It’s Past 1 AM, and I’m Overwhelmed – But Not in a Bad Way

It’s past 1 AM and I have an unfinished Research Synthesis paper due tomorrow at 11 AM. I’m sipping on half of a cup of cold coffee and have a Patagonia sweatshirt tied around my neck like a cape.

I’m sitting in the sunroom of my cottage, which can hardly be called a sunroom at 1 AM, because the only light shining in the window is that of a streetlight on 13th Street.

But all of that information is pretty much irrelevant to what I have to say next.

I can’t stop thinking about it. The concept of grace has been overwhelming me lately. I remember sitting by the lake in late April or early May of last year, not understanding what the dictionary definition of “unmerited favor” looks like as it plays out in real life. It was a concept I didn’t consciously understand, but I was living in it every day.

I understand now.

Grace looks like the lake. Grace looks like the sand. And it looks like every snowflake, every blade of grass, as many stars there are in the sky. We could never count its presence. There’s too much of it everywhere. We just live by it every day.

Grace feels like forgiving for forever, not just for today. It feels like anticipating the weird numb pain that comes from hitting your funny bone on the arm of a chair, but the pain never comes. We become too good at expecting to feel something – pain, anger, bitterness, suffering – but with grace, these emotions never come. Because grace enters every space with the capacity not to conceal it, but instead to heal it.

And that’s what’s crazy to me.

You know that kid in your group project who won’t do anything? Give him grace. Not because he “might be dealing with something drastically difficult in his life,” but instead because we’re given grace that we don’t deserve by a God who is more than willing and more than able. Grace doesn’t have a reason, it has a cause – and that cause is to heal brokenness in a way that our human minds cannot fathom.

Remember that ex-relationship you had in 10th grade? Give it grace. Break-ups are never easy. But, if you’re a college student, it’s probably over – way over – and there’s someone out there who’s waiting for you to fall in love with them. Maybe it’s a person, and maybe it’s Jesus (you have to decide that one).

Here’s the real deal. I’ve probably said this before, but even if I have, I’ll say it again: Grace is given, not earned. There is nothing we do and nothing that we don’t do that diminishes the grace that has been bestowed upon us. That’s why I’m so overwhelmed. Because every time I get mad at the way things turn out or if I become indifferent when things turn out for the best, God sees me in that. When I stop and say, “I’m sorry,” He sees me through that.

All about that Grace
My church at home knows what’s up 😉

I want to promise you something. Nothing that you have done or haven’t done changes the amount of grace available to you. It finds you exactly where you’re at. You don’t have to “get your act together” or “change your ways” prior to walking into its fullness. All you need is honesty in the places where you messed up and a willingness to let it go.

There is immeasurably more available than we could ever consume. That’s the beauty of it to me – all we have to do is be honest and say we messed up in return for a healing that changes us from the inside out.

Even with this Patagonia tied around my neck, I’m reminding myself I can’t be my own superhero. I can’t save myself from falling into the depths of being angry and bitter. That’s the power of grace. It comes from God’s love, which surpasses all understanding. We don’t have to understand it to live in it. And that’s a pretty awesome thing to think about.

Keep up with me @hopesophie17. Questions? Comments? Send me an email at P.S. try to go to sleep earlier than me.

Brooke’s Study Tips

Midterms are coming up, and you know what that means: studying.

“Do I have to?” You’re asking me now.

Well, no, you don’t have to, but if you don’t I can’t guarantee you’ll keep that super cool merit scholarship that a lot of Hope students get.

So I’d highly suggest it. Now you’re probably wondering where to even start… (You know what they say: If you give a mouse a cookie…)

I’d start here, at step one: Put your phone away.

Your phone is all sorts of distractions that you don’t want. Turn it off, put it on silent, lock it in a safe, don’t touch it ’till you’re done.

Now that you can stay properly focused, step two: Make an agenda.

Gosh, I love lists. Who doesn’t? For this step you should break down your study load (assuming you aren’t cramming for this test) so that you have enough time to study each chapter/lesson/whatever. For example, if I have an exam that covers eight chapters: I’ll take five days, use the first four to study two chapters each, and leave the last one to do a final review. In my own experience this gives me adequate time to know each chapter and I end up doing pretty well.

Now that you have your game plan, step three: Use your resources and materials wisely.

