DR 2024: My Experience on an Immersion Trip

Immersion trips are one of my favorite opportunities at Hope. Students can sign up with Campus Ministries and travel on weeklong trips over spring break where they are able to be immersed in a new culture, have their worldviews expanded, serve in new ways, and build community with one another. In my freshman year, I …

What makes Hope College distinct?

According to Dictionary.com, one of the definitions of the word ‘distinct’ reads: “different in nature or quality.” As such, this word reflects a type of being that stands out among other natures. For me, Hope College embodies this definition. At its very core, Hope is distinct.  But what makes Hope’s nature distinct from that of …

Faith Life at Hope: My Experience on an Immersion Trip

Hope’s Campus Ministries team organizes corporate worship (chapel and the Gathering), small group Bible studies, campus events, and an annual tradition called Immersion Trips.  On these trips, groups of students travel across the globe to serve God and be immersed in new cultures over spring break.  Last year, my friend Millie and I signed up …

The Great Cloud of Witnesses: Campus Ministries at Hope

Campus Ministries is one of my favorite places on Hope’s campus.  It perches on a hill near the edge of the Pine Grove.  In just the past year, it has held memories of early morning study sessions, nights reading by the fire, and days on the porch playing card games with friends.  Memories of meeting …

Writing for Media at Hope College

One of my jobs on campus, this job, is essentially the title of this blog post: Writing for Media at Hope College. However, when I titled that post I wasn’t planning on talking about my job as a student blogger, though it is relevant. Right now I’m enrolled in a communications course (Comm 255) called …

Cue “The Weekenders” Theme Music

Readers, I’m so sorry. I feel like I’ve been living for the weekend lately in my posts, which I generally try not to do because each day is a wonderful gift from God, but sometimes there is just so much good stuff to look forward to on the weekends! So here I go again. Talking …


Hey Everyone! Sorry for my delays with blogging; these past couple of weeks have been crazy busy. Last weekend my parents came to visit me in Holland. I was so happy to see them. I’m not going home for fall break, so I’m glad I was able to spend some time with them. On Friday …