Halle McGuire ’24 – Oregon Extension

Hello! My name is Halle and I’m a senior studying Exercise Science on the Pre-Physical Therapy track. I grew up in Clio, Mi with my parents and older brother. Being outdoors and finding joy in outdoor activities was not a large part of my life growing up, but since coming to college I have found incredible joy in being outside and I am expecting to gain even more knowledge and experience of the outdoors in Oregon. 

I will be studying off-campus with the Oregon Extension program in Lincoln, Oregon, which is outside of Ashland, Oregon. The tiny community that I will be living in (a cohort of about 25 students and 3 professors) will be sure to foster intentionality and growth throughout the semester. I am excited for the relationships I will form with my cohort and with the nature we will be surrounded by. I am a new bookworm, so I can’t wait to read some meaningful and intense books!

My time in Oregon is hopefully going to be filled with new knowledge and a deepened love for the things that matter in this world, like how to care for it, how to be relational, and how to be active in nature. I hope to share nuggets of knowledge that are given to me, some beautiful views, and maybe a silly adventure or two as I spend a few months in Oregon!

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