There are so many ways to study in college. Often times teachers will make study guides for you to fill in, use those. Sometimes with online books you have online quizzes and flashcards, use those. Use your notes and your teachers powerpoints (which are often on the Hope Moodle page). Anything that you have: USE IT. It’s helpful to study from multiple different platforms instead of just staring at your pages of notes the whole time.

*Yawn* – Wow, you sure have been studying for a while, haven’t you? Let’s hit up step four: Take a break.

I like to allow myself an hour for this, but sometimes you just don’t have that kind of time. Use this to go to the gym, watch a few Netflix episodes, hang out with a few friends, get dinner, have a snack, read a book for you own enjoyment, etc. We all know that studying for too long can make your brain even more mushy than it was before you started ingesting information.

When you’re feeling refreshed, go ahead and hit the books again. However, don’t ignore step five: Sleeping and eating.

Make sure you go to bed on time the few nights leading up to a test. But Brooke, this is college – I’m supposed to be staying up all night cramming for tests and shoving ramen noodles down my throat. To which I respond: this isn’t a TV show or some college simulation iPhone app, this is real life. You’re going to need sleep and you’re going to need the right kinds of foods in your body to stay healthy.

Sorry for playing mom, but someone’s got to do it.

I hope this helps you on your future studying endeavors! Thanks for reading!

If you have any questions for me you can contact me at, through Hope on Facebook, or my twitter @hopebrooke18! I’d love to answer them!

My New Home in Paris

Last weekend, on a cold and windy afternoon, I went ice skating. I’ve only gone ice skating a few times and I’m not the best skater around, but seeing as it is winter here in Paris, I decided to go anyway. I met my friends Jess and Amaya and we rode the metro together to the Eiffel Tower, where unbeknownst to me, there is an ice skating rink on the first floor.

All was fine until I realized that to get to the first floor, we would have to climb the stairs. Stairs. If you know me at all, you know that I am absolutely terrified of heights. This is coming from the girl who has not and WILL NOT ride a roller coaster even if you bribed me with all the money in the world. So, looking up at all of the stairs that I would have to climb, I kind of panicked. Jess and Amaya gave me a pep talk though (thank you ladies! 🙂 ), and distracted me by talking the whole way up the steps. I didn’t dare look left or right, only down, concentrating on each step as we climbed farther up the Tower.

In hindsight, I knew I would make it out just fine, but as cheesy as it sounds, this was kind of a big deal for me! It was sort of like accomplishing a mini-goal I set for myself before coming here: Don’t let fear get in the way of experiencing the things I always wanted to do. So yes, I was scared of climbing a lot of stairs, but hey, I did it. The view made it worth it too.

View from the first floor
View from the first floor

One of my favorite English professors at Hope, Prof. Montano, once told my class that it was important to write about your time spent in a new place. That thought didn’t sink in until I arrived in Paris, a place that was incredibly new and foreign to me. I thought that taking pictures of everything I saw would be enough, but I was wrong.

It’s been almost a month since I have arrived in this beautiful city and now I am constantly writing. I have a journal that I carry with me everywhere I go and will write in whenever I have the chance. There is just something about writing words down that is much more satisfying than just taking a pretty picture. How else can you remember the feelings, the sensations or the emotions that you felt at a certain time and place?

I don’t write pages and pages of reflections everyday. Sometimes, I will just write down words or phrases if I see something that reminds me of something else, like home. Just yesterday, I saw a rainbow, an arc en ciel, and it remind me of those misty mornings back home in Chicago when I could walk out to my front porch and see just the tip of a rainbow peeking out from the clouds. It seems so silly, but it hit me in that moment that even though my real home is over 4,000 miles away, this is my new home. Right now. Today. Tomorrow. For the next three months.

As Lent begins this week, I am again reminded of His grace. I know that I was brought here for a reason to which I still do not know, but I hope that by the end of my journey, I will have an answer.

Thank you for reading and if you would like to know more about my semester abroad, follow me on Twitter @HopeMarisela16!

It’s that Time of Year

It is that time of year. What time? Lent. Lent is fast approaching. Depending of your faith upbringing, whether Christian or not, and depending on your denomination, Lent may or may not be something that you are aware of. For those of you that are not, lent occurs starting on Ash Wednesday (this Wednesday, 2/18) and goes until Easter. It is approximately 40 days to resemble the 40 days that Jesus fasted in the desert. Lent is a time of fasting, prayer, and service; a time to really intentionally sacrifice something or implement something in your life in order to better yourself and serve the sovereign King, Jesus.


