Going Global at Hope

Hope College prides itself on being a campus with a global focus. Just recently was Going Global Week, hosted by the Center for Global Engagement. The week held a number of events to provide information about other cultures and the opportunity to engage therein – everything from an International Food Fair to a photo contest from time abroad. Whether the week is designated for “going global” or not, though, students at Hope are perpetually taught how to take on the perspectives of others. Liberal arts classes, multicultural worship in chapel, immersion trips, and opportunities like study abroad make this possible. I personally haven’t studied abroad during my time at Hope, though I’ve been playing with the idea of a May term in the future. I have, however, been a firsthand witness to friends that study abroad and come back transformed. Hope makes it easy to “go global,” and they walk with you through the process.

my friend Maia studied abroad this past summer in Germany, and traveled around Europe as well. (photo courtesy of Maia Travis)

Many of my friends, as second year students, are just now going abroad or planning to do so during junior year. Even when their trip was more than a year out, the Off-Campus Study office was able to support them. One friend isn’t planning to go abroad until next spring, but has been meeting pretty regularly with the office since our freshman year. She comes back from the meetings raving, always feeling more comfortable and confident in the next steps she needs to take towards her time off-campus.

Tuition and Financial Aid

One perk about studying off-campus during a semester at Hope is the cost-effectiveness. Typically, cost is similar to the regular tuition price of a semester at Hope and your eligible financial aid transfers for one semester abroad. Beyond this similar pricing, there’s a number of scholarships that students can apply for. Hope wants to make study off-campus possible for all students that are interested. Students can do internships abroad, take courses specific to their major, or finish up gen-eds.

The beautiful thing about studying abroad at Hope is that there’s really something for everyone. The off-campus website details more than three hundred program opportunities that students can take part in whether for a semester, a full year, or a summer term. Both the Off-Campus Study office and students’ academic advisors are more than willing to walk alongside students and help them discern a path amidst this myriad of options.

New Perspectives

I’m in a senior level Spanish class, and on the first day of the semester my professor asked: “Who just got back from studying abroad?” About two thirds of the class raised their hand – a showcase of just how normal it is to spend time abroad at Hope. At least once a week in Spanish class discussions, my classmates incorporate their experiences into class conversation. It’s easy to see that these students have been shaped and stretched by their experiences abroad, and their experiences are able to affect us as a class, too.

In chapel, chaplains often say that college is a “conversation” of minds and perspectives. Off-campus study and the opportunity to “go global,” is an enrichment of that conversation. As such, it’s something that Hope wants to make possible for as many students as they can.

Undergraduate Research at Hope College

Among institutions across the nation, Hope College has received recognition and high rankings for the research opportunities that the College offers students. For instance, Hope “is one of only 54 colleges and universities including Yale, Harvard, Stanford, MIT, and Michigan, recognized for providing outstanding undergraduate research/creative project opportunities.” 

For me, participating in research has bolstered my undergraduate experience. From receiving mentorship from professors to working closely with a team of peers to employing hands-on skills, research has strengthened both my understanding and my passion for my areas of study. It has fostered an environment of inquiry, curiosity, and excitement all the while forging an engaging and collaborative academic community outside of the classroom. 

As a student combining studies in both biology and business, I have been able to experience research within both disciplines during my time at Hope. For example, I am a student researcher within the biology department where I work within a team of five other students that is led under the mentorship of a professor in the department. As such, we get the opportunity to directly impact and assist in the research path of our professor. In doing so, our work seeks to extend and contribute to the biological community. Not only do we work within the lab, but we also get the opportunity to present our research at conferences, including one hosted by the College called the A. Paul and Carol C. Schaap Celebration of Undergraduate Research & Creative Activity (CURCA). Students can even choose to dedicate a portion of their academic credits toward research, and they can work over the summer too in the department. 

Through my involvement in Hope College’s Center for Leadership consulting, I’ve had the opportunity to tap into research through an economics and business lens. The program is designed for students to work within a team of four peers with a student lead and a coach with a background in the industry. Some projects even include a subject matter expert. Together, the team serves a paired client that is a current operating company within the industry. As a result, I’ve been able to gain new professional and research skills through this program, serving in a similar way to business internships. Interestingly too is that many of my projects with clients have even incorporated both of my majors, enabling me to employ my holistic research formation and passions in both biology and business.    

These are just a few of the ways to become involved in research on campus. I am grateful for the unmatched formation I have received by partaking in research experiences across my diverse areas of study. 

