Mindfulness: 3 ways to destress


This is how I feel around this time of the semester. With 5 weeks left, we are burdened with all types of commitments, projects, and assignments to complete.

We put ourselves in this REALLY strange situation of this thing called school. It’s one of the most stressful events of our lives (if we allow it to be), along with the other stressors of life.

So today, I’m going to take a minute to give us some healthy coping skills.

(BTW, I stole this awesome graphic from mindmapinspiration.com. If you have never heard of this site, I would highly suggest checking it out!)


  1. Deep Breathing. This is a really great technique in which you can quiet anxieties and lower heart rate. It’s time to concentrate only on your breathing pattern and how it effects your heart rate. Taking just 2 minutes per day to practice deep breathing will significantly increase your ability to concentrate and reduce anxiety.
  2. Mindfulness. MY FAVORITE. Focus on one object. My favorite object to focus on is a candy, because then I get to eat it. It starts by studying the object. What does it look like? Is it wrapped? What does the wrapper feel like? Slowly unwrap it. What is the texture of the candy? What does it smell like? What does the candy feel like in your hand. What shape is it? Take a lick! What does it taste like, does the taste concentrate in one area of your tongue, or does it dissipate quickly? Put it in your mouth. What does it feel like on your teeth? Is the flavor stronger in one section of your mouth rather than the other? Continue on for 5 minutes focusing only on the candy.
  3. One thing at a time. Focus on the task at hand and only the task at hand. For example, if I’m washing the dishes, I would control my mind to focus only on the dishes. Repeat in your head or even outloud: Pick up the cup, I rinse the cup, I scrub the cup, I rinse the cup, I put the cup in the dish rack. And so on. Do this for 5-10 minutes. If you fall off and start thinking of other things, just ease your mind back to the task at hand. This helps you be in the moment, and ground yourself.

Of course there are hundreds of coping skills for reducing stress and anxiety, but these are my favorite three. Take time to hold these in your mind and use them throughout the day. It takes 3 months to develop and maintain a habit. So start today! De-stress!

Cold Stone for the kids!

Tonight a few friends and I went to Cold Stone Creamery in downtown Holland and got some delicious ice cream, all the while raising money for Dance Marathon. My RA, Danae, is involved in Dance Marathon, so I asked her a few questions about it to give you all a little background.

Danae working her ice cream magic!
Danae working her ice cream magic!

Q: What is Dance Marathon?

A: It is a 24-hour event at Hope College. You have to be on your feet for 24 hours. It’s through Children’s Miracle Network and we donate to Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital. There is a line dancing portion of the night. It is the biggest student group on Hope’s campus and we’ve raised over a million dollars in the past 15 years. There are dancers and moralers and many ways to get involved. Miracle families that are involved come to the marathon and speak. Y’all know you’re gonna be there!

Q: Why did you decide to get so involved with it?

A: I’m passionate about planning events and helping those that need help. When you see and meet these miracle families you realize the strength of what they have to go through and it’s really eye-opening for college students. If I could do Dance Marathon for the rest of my life, I’d be a happy camper. *starts dancing*

Q: What is the best part of being in Dance Marathon?

A: The families. This summer one of the miracle families had a five-year cancer-free party and I got to go to that. Getting to see these experiences on a personal level and seeing the impact you can have on your community is the best part.

To finish off, here are a few more pictures from our night!

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Dance Marathon is March 7th and 8th this year. I hope you can contribute in some way!

Thanks for reading! Leave me a comment, send me an email at kathryn.krieger@hope.edu, or tweet me at @hopekathryn17!

“Heal me, O Lord, and I will be healed; Save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise.”

Jeremiah 17:14

It’s OK to be Social

Alrighty folks, I’m back again with another post. Great right? So here is my “thesis” of this blog. Although college has a large focus on academics, it is OK to be social. I felt as if I was writing a formal paper there for a sec. Anyways, yes. As a nursing major, I am completely buried in homework and study literally 24/7. It can get irritating, but it’s the life I chose, and it’s my calling. So secretly, I enjoy this work sometimes (weird, I know). But last weekend, I did a lot of homework so I had time to just relax this week. But, I also was social and hung out with my friends! Ultimately, you have to find that balance between academia and the social realm, which is pretty unique here at Hope.