Lent can a beautiful and challenging time. The other day, I was asking myself what really was the point of fasting. Though their are many reasons, some self-serving and others serving of the Lord, an enlightenment came over me the other day.

The Lord, out Triune God, is our TRUE SUSTAINER. When we fast food, that image can really be seen. We need food; we need it to live. We need it constantly in order to function and have energy. We need the Lord like we need food, yet here is the difference – He is not comparable to food due to the fact that He is able to sustain us in ALL things. He is what we need to constantly look to for support. He is the only thing that can truly feed us the way that we need to be fed, through His almighty and glorious love. No matter what we as human beings, look for in being fed – whether that is through food, pride, earthly relationships, porn, or anything in between, ONLY God can truly feed us.

I encourage you to take this time of lent this year to see what you are using to sustain you instead of the Lord. Use this and allow yourself to let go of it so that our constant Lord can be our true sustainer. We may fall, but our God is the only thing that can sustain us.

Peace and Blessings, Friends.

Love is in the Air

Welcome back from mid-winter break, everyone! I hope it treated you well. As you all probably know, Valentine’s Day is tomorrow! Some people say it’s a pointless holiday, but I think it’s a nice little excuse in the middle of February to tell your friends and loved ones just how much you truly care about them!

I don’t know about all of you, but Valentine’s Day now that I’m 20 is a lot different than when I was younger. Just from movies and seeing what’s happening around campus, getting older means Valentine’s Day is all about getting a date, being romantic, and FINALLY telling your crush how you feel. Not that those things are bad, but I wish I could go back to the Valentine’s Day when you passed out valentines to your whole class (kind of like the ones pictured below), learned about St. Valentine, and got to eat all the red or pink food you wanted at your Valentine’s Day classroom party.

This is probably something I would have passed out when I was younger. But let's be honest, I'd still pass this out to my friends today :)
This is probably something I would have passed out when I was younger. But let’s be honest, I’d still pass this out to my friends today 🙂

For those of you that don’t know, Valentine’s Day is actually based off of St. Valentine and the martyrdom he endured in Rome around 496 AD. The holiday’s first connection to romantic love was in the Middle Ages when the ideas of love and romance were flourishing. I like learning about this history because it offers something more than just romantic love. It offers the idea that love is more than flowers or chocolate, but about sacrifice and putting yourself above someone else.

No matter how you spend your Valentine’s Day, with a significant other or just hanging out with your friends, I hope you feel like you are loved. Not just because of the holiday, but because you are you, and that is enough for your heavenly Father to love you more than words can describe.

Enjoy the holiday, Readers!

Until next time!


Winter Break Adventures: Hanging Around Hope

This past weekend was Winter Break at Hope College, and it was the best weekend ever.

My friend Ashley and I remained on campus for the break so we made a list of all that we wanted to accomplish over the four day period. Here are the highlights of our adventures.

Friday afternoon the campus population decreased as we pulled out the baking supplies and made cupcakes.

Later that night our friend Ellie came over to Van Vleck and we had Lilo & Stitch Movie Night. We watched Lilo & Stitch, Stitch Has a Glitch, and we decorated cupcakes!
Disney + cupcake decorating + friends = a Fabulous Friday Night.

On Saturday we moved our adventuring off campus to Grand Haven, Ashley’s hometown. I got my dog fix for the weekend when I got to meet Kalvin, her adorable dog who liked me even though he apparently is never a fan of strangers. (maybe I’m part dog whisperer.)

After lunch we walked the boardwalk out to the beach. Ashley enlightened me on the awesome beauty that is frozen Lake Michigan. We walked on the frozen waves and made our way down the ice covered pier as I took way too many pictures because everything just looked way too cool not to photograph. If you have never seen frozen Lake Michigan I highly recommend making it happen some day because I am still amazed by the forces of nature that created such a landscape.

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On Sunday we built a snow goat. His name is Gilbert. He lives outside of Van Vleck.

Gilbert, the snow goat of Van Vleck
Gilbert, the snow goat of Van Vleck

Sunday night we again visited with Ellie, this time at her house, to play Mario Kart, watch even more Lilo & Stitch and then we made a puzzle.