Springtime in Holland

Springtime in Holland is like no other.  Don’t get me wrong, I love coming back to school in the fall, and the first snow is absolutely magical.  Still, there’s just something about the first few warm days on campus that have a special air to them. Here are my top five aspects of springtime in Holland.

1. Classes Outside

One day last week, temperatures got up to about 65 degrees in Holland. This is absolutely unheard of for a Michigan February. On this day, my professor let us have class outside. This is pretty common for classes at Hope. When the sun is shining in early spring, you’ll walk past classes having discussions in the Pine Grove or at the picnic tables outside of Phelps Dining Hall. Thanks to small class sizes, this is such a unique experience that professors provide because they truly care about their students holistically, and understand the appeal of sunshine! For me, our time outside last week was definitely my favorite session of class!

2. People in the Pine Grove

I still remember the first warm week of my freshman year. It felt like everyone was in the Pine Grove: hammocking, playing spike ball, or eating picnic dinners. This was my favorite week of freshman year, and as the weather gets warmer I’m finding that a similar sentiment is surfacing. A walk through the Pine Grove on a warm day will bring you face to face with at least a handful of friends. Everyone is out and spending time together, and it’s truly one of my favorite parts of life at Hope.

3. Going on Walks

Between our beautiful campus, downtown, and nearby trails, there are plenty of places to walk or run in Holland. This is a reality all year round, but as the weather gets warmer these sites grow more popular. Last week, I went on a sunrise run at Window on the Waterfront. It’s maybe half a mile off campus, and absolutely beautiful (especially as things warm up!). Walking and running in the warmer weather is definitely one of my favorite parts about springtime in Holland.

my sunrise run last week at Window on the Waterfront

4. The Beach

A few nights last week, it seemed like everyone was at the beach. All year long, it’s pretty typical for Hope students to sit in their cars and watch the sunset at Holland State Park. As it gets a little warmer, though, we can actually get out of our cars, walk on the sand, and maybe even touch the water (or Polar Plunge, if you’re brave!). Picnic dinners at the beach become an ever-present possibility as it warms up… what a joy.

5. The Tulips

Holland is known for its annual Tulip Time Festival, which happens near the beginning of May. Through the second half of spring semester, the tulips begin to bud and bloom. Already, I’ve seen some stems sprouting up around campus, which is such a joy. As time progresses, it becomes more and more exciting to see how the tulips are growing. This is a beautiful part of spring semester.

We’ve just reached the midpoint of spring semester, and I’m so thankful that hints of spring are starting to pop up. A taste of warm weather and the promise of tulips are just what I needed to push through until spring break. Spring time in Holland is truly my favorite part of the year. I am so grateful for sunshine, and classes outside. For friends that you run into in the Pine Grove, the beach, tulips, and walks or runs in warm weather. Here’s to the second half of this semester, amidst the budding beauty of a Holland spring!

Navigating the journey of living away from home

With the seemingly dark, dreary, and cold days of ‘swinter’ (spring + winter) amid this point in the semester when days feel longer, mid-winter break is over, and the heap of homework, projects, and exams seemingly competes in height with that of Mount Rushmore, feelings of homesickness inevitably creep in. Especially as a first-year student, it can feel overwhelming and cause you to miss living at home. However, it’s helpful to know that you are not alone, and that there are ways to help ease the anxious feelings of living away from home.  

For me, I think it’s helpful to remember to strive for a positive, growth mindset. For example, while it can be difficult living away from home, especially as a first-year student, it’s important to maintain a healthy perspective. One way to do so is by seeing this stage of your life as a learning opportunity. What can you learn about yourself, how can you care for yourself, and how will you fulfill your responsibilities through living on your own? Unlike living at home where perhaps you depended on the schedules and structures placed upon you, you are now more in control of your days. As a result, in order to balance both your health and responsibilities, I suggest setting a daily and weekly routine for yourself. For instance, a helpful way to accomplish this is by creating a list of daily, weekly, and monthly goals and tasks for yourself in each area of your life. While the lists may feel overwhelming, it helps provide clarity and organization in your life that enables you to feel more confident in your awareness for what lies ahead. In doing so, you are setting yourself up for success and putting pen to paper. With one step at a time, you are able to accomplish your goals and, if nothing else, receive the satisfaction of inscribing a check mark beside a completed task. No matter your personality, everyone needs some structural system to achieve success. 