So, my homework is already done for this week. It is SO nice to have this work done. I have had so much time to focus on relaxing and working on SAC stuff. I’m a project lead for the annual Chicago Trip, so that is stressful. Just imagine schoolwork on top of that… it would be a disaster!! Regardless, maybe I’ll do this more often, the doing my work ahead of time because i have so much time for myself now!

But along with the completion of my work, I found time to be with some of my best buddies. It is good to have this time in college because it maintains your sanity. Trust me. Anyways, it was fellow blogger’s Chelsea Barfield‘s 22nd birthday, and my friend Nate’s 21st. So, we went over to his house to enjoy each other’s presence. We played trivia about each other, and all I have to say to that is we learn something new everyday, HAHA!

Maizey Jane and Me!
Maizey Jane and Me!

Along with having fun at the birthday party, I met Chelsea’s precious puppy, Maizey Jane. She DEFINITELY wins the cutest puppy award. This is the kind of dog I want when I get out college. Something cute, cuddly, and fun. Something Maizey! Afterwards, I ended up watching Despicable Me 2 with one of my best buddies, Joey. Oh man did I laugh a lot. Another thing I wish I could have are Minions. They’re simply the best. That following Saturday, I did some homework, worked out, and hung out with my friend Hannah! We watched 21 and Over and Pitch Perfect. It was a nice way to unwind. She also took me grocery shopping, and I bought a box of clementines. By the time we finished our movie, I ate 8. Yes, 8. They are the best. Then, that Sunday, I slept in a little bit, had breakfast with Joey, did some homework with Hannah and Allie, ate dinner, then watched my favorite TV Show, Revenge. If you haven’t seen it, GO. It’s on Netflix. It’s full of mystery and suspense, and in the perfect combination.

Ultimately, I had a productive weekend. Because I had those intervals in which I hung out with my friends, I got a lot done! See, everyone has 24 hours in a day, we just spend it differently. That’s it for now! If you haven’t already, FOLLOW ME on TWITTER! Just shoot me questions if you have any! I’ll be posting again later this week!

Until then!

What a Weekend!

Hello Everyone!

I’m sorry for the lack of blog posts recently – it’s been a little crazy around campus. But, now I can sit and catch you up on the happenings.

This weekend was pretty busy. My good friend Nate and I share the same birthday (November 1st), which was this past Friday. To celebrate we (Nate and I) invited about 30 of our good friends and family to his house to have dinner and play games, specifically trivia. The trivia was good, the food was great, and the company was even better.

One of the best parts of my weekend was that my Mom and Maizey Jane (the puppy) came to visit. We had fun going for lunch, walking downtown Holland, shopping, relaxing, and visiting with some my Hope professors.

Happy Birthday from Maizey

On Saturday, my mom and I went to visit my cousins. We enjoyed laughing together and watching football. Also on Saturday, my mom took Chris and me out for dinner at PF Changs to celebrate my birthday. We enjoyed some yummy Chinese food before heading to the Hope vs. Calvin Hockey game where Hope beat Calvin 4-2.


To end the weekend, I went Apple Picking at Crane’s with family and friends. We had fun drinking apple cider and eating cider donuts – two important foods during fall in the Midwest.

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May The Odds Ever Be In Your Favor

Happy Monday to all! I know that last Monday I posted a blog on realizing that Monday is a fresh new start, whether last week was bad or not. This Monday, you’ll really need to start fresh. Why? It’s REGISTRATION WEEK, people! Hence the title, I know it’s from the Hunger Games trilogy, but it seriously applies to this week. All Hope students are registering for classes for the Spring Semester already. I feel like it was Move-In day yesterday. To those of you looking at Hope, sometimes, people make registration seem horrendous (people are entitled to their own opinion), but I am here to tell you the good news that comes out of it.