Our pro puzzle skills created this work of art. Looks just like NYC, right?
Our pro puzzle skills created this work of art. Looks just like NYC, right?

Monday night we discovered the real reason most college dorms have bunk beds: Blanket Forts. We built our fort then watched Frozen and my favorite movie, Miracle, from within its cozy shelter.

Our magnificent blanket fort
Our magnificent blanket fort

Also, the ceilings in Van Vleck are perfect for finding animal shapes in if you ever happen to be lying on the floor of a room and need something to do. Here are a few of our favorite animal finds in Ashley’s room.

Snapchat outlines of all the ceiling animals we spotted in Ashley's room.
Snapchat outlines of all the ceiling animals we spotted in Ashley’s room.

Tuesday, our final day of Winter Break, brought blue skies and sunshine so what would be better to do than pull out the hammock and head out to the Pine Grove? We had our first experience of putting up a hammock and it didn’t crash to the ground so the experience was a success.

We followed up hammocking with a Downtown Holland date. First stop: JP’s
We bought tea, were asked if we wanted the big cups, and agreed cause why not, right?
I’ve never been given that large of a styrofoam cup before.

JP's and Ashley and I with our giant cupsof tea.
JP’s and Ashley and I with our giant cups of tea.

20 oz. of tea later we headed outside and ambled down 8th Street stopping in a shop here and there to explore. Holland has really cute shops, but our only disappointment was that none of them sold Slinkys.

Not even Sandcastle, the cute toy shop on 8th street, had sliknys. Nevertheless, we had fun looking around it anyways.
Not even Sandcastle, the cute toy shop on 8th street, had sliknys. Nevertheless, we had fun looking around it anyways.

Tuesday night came and the campus population began to rise once again and we said so long to choice seating in Phelps and days spent adventuring without a care towards homework. Our Winter Break Adventures were a success.

I hope you have a fabulous Friday!

You can follow me on Twitter (@HopeErin18) and Instagram (@e_delaney333) for more little updates on life at Hope through my experience.

Five Movies We Really Should Be More Stoked For

5. Chappie. A coming of age story set in a grim future featuring a robot with a name so saccharine it would give a Gummi bear diabetes. Its 2016, and a robot police force controlled by corrupt and vindictive officers rules with an iron fist. A young scientist creates a machine capable of empathy and self-determination, hoping to pave a way for a future free of police brutality and human corruption. Cue the outrage of the militant police commanders and a driven industrialist played by Hugh Jackman and you’ve got a tender coming-of-age story wrapped in a spicy, crunchy action film, with a healthy helping of sci-fi on the side.

4. The Walk. The tale of an aspiring tightrope walker and his journey between the World Trade Center Towers. Assembling a team of international stuntmen, he undertakes one of the most ambitious and terrifying high-profile public performances the world has ever seen. Its basically Gordon-Levitt balancing on a length of rope suspended between two of the highest buildings ever built by man. In glorious 3D. You might want to bring friends along to pull you back into your seat for this one when it hits theaters in October.

3. Ex Machina. In what looks to be a darker tale of suspense and psychological manipulation, a bearded scientist creates a remarkably advanced AI inhabiting the mechanical body of an android designed to resemble a young woman. An advanced intelligence confined to the residence of her secretive creator, she yearns to see the world beyond the walls of her home; and in the midst of this is a young man who might be falling in love with her. Its one of those movies.

2. True Story. Jonah Hill and James Franco star in this chilling thriller about stolen identities, psychopaths, hidden agendas and a pursuit for truth. This might be slightly more engaging than The Interview.

1. Mad Max: Fury Road. Some of the best costume designs I’ve seen since The Lord of the Rings. Awesome off-road deathmatches. Need I say more?

My Greatest College Experience

One of the greatest influences on where you attend college is hearing from other students currently attending college. Listening to their experiences and stories tells you about the culture of a place. Today, I want to share my greatest college experience with y’all: studying abroad.

Now, I know you’re all thinking that you can study abroad at any college, which is true; however, with the dedication that Hope College professors have to building relationships with students, studying abroad is such an amazing experience.

In 2013, I spent the summer studying in London and Paris. I learned about different cultures, history, traveling, art, architecture, exchange rates, french pastries and economics. Every day was filled with new adventures and experiences that I will never forget.