Additionally, unlike high school classes, you now have more freedom and flexibility in your days with classes being spread out across different time frames. For some, this is exciting while for others this can be overwhelming. No matter where you fall in this, it’s helpful to see your day as a 9am-5pm job. This can look like trying to complete as much as your homework as possible during this time frame. One of the reasons I suggest looking at your days in this way comes with my next point: the importance of prioritizing your sleep. While this may seem obvious, sleep is critical. In college especially it can be easy to adjust your normal sleep schedule and thus fall out of the optimal sleep pattern. However, getting sufficient sleep will only allow you to perform at a higher level and maintain your overall health. 

Other than these important practical tips, feelings of homesickness can still exist and even inhibit your ability to successfully live on your own. While you may be on your own in the sense that you are away from the comfort of your home, it’s important to remember that you are not alone. At Hope College, community exists. From events within residential halls to weekly student-wide activities hosted by Hope’s Student Activities Committee to a myriad of student organizations and everything in between, communities of belonging, fellowship, and fun extend across campus. As a result, I have found that a great remedy for homesickness is to get involved. Not only will this perhaps take your mind off of your anxious feelings, but it will also help you form communities. And in doing so, you’ll be able to connect with others similarly navigating the journey of living away from home. 

What to do when you don’t want to do anything

It’s that time of year again. The skies are gray, the homework is piling up, and the motivation to do anything but sleep is scarce. We’ve all been there. Unfortunately, the reality of college life is that you still have to get stuff done even when you desperately don’t want to. So, here are a few methods I’ve found that help me get up and get going. 

Go somewhere that isn’t your dorm

If you’re someone who can be productive in your dorm, that’s great! I am not that person. When I’m in my room, I either end up talking to my roommates, on my phone, or taking a nap. Knowing this, one of my number one tips for dealing with low motivation is leaving your dorm and going somewhere else. It doesn’t matter where. You just need to go somewhere else. By getting a change of scenery, you’re actually doing a lot more than you realize. For one thing, you’re getting outside when you might not have otherwise. Even if it’s just a minute, being outside can improve your mood and motivation levels. You’re also getting some walking in, which can also be helpful. I’ve found that even when I would rather do anything besides what’s on my to-do list, I can usually get something done by getting out of my dorm. 

Get together with friends

Friends are great for getting you motivated and keeping you accountable. Whenever I study with a group I find that I have a lot more fun than if I made myself do it alone. If you have a bunch of friends in the same class, it can be helpful to meet and help each other with what you’re struggling on. But even if you’re all in different classes, you can still help each other. Explaining problems you’re having with assignments or papers to each other can be super helpful, even if the person you’re talking to has no knowledge of the subject. If you get side tracked and end up talking about things that are unrelated to school, it’s still good to be with friends. 

Go to the academic success center

There are times when a change of location or studying with friends isn’t enough, and that’s okay! If you find yourself really struggling to keep up with your schoolwork, Hope’s Academic Success Center is here to help. You can make an appointment with an advisor, get tutoring, or find a group study session for one of your classes. Everything is confidential, so nobody has to know you were there besides your advisor, tutor, or study group. But even though nobody has to know, nobody will judge you for needing help. I’ve had an appointment there and so have a bunch of my friends. When life as a student gets tough, the best thing you can do for yourself is ask for help. 

You got this! No slump lasts forever, even though sometimes it feels like it will. Nobody is at their peak all the time, so you’re not alone. There are ways to beat the winter blues and get things done.

3 Things I Wish I’d Known About Living Away from Home

Before coming to Hope, I knew that living on campus would be a huge part of my college experience but I didn’t know what this entailed. My understanding of living away from home came from Gilmore Girls. If you’re familiar with the show, you know that Rory’s mom Lorelai comes and sleeps over on her very first night in the dorm. Moving away from home can definitely be hard! The systems and culture in place here at Hope ensure that it can also be beautiful. Here’s three things I wish I knew about living away from home:

1) Freedom, Responsibility, and GRACE

Maybe you’ve heard people say they love the freedom of living away from home. Living away from home means that you manage your own schedule. You choose when to sleep and wake up, what to eat, whether you’re sick enough to miss class, and so on. As the great adage says, with great freedom comes great responsibility. It’s important to develop discipline and solid routines when living away from home. I wish I knew that creating these systems would take some trial and error. The planner that keeps me organized is different than the calendar that keeps my best friend on track, and that’s okay! Grace abounds, especially in this transition process as you find out what works for you.

