Spanish word of the day: montañas

Translation: mountains

El Parque Nacional de Los Alerces is one of the most beautiful places I have been while staying here. It’s in the Patagonia region of Argentina, along the Andes mountains. The national park has many amazing views, snow-covered mountains, glaciers, and crystal clear rivers and lakes. It’s also home to amazing wildlife, including various birds, jabalinas, foxes, and pumas.

The park is also home to some mapuches, a native community in South America. There is a section of the park reserved for them. However, it’s tiny in comparison to the size of the park.

I went on a tour of the park with a guide. He picked us up in his car and drove us to various lookouts and hikes around the area. We actually were very lucky to get a spot, as there’s only a few guides in the national park, and the only way to get in is with a guide. This is due to COVID, but also because the conservation measures of the park are very strict. There is no wiggle room for people to litter or accidentally start a fire (which has happened on more than one occasion).

This is was one of the best trips here for sure.

Published by Maggie Gillich

Class of 2023 Psychology and Spanish Double Major IES Buenos Aires, Argentina

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