Vacation from a Vacation

So IES has a little secret. They arrange a field-trip vacation for you over your mid-semester break. When I registered for my study abroad semester in New Zealand I was not aware of this. However, that made the realization all the more exciting when I was told that for my break I would be going …

Porto, Portugal!

Porto is a city of color, history, intrinsic structures, diversity, nightlife, wine and amazing food. This trip has been the first time I have ever set foot on Portuguese soil.     First impression of Porto, it is a maze city! It requires you to have some sort of a map to get around (I …

A Historical Time Capsule

Walking through the streets of Berlin, Germany, and Prague, Czech Republic, was a walk through history. Looking back to high school and college history courses some of the most talked about topics are WWI, WWII, and the Cold War. To an extent you, as well as I, could consider ourselves well acquainted with the events. …

“Cheerio” From England!

If you know me, you probably know that I’m studying this fall at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland. However, my parents and I traveled abroad early so that we could have a little UK vacation before moving me into “uni.” Here’s a little bit of what we did and saw! We spent most of …

Mountains or Water?

Important question: Mountains or Water? Which one most fits you? Which region would you choose to live? This is one of the random icebreakers questions I liked to ask. My response in the past has usually been water. There is something about the sweet blue crashing waves that just makes my heart swell with peace and …

Bucket List–My Final Post

Hello, everyone! I am writing this post from my couch, safe and sound, back in my home state of Michigan. Looking back on my time in Japan, I’ve had a lot of things on my to-do list that I haven’t been able to do due to distance, construction, or time/money restraints, and I did get …

Abel Tasman – The Great Walkers

This past weekend I was a bit of a rebel – I decided to leave Thursday night and travel to Nelson, on the northernmost part of the southern island with some friends. Did I skip school Friday? Well, yes I did, but I was getting a different kind of education! How this came about was …

15 Things Japan Has That America Should, Too

Sickness masks. Keep the germs contained! Escalator etiquette. One half stands to the side, the other half is a passing lane. I’ve never felt more satisfied. I’ve already mentioned this in a previous post, but: THE TOILETS. So cool. Packaging. Like, nice packaging. Japan would scoff at America’s put-it-in-a-bag-with-some-tissue-paper-on-top mentality. Yuzu. They’re a type of …

Hakone Field Trip

A few months ago, my fellow dormmates/classmates/exchange students and I went on a field trip with our Japanese language professors to Hakone, a famous location for foreigners and Japanese people alike. Hakone is famous for its hot springs, lake, shrine, and special black hard boiled eggs (naturally boiled in the hot springs, giving it its …


Hello there! Welcome back to the blog! This post will be a little more brief, as I wanted to quickly share a few daily life changes that I’ve experienced, or that tend to happen while you’re living in Japan. The first difference made in my routine from day 1 was my sleep schedule. I woke …