Abigail Musherure ’26 – IES London, England

Hello everyone! I am Abigail Musherure, a junior studying media production and journalism. I’m a first-generation Ugandan American born and raised in Minnesota. I will be traveling to London, England with IES, directly enrolling in City, University of London

On Hope’s campus, I work at the library and for streaming services. I was the film coordinator for SAC, and I am a Phelps Scholar, PASA, BSU, and WOCU member. I also am a DJ at our school radio station WTHS! In my free time, I love to laugh with my friends and family, read, listen to music, make videos, watch movies, and play volleyball.  

As someone who loves the music, entertainment, and creativity coming out of the UK (and specifically London) I am excited to immerse myself into the scene. I hope to work in public radio one day and I am excited to potentially go and tour the BBC and learn more about how they operate! As well as the media I am excited to immerse myself in the multicultural hub that is London! I will be vlogging my time so look out for me on @hopeoffcampus on Instagram as well as this page! I can’t wait and hope you’ll follow along!