The Great Cloud of Witnesses: Campus Ministries at Hope

Campus Ministries is one of my favorite places on Hope’s campus.  It perches on a hill near the edge of the Pine Grove.  In just the past year, it has held memories of early morning study sessions, nights reading by the fire, and days on the porch playing card games with friends.  Memories of meeting …

My Top 5 at Hope!

Last spring, the end of my freshman year, I dedicated a page in my journal to all my favorite things about Hope College. I’d only been a part of this place for a number of months and yet I loved it deeply. Going home for the summer and catching up with high school friends, I found …

My Best Advice to an Incoming Freshman from a Hope College Senior

From a Hope College Senior writing to an incoming Freshman, this is my best advice for you:  Fight the urge to compare yourself to other freshmen. Every upperclassman I know can recall a moment when they called their mom on the phone and said or felt some version of, “It just feels like everyone else …

Why Hope College?

If you ask a Hope student why they chose to come here, you’ll hear different answers every time. There are countless reasons to come here. Personally, what drew me here is how Hope as an institution is often described, which is as a small, Christian, liberal arts school.  Small Hope has a little over 3000 …

Transformed by Hope College

What does it mean to be ‘Transformed by Hope’? Being ‘Transformed by Hope’ is the idea that Hope itself can bring profound changes to an individual’s life and worldview. I find this definition to be very fitting for my time here at Hope College. When a student is transformed by Hope, they experience a shift in …

Student Life at Hope

Is there something that you’ve always wanted to try, but have never gotten the chance to? Do you have a hobby that you love? Do you want to spend some time on an activity that isn’t homework? If so, I have excellent news for you. Hope has a ton of ways to get involved on …

My Top 5 For Hope

Why did I chose Hope College? What lead me to making this final decision that would control where the next four years of my life would go? I have personally done some self-reflection and came up with 5 reasons as to why I chose Hope. Size As someone who loves meeting new people as well …

Working as a Student

Once the stress of moving into college ends, the next thing on the minds of many students is “how on earth do I get a job?” Luckily, Hope makes it easy to apply for on-campus employment, and I’m here to break the process down. My Job I work for Hope’s Public Affairs and Marketing department. …

From Lagos, Nigeria, to Holland, Michigan

One of my biggest concerns when moving to the United States for college had to do with living in Holland, Michigan. As an individual from the largest city in Africa with over 20 million people, I was a bit worried about the change of pace and context that I would encounter during college. This difference, …

Mentors at Hope College

A big part of my excitement about attending Hope College was related to the internship and mentoring opportunities. As a student of Political Science and Philosophy who is planning to work in Development and Business in my home country, Nigeria, it was important to me that I felt supported throughout my four years. Fortunately, Hope …