2) Support Systems

The Residential Directors and Residential Assistants in each dorm building are an amazing resource for students navigating the transition to independent living. I have an amazing RA and RD who’ve gone out of their way to create community in our dorm, schedule one-on-ones, and check in on me personally. In every dorm, RAs put on different events such as weekly pancake nights that help students have a home base, even when living away from home. Outside of the dorm, Counseling and Psychological Services and Campus Ministries chaplains are helpful resources that offer support in the transition to independent living. Knowing about the myriad of people that pray for, invest in, and deeply care about students at Hope would’ve put my mind at ease as I imagined what moving to college would look like.

3) Hospitality

I’m from a town about an hour from Holland and I see my family a few times a semester. Some of my friends are from much farther away and only travel home in between semesters. The Hope families my friends and I have met, though, have been incredibly generous. My friends from local cities have hosted us at their houses with home cooked meals. Campus Ministries staff invited my friend group to their house for dinner as we prepped for exams. Local Holland churches also pour into Hope students by hosting meals for us, reaching out, or initiating personal relationships within the congregation. I’m so thankful for the generosity of families that have welcomed me and my friends as their own and made sure we’re taken care of while at school. Between my friends, their families, and the Holland community, I can feel supported at school even when my family isn’t right there.

Last fall, a local friend’s family hosted our immersion trip group for dinner!

Wrapping it Up…

Even away from home, at Hope the reality is that you’re not on your own. Our school has a wonderful residential life staff and a hospitable community that provides support and accountability to college students in this new stage of life.

Living away from home offers both freedom and responsibility. At Hope, it can be a beautiful and grace-filled experience too.

Impending Graduation

For some, graduation is coming up fast and can feel very daunting. Four years of your life are ending, and a new chapter is approaching. How terrifying. I know I personally am a little wary of graduating, even though I have been looking forward to it all year. Four months away now. What do I do until then? How do I make sure I graduate feeling as though I accomplished things? Well, here are some tips from a fellow, worried senior.

Looking Back

This is not a tip telling you to dwell in your past. This tip is meant to help you reflect on what you have already accomplished so far. You made it through four years of schooling, you have finished so many classes and participated in extracurriculars. You have made new friends and met new people.

Sometimes reflecting on the positives of your life can help the future look less threatening. You can see what you have made it through and how hard you have worked to get where you are right now. Without this affirmation, fear can be overwhelming. Not only are you stronger than you think but you have what it takes to approach the future head-on. We are often shaped by what we go through.

I, personally, have had some rough patches while in college: classes that weren’t what I expected, assignments I struggled to get through, relationships that had to end, etc. The list goes on. But, I made it through and now I’m standing in my last semester of college with the confidence that I have what it takes to make an impact before graduation – to do something.

Approach Graduation with Your Head High

You are going to make it. Don’t worry. With four months left there is always time for something to go sideways, but that isn’t something you should be worrying yourself with. Focusing too much on what could go wrong keeps you from seeing what has gone right.

Look around at the time you have left to get more done! Accomplish more, grow more, do more. There is still time, whether it feels like it or not. This is something I have had to learn over the course of my senior year here at Hope. And it wasn’t easy.

I tend to dwell too much on what I haven’t done and what I should’ve done and less on what there is still time left to do. Just because the final countdown has begun, doesn’t mean I just give up on opportunities. This last semester I realized that, due to my overwhelming schedule the past couple semesters, I finally had some time to do extracurriculars. So, my friends and I made an intramural badminton team; I sometimes play pickleball on Saturdays; I go out more; I make an effort to meet new people. This has led me to feel more fulfilled coming into this last semester as I approach graduation.

Don’t Plan too Hard, Graduation will Come Anyway

I’m not saying to not plan at all. Please plan a little to ease your mind, just don’t spend hours fretting over things you can’t control. You can apply for all the jobs and plan all the trips you want, but anything can happen, so don’t worry too much. There is so much joy in living right now, looking briefly ahead, but trying to get the most out of every minute.

Sometimes over-planning can wear us out. Suddenly, there is so much on our plate that we hadn’t planned for coming up to graduation. So, make notes of the most important things you need/want to get done and allow time to do the rest. Don’t fill your free-time double and triple checking your emails in case something new pops up that demands your attention. Enjoy the time you have left in college doing things that bring you joy. You deserve it after these four years of work.

My Advice for Admitted Students

College Decision Day is coming up, and if you’re anything like I was in senior year, you’re dreading it.