I travelled with a group of eleven other students (twelve including me) and two professors. We spent time visiting with members of Parliament, Lord Brian Griffiths (Vice Chairman of Goldman Sachs and past advisor to Margaret Thatcher), the CFO of Wimbledon, and Herman Miller executives.

When we weren’t in class or meeting with business professionals, we spent time exploring the city. I loved spending time visiting churches, museums, and famous landmarks. Attending theater performances was another favorite part of the trip. There’s something about a night spent appreciating the arts. While I was in London I saw several different shows, including: Les Miserables, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, and Billy Elliot – all of them were incredible.

Now, I could keep talking about my trip, but I think pictures capture Europe better than any story I could tell. So, enjoy a few of my pictures from London and Paris:

So here’s the thing: come to Hope College. You won’ regret your decision, and one day you’ll be able to tell others about all the amazing experiences that you have at this awesome school.

If you have more questions, feel free to tweet me @hopechelsea15 or email me at

Mid-Winter Break Excursions

This week sure flew by! I’ve spent more time in Chicago this week than Michigan, mainly because it was our mid-winter break. Instead of sitting around Holland while all of my friends went home, I decided to make my own plans with friends and family. This was probably one of the most jam-packed weekends I’ve had in a while, so I have quite a bit to relay on to you.

Friday: I was able to get a ride into Chicago from my friends David and John, which was really nice because the only other way I was to get there was by taking the train a day later. Once I made it to Chicago, I met up with my friend Shannon (who I grew up in California with) and we got together with a bunch of her roommates and friends and went out to dinner. It was probably one of the most relaxed places I have ever been and the owner was hilarious, so that was a definite bonus. After we ate, Shannon and I were pretty tired since we got a really late dinner, so we headed back to her apartment and had girl talk until we both fell asleep.

Saturday: When Shannon and I woke up, she had to go volunteer for a couple of hours but upon her return we went out to brunch at a super cute restaurant called Jam n’ Honey. I’ve never been so excited for an omlet before in my life! Since Shannon had to study the rest of the day for a midterm, I headed over to my brother’s apartment for the remainder of the weekend. I hadn’t seen him since Christmas, so it was fun catching up and having deep conversations about most areas of our lives. It was especially nice because it was his birthday this past weekend and I loved getting to spend it with him! After talking up a storm, we went to Target and got some groceries and decided to make a dinner that my mom makes back at home. As the dinner was cooking we thought it would be fun to watch some throwback shows such as “Sabrina the Teenage Witch.” Man, I miss that show!

After eating, we watched a movie and then headed to a comedy show that night. I had never been to a comedy show before so this was quite the experience. It was a non-profit one that was created by people in their 20s and it all took place in what felt like a joined apartment. The really cool thing that happened was that each person with a ticket rolled a dice and whichever number it landed on was the amount of money you got back from your ticket. The show ended up being an hour long and it covered a bunch of different types of comedy but I was starting to fade because I was so exhausted (I nearly fell asleep on the CTA… yikes!). Once we got back, Brian and I were too tired to even function, so we went to bed. His couch had never been so welcoming and comfortable!

Sunday: When we both woke up we decided to make waffles/pancakes and continue watching some old television shows. This time we opted for “Even Stevens” and “Lizzy McGuire” and I’m glad we did because they brought back some great memories. Brian and I thought it would be beneficial if we got some homework done so the rest of the morning and early afternoon was dedicated to just that. After getting our fill on academic stuff, we took the Metra up to Kenilworth and had a birthday dinner with my aunt, uncle, three cousins and their significant others. The last time I was there was freshman year, so it was really nice to visit and see everybody! We had veal, fettuccine, salad and angel food cake. I’ve never had veal before, but I wouldn’t be opposed to eating that again. When the evening was wrapping up, Brian and I went back to his apartment and Skyped with my parents because we hadn’t talked to them in a while. It’s always nice to have a chat with them and have a family conversation, even when we’re thousands of miles apart.

Monday: Brian had to work so I was on my own making plans. Luckily, my friend Kristi was in Chicago as well so I made my way over to her place. We caught up for a bit and got some food at Whole Foods (which was amazing by the way). Since it was a relatively nice day we walked around the city, going in and out of shops and just had a relaxing afternoon. It was much overdue! Fortunately Kristi has a car, so she was able to drop me off at Union Station where I took the train back to Holland to wrap up my long weekend.