  • People think the Registrar is the enemy, they’re not! They’re just trying to be logistical.
  • The Registrar WILL help you if you don’t get into a class you want.
  • Don’t be discouraged if you don’t get the class you want, there are a plethora of classes to choose from, although they may not be your first choice. The Registrar can be flexible!
  • Remember to have back-up schedules, just in-case yours doesn’t work out. And remember that it’s not the end of the world.

For those of you interested in Hope, registration is a simple process that people make to be complicated. Based on the number of credits you have, they will randomly assign times in which you can register. So here is a simple equation:

# of Credits = Registration Time

Simple enough, right? But some people do not come in with any credits, so they register last, and some people come in a a bajillion credits, so they will be one of the first. So my advice for those in high school, get as many college credits as you can before coming! It’ll be a great advantage. AFTER registration week is over, everyone will not be stressed, and everyone will be friends again. So hopefully from reading this, I hope you remember one thing, you’ll get into a class, guaranteed.

Have a great Monday everyone! I’ll be posting about my weekend sometime today or tomorrow, so keep on the look-out! Otherwise, CLICK HERE to see my twitter page, and follow me! Feel free to ask me any questions you have!

A few of my favorite things…

As I have been sick and unable to sing for three weeks, I have realized what a blessing being able to sing really is. Obviously I have known for a long time that I really enjoy singing, but I never realized that not being able to do it, or to do it as easily as I normally would, could make me so sad! I can’t wait until I am healthy enough to sing again because I really miss it so much! It is one of my favorite things. In light of that, I wanted to share a few of my other favorite things. Some of them are Hope related and some are not, but Hope College truly is one of my favorite things. I am so blessed to be here and choosing Hope as my school is a decision that I have not regretted for even a second.

Dimnent Chapel

Dimnent is so gorgeous. It is hands-down my favorite building on campus. It’s so beautiful and such great worship happens in this building! I love it!



I got to play Belle in my high school’s production of Beauty and the Beast my sophomore year! She was my favorite Disney princess before that, but I’ve loved her even more ever since. I am definitely 100% in love with Beauty and the Beast.

Downtown Holland

I love love LOVE downtown Holland so much. I walk down there several times a week. It is the cutest downtown I have ever seen with such great shops, restaurants, and cafes, and they all have such great service too! Every business owner or manager I have ever talked to in Holland has been so genuine and great. I’ve been so impressed with all of them!

“One-Eyed Cat” by Jenny & Tyler

Basically the most perfect couple on the face of the planet, one of my favorite musical acts, and probably my favorite of their songs. Enough said.

Kilwin’s fudge

After looking at this picture, I really might have to go buy some fudge. If you’ve never had Kilwin’s fudge, you need to. There’s a store in downtown Holland and it’s crazy how good everything is.


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If you know me at all, you probably know that I am slightly obsessed with Pinterest. It’s my favorite study break for sure (besides maybe Good Time donuts).

Crazy Horse

There are so so SO many great restaurants in Holland, but I really think Crazy Horse is my favorite. I have never had anything there that I didn’t absolutely love. It’s a little bit of a drive from campus (which is probably good, because otherwise I’d be there every day), but it’s so worth finding someone with a car to take you there. It’s so fantastic.

Five Hebrew Love Songs by Eric Whitacre

This is one of the most beautiful choral pieces I have heard. I play the piano part constantly and I just love the piece. I sang it my senior year and I just fell in love with it. The words are also beautiful. You can read the translation and the background of the piece here.

College Prepster

College Prep is definitely my favorite blog to read. Everything she posts is just perfect.

My nephew

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How cute is he? I love him. Baxter may be my only nephew, but he’s also my favorite nephew.

What are your favorite things? Leave me a comment, send me an email at kathryn.krieger@hope.edu, or follow me on Twitter at @hopekathryn17 and tweet at me!

* With the exception of the photos of Baxter and I, none of these pictures or videos belong to me. If you click on the pictures, they will link to the original pages.

“God makes his people strong. 

God gives his people peace.”

                         Psalm 29:11.

