Isle of Man

This week I tackled Ilse of Man. I started my day doing homework. Since I am staying in a hotel and not a hostel, I brought my computer which is great! As we move towards the end of the semester, more and more assignments need to be completed. After the morning studies, I went for …

Terrorist attack, The Beatles, and Thanksgiving

A bit of a messy post since a lot has happened over here in Liverpool. A Terrorist Attack in Liverpool Last weekend there was an attack that occurred in Liverpool. I was up in the Lake District region when it happened, so the three of us learned about the incident a few hours later. When …

Lake District

Since the beginning, my friend and I wanted to go to the Lake District of England and hike. This week was the week we got to go! In order to get there, we took two trains and a bus, but it honestly was not bad at all. We started in Grasmere hiking to the top …

Faith Week

As part of the exchange program, we have four weeks of British Life. This week it was faith week. One of the places we visited was the Liverpool Cathedral. As cathedral construction goes, it was built rather quickly and is one of the largest cathedrals in Europe. The building process spanned across both World Wars. …


This weekend I took a trip to London, and it was one of the most relaxing weekend trips. Since I have traveled to London before, I took this trip at a slower pace with no direct plan. I woke up early Thursday morning to catch the train and arrived by mid-morning. The train took a …

Student Life

Student life is very different here than I have experienced in the States. This also has to do with my newly legal age of 21. Most nights I will pop over to the Trinity room, a common room on our campus, to socialize with my friend group. We play pool and table tennis. Our Flat …


This past weekend, three of the French girls and I went to Manchester. If you know anything about me you know I love bees. In Manchester there are bees everywhere. There were bees on the sides of buildings, trash cans and in shops. I found a honey diffuser! (I did not buy it.) Seeing all …


FIVE trains later, I arrived in Edinburgh. I am blown away by the beauty. From the timeless Old Town to the shops in the New Town, I’m slowly falling in love. I did my history, as I do with every place. The city is so easy to navigate I never need a map to find …


THE FAMILY I think every international student had a rough week of classes as we learned a completely new system of teaching that none of us have experienced at our home schools. I was not prepared for the schooling system to be so different. This post is not meant to be a negative view on …


As I enter my taxi at 6:50 am, I am filled with excitement flooded over by anxiety; anxiety of traveling to a whole other country by myself. Yes, I traveled to England by myself, and I am the only person here with American cultural background. Yet, sitting in the taxi, I started to doubt myself. …