A bunch happened, right? Even though I may not have gotten a ton of sleep this weekend, it was definitely worth it and I loved getting to see people that I rarely see during the year. It was a total treat and I hope it happens again soon! I hope you all enjoy the rest of your week and try to stay warm (I hear it’s going to be in the low-teens this weekend!)

Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter @hopeleslie15.

My Valentine This Year Is Netflix

Valentine’s Day, or Singles Awareness Day, is a big “holiday” in retail America. From fancy dinner and drinks, to bearing one’s significant other with gifts of flowers, stuffed animals, and chocolate, February 14th has something to offer to everyone. Everyone? Yes, everyone, even if you’re single like this fella.

So this year, I’m going to do something extraordinary on Valentine’s Day. I’m going on a date with my girlfriend, Netflix. The nerve it took me to ask her, wow, it took guts. But hey, I did it and now I have a hot date. Being in a relationship with Netflix is the best kind of relationship. This Valentine’s Day is going to rock my socks, and here’s why.

Picture by Marit & Toomas Hinnosaar on Flickr.
Picture by Marit & Toomas Hinnosaar from Flickr.

1. She’s Cheap

Instead of spending over $20 at one time on someone, Netflix only costs $7.99 a month. And it’s guaranteed monthly so there’s consistency. Consistency in a relationship is crucial, especially if you are thinking long-term. But not only is she cheap, but the quality that it gives is just outstanding compared to any dinner or movie. I’m telling you, you get to save your dough but have such a great time!

2. She’s Always There [with some exceptions]

Sometimes, you need that someone to always be there. Netflix can do that for you. For me, she has always been there for me through the funny, angry, and the emotional times. She has been a support system for me, my security blanket. You can also find her on your iPhone, iPad, Wii, your Apple TV, TV, or your laptop! There have been times when she hasn’t been there, through. One time, Netflix was down and I don’t know why! All I wanted to do was help, but she would not respond. She eventually picked herself up and life was back to normal. Other times she has not been there for me is whenever I don’t have a wifi connection, or I am in class. Let me tell you, the separation anxiety is REAL. But it can be easily resolved. When you’re there, she is too.

3. She Doesn’t Become Annoying

When you’re in a relationship with someone, you can easily get irritated, annoyed, or even angry with them about something they do or say. Netflix is different. I seldom get irritated, annoyed, and angry with her. The exception this rule is when it takes her forever to load or the picture is just not great quality. But she usually fixes these problems herself, which is quite nice! She can annoying to the point where you can’t stand to see her for a few hours, but that will pass.

4. She is Spontaneous!

At times, people just get bored because it’s the same thing every time they see each other. Netflix is just so different. Every time I’m with her, she has something different offer. Whether that’s a new episode, new season, or even new series, IT’S ALWAYS DIFFERENT! To have this in a relationship is rare, but so beneficial! It makes the relationship itself healthy and it is just bound to last forever.

5. She Never Argues

Despite that she can be annoying at times, she never argues with you. How great is it to be in a relationship where you don’t have to argue!? You can spend less time on things that don’t matter and focus that time on her. She’s a perfect significant other.

6. She Doesn’t Judge

This is so crucial in a relationship. When you’re with someone who tells you what you’re wearing isn’t looking great, you aren’t looking to hot, that’s just 1) brutal and 2) unhealthy. Netflix on the other hand doesn’t care what you’re wearing or what you look like, and she doesn’t care what you. She is there for you whenever you need her, hands-down!


7. She is “Baggage Free”

Chances are that if you have ever dated someone, there is a hint of baggage from a previous relationship. This can be good because you can communicate with your significant other and hash things out. But at times, it’s just so toxic for your relationship. How can you be with someone who still has issues with their previous significant others? Don’t fear, Netflix is here to save the day. She NEVER has baggage. Whenever you start dating, your relationship is tailored to your needs. Have you ever been in a relationship that can offer that? I didn’t think so.

So while those in relationships with others spend an unreasonable amount of time and money on their significant other this Valentine’s Day, I’m going to be economical, and the time I spend will be both quantity and quality. You can say that the relationship I’m in is, well, PERFECT.