Madelynne Baughman ’24 – TEAN Gold Coast, Australia

My name is Maddy Baughman, and I am studying on the Gold Coast in Australia. I am a junior studying English and Language Arts Elementary Education with a passion for creative writing. I am from Columbus, Ohio and will graduate in 2024!

Though I am an education major, I will be focusing on my writing this semester (in classes and outside classes). I dream of becoming a published author one day, so to travel and experience new things is wonderful for building my work as a writer.

I am looking forward to exploring the beautiful country of Australia. As an advocate for the environment, I am excited to learn more about the fascinating flora and fauna of another area of the world. The water is my element, so I cannot wait to experience a new ocean. My program will be an incredible opportunity to learn about this part of the world that I have never seen. It has been a dream of mine to see Australia since I was a child, so this is a dream come true. Thank you for following along with me.

On campus, I am involved in Alethean sorority, Young Life, any intramurals I can participate in, and Campus Ministries. Outside of classes, you will find me reading, swimming at the lake, or playing with my pets. 

I cannot wait to share my experience with all of you. I hope you enjoy.