Grading System in Chile

The grading system in Chile is very different than we are used to in the United States. The system ranges from 0-7, while 7 is the best and 0 is the worst. There are couple interesting facts about it: 7 is the best as you can get and it is very rare if someone gets. …

Intercultural Problems of Latin America

This class was the most interesting I ever had. I had the class on Tuesday and Friday from 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. and the whole idea was to improve local business. In the beginning we created groups of four students. My fellow group members were from United States, Czech Republic, Germany, and Belgium. We …

International Marketing Class

International Marketing was on Tuesdays and Fridays from 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. It was not the most convenient class, since I was living 25 minutes by bus from the school, so I had to wake up at 6:30 to get ready, eat a breakfast, shower, and walk to the bus station. I have to …

International Business Class

The first class that I signed up for was International Business. I had this class on Tuesday and Thursday from 11:20 to 12:50 and we had “lab” on Wednesday from 9:40 to 11:20. The “lab” is very different than Biological or Chemistry lab. Usually, we had few speakers and the Teacher Assistants (TA) were explaining …

University of Chile: Faculdad de Economia y Negocios

I have been talking only about Chile, Santiago, and all the culture related topics, but I have never mentioned the school or any of my classes or school. Last Tuesday, I have officially ended my semester in University of Chile in Faculdad de Economia y Negocios. University of Chile in Spanish Universidad de Chile was …

Fondas or Fiesta Patrias

Fondas, or Fiestas Patrias, is the most popular holiday in Chile because it celebrates the “birthday” of Chile. Yes, you probably imagine July 4th, but not exactly. Fondas or the celebrations last for whole two weeks, not only a day. Most, but not all, fondas take place at parks. It costs 5.000 Chilean Peso ($8 USD) …

From Home to Rome

Everyday I get a little more excited about my adventure next semester – studying abroad in Rome, Italy, through IES Abroad. Last week was the Study Abroad Orientation here at Hope where, in addition to a lot of helpful information, I got to hear where across the globe my peers are headed this spring. Everyone …

Chileans Speak the Hardest Spanish

Spanish is truly hard in Chile. I have to admit that my Spanish is not at the highest level at all, but Chilean Spanish is truly hard. There is a saying that, if one can learn to speak Spanish in Chile, than one can speak Spanish anywhere else in the world. Again, keep in mind …

Machismo Culture in Chile

Chilean culture has a lot of positives, like cuisine, optimism, tradition, happiness, dances and more, but like in every culture there are some faults, which are very obvious and culture of machismo is one of them. For those who are not completely sure what is machismo culture, then let me briefly explain. It basically means …

Football Is a Religion in Chile

Like Canada is run by ice hockey, Chile is run by football, or like Americans would say, soccer. To future references, when I am saying football, I mean soccer, not American football. In Chile everyone watches football, especially when the national team plays. You enter a restaurant or sports bar, there is some kind of …