So Much Going On

Hi everyone! This week has been absolutely crazy! For starters, yesterday was Halloween and my friends and I had a fun Halloween party called Club Eek. This is an annual tradition for VerBeek cottage where people come and dance, eat some candy, and relax. Well, while that was going on, I also had my first intramural tennis match of the season, which is really exciting. My partner and I have been playing for the past three years together and it’s just a great and fun time of the year because it is when we are able to devote some time to playing one of our favorite sports and getting to hang out together. I have to say we were pretty rusty, so we’ll just say that the result was not what we had hoped for. Regardless, it was a blast and I can’t wait for the other matches we’re going to be playing within the next few weeks.

Lauren and I dressed as minions for Club Eek!
Lauren and I dressed as minions for Club Eek!

In addition, Nykerk will be going on tomorrow. I’m sure many blog posts will be talking about it, so I’ll save you the time of reading about it but it is going to be really exciting. I’m pumped to see what songs are performed, the speeches the orators present and which play is going to be the funniest and most clever. Nykerk marks the beginning of November, which makes me sit back and think. It’s so strange to realize that it’s already November, meaning Thanksgiving is this month and BAM it’s Christmas and the first semester is over! There is still a ton to do within that time, but this year seems to be flying by… it can be a good and bad thing.

On one hand I’m excited for my classes to be over because they are very overwhelming, but at the same time junior year is so monumental because you’re an upperclassman and don’t have to figure your life out completely yet. Sometimes you just need to put on the brakes and live in the moment, though. I catch myself walking through the Pine Grove going to a review session or the library and just looking at all of the fall leaves and thinking, “One day I’m going to really miss this place and these stresses compared to what is in store for me.” I then just realize I need to appreciate where I am and what I am doing here at Hope and be grateful for everything and everyone around me because not everybody gets that opportunity. This post all of a sudden became very deep and meaningful, so sorry if you were hoping for a really light-hearted one about Halloween! Anyway, that’s it for this week! Have an awesome weekend and I’ll update you on my life at Hope next week.

The Pine Grove
Enjoying the fall colors of the Pine Grove

Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter @hopeleslie15.

Everyone’s Favorite Day!

Despite many exams, assignments, and projects being due on Friday, everyone still loves Friday. I can guarantee it is everyone’s favorite day (in the weekday of course!) If you’re reading this, give yourself a pat on the back. You made it through this week. I know for some, it was just such a draining week. I know it was for me. This week, I didn’t have any big exams, but I had so much busy work. Talk about redundant. Anyway, with all of that said, I’m glad I made it to Friday. Maybe I’ll play “Friday” by Rebecca Black…

Anyways, I’m so glad this week is over. All of my assignments are done, I took care of myself, and I didn’t get sick! I feel like everyone is coming down with something. I ran twice this week, which also made me feel great despite my heavy load of work!


On Tuesday, I ran 7 miles, because I could. It was such a nice day for a run because it was beautiful, warm, and sunny. I also beat a PR of mine, which was even more encouraging. I know this sounds CRAZY but the following day, I ran 3.22 miles with a friend.

3.22 Miles!
3.22 Miles!

So all in all, I ran a little more than 10 miles this week! And on top of that, I wake up early to workout in the mornings. Seriously though, I recommend just getting active and moving around. You’ll feel great, be more energized, and less stressed! Speaking of which, if you haven’t read my blog on stress, you should! CLICK HERE! Anyways, today is a very special day for three reasons. 1) IT’S NOVEMBER! 2) IT’S CHELSEA’S 22nd BIRTHDAY and 3) IT’S NATE’S BIRTHDAY! Ok, so I am a little biased, they’re some of my amazing friends, but today is going to be all about them! You might know Chelsea because she is a fellow blogger! CLICK HERE to go to her blog page! It’s got great content, I definitely recommend it! Anyways, I can’t wait until my classes are done because we are going to spend some time together celebrating.

It's Chelsea and me!
It’s Chelsea and me!
Nate and me, and this sums up our friendship!
Nate and me, and this sums up our friendship!

