Adjusting to City Life

Hi again! Welcome to week two of Chicago adventures with me! This week was not as crazy as the previous one, but I feel I got to know people much better, which was definitely a highlight.  To kick off the week, I had my first official class for both my nursing course and art class. …

A Chill Week in Denver

Quote of the week: To trust God in the light is nothing. But to trust Him in the dark, that is faith. – Charles Spurgeon Let’s be honest, we all have those days or weeks when there is not as much going on. But these are the times we can find joy in the little …

Moving to the Big City: Chicago Edition!

Hi everyone! Chicago Semester is now underway, and the past week and a half have been packed full of fun! Here are just a few of the highlights from my time here so far: DAY ONE I started my journey to the city from Kentucky with my amazing family. We spent our first night in …

Horses, Pizza, and Hikes.

Quote of the week: “Justice too long delayed is justice denied.” -Martin Luther King Jr. Becoming more familiar with a place makes everything feel so much better. From being more comfortable with the normal things in a city and also realizing that some things, RTD (Regional Transportation District), does not always work the way you …

New City, New Viewpoints, New Experiences

Quote of the week: “If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can become it.” – William Arthur Ward Studying abroad is something that I have always wanted to do. The thrill of being somewhere new, experiencing a culture and city has its way of growing and challenging …

As The Leaves Turn

Hi Blog, It’s been a minute since my last post and that is for many reasons. Chicago has been very busy and hectic. I no longer feel like a tourist and I’m no longer scared of the CTA. These past few weeks I have really settle in my internship. I have great experiences with the …

Chicago the City that NEVER Sleeps

Hey Everyone! It’s been a minute, this week has been fairly busy for me! I’ve experienced so much since the last blog. From the crazy busy red line to the chill blue line my work days have been amazing. I’ve been video editing for INDIRAP Productions and it has been a journey! This past week …

Not So Tourist Of Me

Hello! From Chicago Everyone, This week was full of big experiences, especially in the career department. I started my internship at INDIRAP, a video production company that pushes content marketing through short commercials and many other marketing plans. I’m working with the post-production team and I’ve learned so much this week. On day one, I …

Last First Day

Chicago 08/22/2022 My life in the big city of Chicago has official begun. I moved into a studio apartment with an amazing view. I mean come on, look at that. After a long day of moving, I was off to the start of exploring the city. Orientation week was LONG but amazing. As I enter …

Before The Take Off

And so it begins. After spending a long summer in the Kansas, I’m finally getting closer to leaving Kansas and starting a new chapter in the city of Chicago. My passion for filmmaking has inspired me travel to a place full of possibility and connections. This year I will being doing the Chicago Semester Program …