The Heart of Oaxaca

Did you know that Oaxaca is the state in Mexico with the highest indigenous population? In fact, there are 16 officially recognized groups. However, the reality is there are so many subgroups, the “true” number is unknown, but their presence is undeniable. This grand diversity of cultures and people groups explains the more than 70 …

Walking Among Alebrijes

Instantly my vision flooded with colors, from captivating reds to vibrant purples, and my nose filled with the scent of freshly carved wood. Just another day in the classroom. The copal trees provided some much-needed shade from the baking sun as we meandered through the workshop observing the artists in action. After all, it’s not …

Chapter 1: Becoming a Denver Local

Lately life has looked like saying yes to everything, taking advantage of every opportunity, and discovering new coffee orders. I am now spending too much money on iced lavender lattes with oat milk and have convinced myself that to be productive in any way I must have a coffee in order to do so. Being …

Life on Mitla

Everyone’s familiar with the classic waking up to the crow of a rooster trope, but how many of you wake up to the sound of a mooing cow? I do! No, it’s not a real cow, but rather the song for the gas trucks here in Oaxaca that wake me up every morning with their …

The one where the Earth trembles

“Sarah, Sarah!! Grab your chanclas and come downstairs!! Hurry!” Dee cried out to me as the world’s most horrid sound blared in the background.  In a state of confusion, I rushed downstairs and out the door just as the ground began to shake, the telephone poles swaying and dogs howling in reaction. Oh how little I …

A New Chapter

Welcome back friends! This is titled A New Chapter because that is what I feel this experience will be for me. A fresh new perspective on myself, others, and the world. I’m happy you have decided to join me while I attempt to navigate life in the city!  Three words to describe my summer would …

Many Miles to Mexico

“Wait a minute, you’re scared!” my friend proclaimed. “Correction, I’m absolutely terrified,” I laughed with a look of panic in my eye. This exchange happened no earlier than a week ago and while I have managed to calm myself down, my wariness remains. In T-24 hours I embark on my semester abroad in Oaxaca, Mexico …

Lessons from the Concrete Jungle

The New York Arts Program has flown by like a whirlwind. This whole experience felt like just a couple of weeks even though it was four months of living in the city. From the slightly chaotic start of figuring out my new life to settling into the city culture, NY has equipped me with new …

Central Park

One of my favorite places to go in New York was Central Park. One of the very few perks of COVID was that our program moved to different dorms located in the Upper East Side. This made Central Park only a short walk away from home, and I’m so grateful for that. Whenever I didn’t …

Artists Block

A message for my creatives.  Have you ever been through a creative desert? A place where inspiration and motivation seem to have dried up completely, but you still have the task of creating before you? Although constantly surrounded by art in NY, for some reason I felt more overwhelmed than inspired. Days and weeks roll …