I’m so thankful it’s Friday. If you want to read more about other Hope College students, make sure you check out the Life in Orange and Blue Blog Page. There are some great posts and college advice and life. Time for me to get ready so I can tackle the day. If you get a chance today, make sure you just stop, breathe, and think for a moment. Be thankful for life, family, and friends. Count your blessings, and give thanks for the little things! That really get’s me motivated! If you haven’t done so already read some of my other blogs! Follow me on TWITTER! Feel free to ask questions about anything. I’m here to help! Also, spread the word about this post! Have a great Friday!

Happy Halloween, and Happy November!


Well, I guess it had to come to an end at some point. Halloween’s officially over and gone with it is the month of October. November is alright… I guess. Aw, who am I kidding? It’s going to be a long, long winter.

Anyways, I figured I’d help battle my post-October depression by writing about what I did for the month of Halloween. That’s right, the month.

First off I beat Costume Quest. Boy, oh boy, was that a great game! I also went back and played Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare and Castlevania: Symphony of The Night as well.

I watched all 31 movie reviews on Cinemassacre.com like I do every year, and I went and saw a showing of the original Night of The Living Dead that had a comedy commentary over it. That was DEFINITELY a highlight of the month since It’s kind of a one-of-a-kind event.

I drank more apple cider and ate more Count Chocula than I’d ever feel comfortable sharing (obviously), and I stocked up on more to last me until December.

The most substantial thing I did was watch a whole bunch of movies. I’m going to list them all since I really want to know how many I watched.

1. Halloween

2. Halloween 2

3. Halloween 3: Season of The Witch

4. Halloween 4

5. Halloween 5

6. Alien

7. Aliens

8. The Conjuring

9. Cujo

10. Pet Sematary

11. Return of The Living Dead

12. Curse of Chucky

13. Evil Dead

14. Evil Dead 2

15. Army of Darkness

16. Evil Dead (2013)

17. Creepshow

18. Freddy Vs. Jason

19. Friday the 13th

20. Friday the 13th 2

21. Friday the 13th 3

22. Friday the 13th 4

23. Friday the 13th 5

24. Friday the 13th 6

25. Friday the 13th (2009)

26. A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010)

27. A Nightmare on Elm Street: Freddy’s Dead

28. Carrie (2013)

29. The Thing

30. Pumpkinhead

31. Hatchet

Wow, 31 movies. That’s one for every day of October! Well, it’s been a great Halloween season and I’m already counting down to the next one.

I think I’ll end this one with a quote from the movie that started it all.

“It’s Halloween, everyone’s entitled to one good scare.”

So much music!

As a music major, I am required to attend at least 10 concerts every semester. As this is something I would probably try to do anyway, this is a pretty cool requirement to me. I definitely don’t mind it at all! I have been to several concerts in the past week or so and they’ve all been really great!

Last Thursday morning, we had a departmental recital in Nykerk Hall of Music. Several music students sang or played on their respective instruments and they were all so good! We have so much talent in the music department here at Hope and I was so impressed!

Thursday night, I went to see the Chicago Afro-Latin Jazz Ensemble (CALJE) in Dimnent Chapel. As a Hope student, I got into the concert for free, which is pretty cool since I believe tickets for the public were around $18. CALJE was unlike any performance I have ever experienced. The music was written by a couple of the group members, and that totally blew my mind. It was so intricate and incredible! I like to think that I often know what’s going on musically when I listen to performances and such, but I have to admit that I was completely out of my league during this concert, but it was such a great experience! It was such a talented group and I’m glad I got to be a part of this cool event.

On Saturday, I went to a senior organ recital and a junior flute recital. I am not too familiar with either of those two instruments, but I was so impressed by the skill of the performers!

Tonight, the Wind Ensemble had a Halloween concert. It was really cool because all the performers dressed up in costumes for the concert! They played some familiar music, like the Star Trek and Doctor Who theme songs, as well as some really unique, different pieces. It was a really enjoyable concert!

Tomorrow, there is a student scholarship recital in Dimnent Chapel at 7:30. I was originally supposed to be in it, but since I have been sick, I am unable to perform. I’m still excited to go and see all the other performers! I hope to see you there!

What musical performances have you experienced at Hope? Send me an email at kathryn.krieger@hope.edu, leave me a comment, or follow me on Twitter at @hopekathryn17 and tweet at me! Have a great weekend!