Technology: You Don’t Know What You’ve Got Till It’s Gone.

Here we are at the beginning of our second week back from Spring Break. Two days before I left home to return to Hope my laptop decided to give up on me. I packed it into my backpack and put my hope into CITĀ of Hope College to bring my trusty sidekick back to life. I …

It’s a Family Tradition

Happy Thanksgiving Hope College! Since Thanksgiving was yesterday, and our bellies are full of turkey and our minds are full of memories, I can’t help but think about all the traditions my family has during this holiday season. As you think about what traditions you have, I’m going to walk you through some of the …

Thankful for more than just Thanksgiving

There’s something about being a college student that has taken me from being half-full thankful to overflowing thankful. Maybe it’s the friends I’ve made, the professors I’ve had, or the fact that my family is so far away (which makes seeing them that much more important!) Regardless, I know my experience as a college student …

SO Thankful!

As we are creeping up on Thanksgiving, the homework is piling up, the Christmas decorations are coming out, the stress levels are rising, and I’m both happy and anxious at the same time. I find myself overwhelmed daily by how incredibly blessed I’ve been this year. That isn’t to say that there haven’t been difficulties, …

Thankful to be at Hope =]

In honor of Thanksgiving I thought I would write about what I am most thankful for at Hope. Friends- The people I have met here are seriously amazing. I have been here only a little over a year, but I already feel like I have made some life long friends. I am grateful I get to …