May The Odds Ever Be In Your Favor

Happy Monday to all! I know that last Monday I posted a blog on realizing that Monday is a fresh new start, whether last week was bad or not. This Monday, you’ll really need to start fresh. Why? It’s REGISTRATION WEEK, people! Hence the title, I know it’s from the Hunger Games trilogy, but it seriously …

Everyone’s Favorite Day!

Despite many exams, assignments, and projects being due on Friday, everyone still loves Friday. I can guarantee it is everyone’s favorite day (in the weekday of course!) If you’re reading this, give yourself a pat on the back. You made it through this week. I know for some, it was just such a draining week. …

Presidential Inauguration!

Last week, I had the great honor of attending the inauguration of the twelfth president of Hope College, John Knapp. The service was held in Dimnent Chapel, and it was by far one of the coolest experiences I’ve had at Hope so far. All of the professors were there, along with representatives from colleges and …

Casa and my cutie!

The week before Winter Break has arrived, and everyone is anxious to finish up work, take tests, and BOOK IT OUT OF HOLLAND. Only because we all really just need a break. 5 weeks of spring semester is like 10 weeks of fall semester. It’s lengthy. To stay sane with repetitous homework, I’ve found myself …