I didn’t officially commit to Hope until late April 2022 – just days before College Decision Day. I always had a good feeling about Hope, but the gravity of such a decision held me back from making it official. I told myself I couldn’t possibly base such a monumental decision off of just a feeling. Considering my top two schools made me feel like I was choosing between two potential lives. How could I predict where my people would be? Where the best career options would be? I felt paralyzed. If your mind feels anything like mine did, this blog post is dedicated to helping you take the next step forward. Here’s five things I wish someone told me while I was making my decision as a student admitted to Hope.

1. Take Advantage of Support

The admissions process at Hope provides prospective students with an extensive support system. As an admitted student, you likely have had conversations with your admissions representative. You also probably have the contact information of a tour guide, or maybe you know of a family friend who went to Hope. In my experience, taking advantage of this support can be very helpful in the decision making process. All of the people I talked to about Hope – whether it was my admissions representative or a current student that had gone to my high school – were very kind and helpful. This helped me realize that a “person of Hope” is what I wanted to be. So-take advantage of the support you have, and don’t be afraid to ask questions!

2. Attend Events if Possible

Hope has a number of events for prospective and admitted students. In my senior year, I came to Scholars’ Day. This was a good experience to be on campus and attend a student panel. Hope always does an Admitted Student Day every year, too, which I couldn’t make it to. I think going to as many events as possible, whether Anchor Days, overnight visits, or Admitted Student Day, is helpful as you consider how you’ll like Hope’s environment.

3. You’re Not Behind!

In my senior year, I think I really needed someone to tell me that I wasn’t behind. My other friends made college decisions earlier than me, and I continually stalked the incoming Hope Freshmen Instagram page. I was overwhelmed by the number of students who had already committed and found roommates. At this moment, you are not behind. Even if you don’t have a roommate or a major decided right now, there is space and time for you. You will find your people, your place, and a steady pace with time.

4. Enjoy Right Now

I’m sure that you’ve heard this advice by now, but I’ll say it again. Enjoy right now! Looking ahead to college is exciting, especially as the number of days left in your senior year start to shrink. But this is your last few weeks or months with your hometown friends, in the same place for hours a day, weeks on end. Savor it and capture your memories too. The end of my senior year and that final summer before college are sweet, sweet memories for me.

my high school graduation

and 5… God is with You.

Finally, I just want you to remember that God is with you. You can pray to Him and ask Him for wisdom in light of this upcoming decision. He will never leave you nor forsake you. No matter what college you end up choosing, He will walk with you every step of the way.

Wrapping it Up

All in all, I know that this decision making process can be all types of daunting. Please remember that God is with you and there are people rooting for you – including me. I can’t wait to meet you, Hope Class of 2028!

How Ghana Changed my Life

Let me take you tell you why studying abroad in Ghana has been nothing short of the best trip I have taken. Buckle up, because this journey is about to unfold into a tapestry of vibrant cultures, delectable cuisines and life-altering realizations.

Embracing the Culture: A Lesson in Rich Traditions

From the moment I set foot in Ghana, I was welcomed with open arms and warm smiles. The rich tapestry of Ghanaian culture unfolded before me, offering a unique blend of history, art and tradition. Accra, the bustling capital, became my canvas for cultural exploration. The National Museum, with its fascinating exhibits, provided a glimpse into the country’s history and heritage. I also lived with the Lamotey host family and, though I am back at Hope College, I still keep in touch with them through WhatsApp (which is a main messaging platform).

But it was not just about museums and historical sites. The bustling markets, such as Makola Market, where vibrant fabrics and traditional artifacts beckon, became my playground for understanding the heartbeat of Ghanaian life. Engaging with locals in traditional dance and music workshops allowed me to immerse myself fully in the rhythms of this beautiful nation. It made me realize how the beauty and tranquility of such places is truly amazing. 

A Culinary Adventure: Savoring the Flavors of Ghana

Ghanaian cuisine is a feast for the senses, and every meal is a celebration. My taste buds embarked on a rollercoaster journey through the diverse array of dishes, from the iconic jollof rice to the spicy waakye. Street food, an integral part of the local experience, introduced me to the irresistible aroma of kelewele (spicy fried plantains) and the mouthwatering goodness of waakye with shito (rice and beans with spicy pepper sauce). I even learned how to make shito here and have it with every meal now.

