AnnaLeah Lacoss ’25 – SIT Amman, Jordan & Oregon Extension

Hi! I’m AnnaLeah, and I’m excited to be blogging while I’m off campus! I’m a Creative Writing and Global Studies major minoring in Peace and Justice Studies. I will be traveling to Lincoln, Oregon for The Oregon Extension this semester. The program focuses on stepping back from technology, reading lots of books, and thinking through big questions on topics like sustainability and community.

Last semester I studied abroad in Amman, Jordan, and I learned so much about the world and myself during that time. I’m grateful that I get to spend another semester off campus, and happy to be (slightly) closer to home this time. If you read my blog last semester, you know I have a tendency to take grainy pictures and sprinkle lots of poetry quotes into my posts. I’m trying to work on the picture quality this time around, but I have a feeling the poetry might not be going anywhere. Welcome to my journey.

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