hard to forget! I’m sure when I mention some of these events, you’re going to say, “That happened forever ago!” Well, believe it or not, that …

2,014 is more than a number

I’m not a mathematician, but I can tell you, a number holds so much value. When I think about the year 2014, I consider it to be so much more than a number. Looking back at the weeks and months in which I faced significant challenges, I can hear the echoes of my disappointment, anger, …

New Year, New Me: Choosing my word of the year

I’ve never quite mastered the concept of a New Year’s resolution. For some reason, it’s never really appealed to me — maybe because it’s hard to keep up with, or because I feel bored after a while. My sophomore year of high school, my mom introduced me to a new way to start off the …