Praise God for New Beginnings

New year. New semester. New habits. New mugs.

That last one wasn’t important… But I really, really like mugs. Exhibit A:

K Mug
The latest addition to my mug collection.

I got back to campus a little earlier than most people for some quick RA training sessions, so I had some extra downtime to think, refocus, and prepare for a new semester. This semester I am really getting into classes for my major, which I’m excited about, but it also worried me. However, as I’ve gone to the first few days of classes, I’ve really enjoyed them and I’m excited about the content areas I’m studying this semester.

While I know this probably won’t last long, I’ve also been asleep by midnight every night this week, and I’ve been getting up early to allow myself a lot of time before class in the morning. I think that taking time for a slow morning and sitting down to eat breakfast makes a huge difference in how my day goes and I’m so glad that I’ve been able to make that a priority so far this semester. If this first week is any indication of how the rest of the semester is going to go, I have a lot to look forward to.

Most importantly, I really want to focus on Jesus this semester. As I spent the past semester letting myself get caught up in schoolwork and stress without letting Christ infiltrate into those aspects of my life, I quickly became very overwhelmed and found myself complaining about anything and everything. As I let my focus shift away from Christ, I also found my sense of peace dwindling. What’s beautiful in that, though, is that Jesus never quit pursuing me. I am thankful that as I reorient my heart and pray for an insatiable hunger for Christ, he meets me despite my shortcomings and rebellions. As I come into a new year and a new semester, Jesus pours new mercies over me and that is more than I could ask for.

Thanks for reading! Keep up with me on Twitter, Instagram, or via email at!

“Dear children, keep away from anything that might take God’s place in your hearts.”

– 1 John 5:21

Posted inFaith

Published by Kathryn Krieger

I'm a Hope junior from Princeton, Illinois, majoring in Ethics, Culture, and Social Witness with a music minor. I am a follower of Christ and I am involved in Chapel Worship Team at Hope. Previously, I have been involved in Chapel Choir, Black River WyldLife, Res Life, Dance Marathon, a small women's Bible study, College Chorus, Women's Chamber Choir, and Collegium Musicum. I also currently help lead music at Pillar Church! I also love pork chop sandwiches, music of all kinds, The Office, and my wonderful friends and family! Contact me at, @kathrynekrieger on Instagram, or @hopekathryn17 on Twitter!

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