Cape Coast, a coastal city with a poignant history, offered me a chance to indulge in the freshest seafood. The local fish market was a sensory overload, with the catch of the day transforming into sumptuous meals prepared by skilled chefs. Dining with newfound friends, sharing laughter over a bowl of fufu and light soup, became a cherished ritual.

Realizations Along the Way: Growth Beyond the Classroom

Studying abroad is not just about textbooks and exams; it is about personal growth and self-discovery. Ghana provided me with a unique classroom – one that extended beyond the lecture halls. Interacting with locals, hearing their stories, and understanding the challenges they face broadened my perspective on life.

Visiting the Cape Coast Castle and Elmina Castle, both remnants of the transatlantic slave trade, was a powerful and somber experience. It sparked a realization of the resilience and strength of the Ghanaian people, and it deepened my understanding of the global impact of historical events.

The sense of community in Ghana is palpable, and it became evident that true wealth lies not in material possessions but in the richness of relationships and shared experiences. Whether volunteering in local communities or participating in cultural festivals, I found myself woven into the fabric of Ghanaian society.

As I pen down these reflections, I cannot help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the life-changing adventure that studying abroad in Ghana has been. The places I’ve explored, the food I’ve savored, and the realizations I have gained have become threads in the tapestry of my personal growth.

So, to all the dreamers considering a study abroad experience – Ghana awaits you with open arms and a promise of transformative moments. This is not just a journey; it’s a revelation, an exploration of self and others that will leave an indelible mark on your soul. Here’s to the beauty of Ghana – an unforgettable trip in my life!

What makes Hope College distinct?

According to Dictionary.com, one of the definitions of the word ‘distinct’ reads: “different in nature or quality.” As such, this word reflects a type of being that stands out among other natures. For me, Hope College embodies this definition. At its very core, Hope is distinct

But what makes Hope’s nature distinct from that of others you may ask? For me, I see Hope’s foundational distinctiveness deriving from its heritage as a Christian, liberal arts institution, with its mission statement reading: “The mission of Hope College is to educate students for lives of leadership and service in a global society through academic and co-curricular programs of recognized excellence in the liberal arts and in the context of the historic Christian faith.” This distinctive heritage as a Christian, liberal arts institution manifests across the College through the intentional integration of faith, the dedication of excellence and the beauty of community.

Photo credit: Nico Kazlauskas (’27)

At Hope College, the integration of the Christian faith serves as an invitation for students to grow closer to Christ and become formed in Him. The College offers multiple opportunities for this type of formation. For example, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday there is the opportunity to gather as a community in Chapel Services at Dimnent Chapel. Though not required to attend, classes are intentionally not scheduled during the time of 10:30 am – 10:50 am on these days in order to make this experience possible for the student body. There is also the Gathering service every Sunday on campus at Dimnent, and Campus Ministry will also host events for deeper faith formation, including several Bible studies. Additionally, the St. Benedict Institute on campus offers Catholic mass every day and the sacrament of adoration every Tuesday in St. Anne’s Chapel of Graves. The organization also brings speakers to campus, and runs programs including Exodus 90 and Genesis. The incorporation of understanding the Christian perspective and virtues is also evident within the classroom. Hope offers an invitation for students to enter into the faith more deeply if they so choose. 

Another distinctive factor about Hope is that it seeks excellence. By serving as a liberal arts institution, the College enables students to study a variety of academic disciplines, while also seeking to form students holistically. For example, its general education requirements cover a breadth of subject areas, which helps form multi-dimensional thinkers. Guided by accomplished professors and faculty, students can participate in unique experiences. For example, Hope is nationally ranked for its extensive research program. This provides students with the opportunity to gain hands-on experience with professors in the field, offered both during the academic year and during the summer. Excellence also extends within Hope’s athletic teams, which consistently rank among the top in the conference along with several championship runs and wins. 

Furthermore, the beauty of Hope College reverberates throughout the campus. For example, there is a close-knit community found within the College. With smaller class sizes, students become more than just a number in a massive lecture hall. Professors intentionally seek to know their students, and they encourage office hours. With a student population size around 3,300, peers recognize familiar faces around campus, extending friendly smiles and waves throughout the Pine Grove, Student Center, and classroom buildings. Even beyond graduation, the Hope community gives back as alumni support students and the College. The beauty of the community is witnessed even in the landscape of Holland and Lake Michigan. 

From the intentional integration of faith, to the dedication of excellence, and to the beauty of community, the characteristics of Hope College exudes its Christian, liberal arts nature. And in doing so, Hope College is distinct