Michigan Weather Strikes Again

For those of you not from Michigan, you’re in for a real surprise when you arrive at Hope. So here’s the deal, the weather here… it’s a little crazy! I’ve heard it said that “if you don’t like the weather, just wait for tomorrow.” But this year, that hasn’t been true.

2014 has been one of the coldest winters I can remember. In all of the years that Hope has been an institution, there have only been seven snow days. Well, guess what? Three of those have come during my time at Hope, and two of them have come this semester.

Being from Texas, the weather has been a change for me. A normal winter for me, before coming to Hope, would consist of a high of 40 degrees and a low of 25. Here in Holland, we’re lucky if the high has been close 25 degrees.

However, even though the cold gets old and snow turns brown and ugly, I would never transfer out of this wonderful home away from home. Even when it’s cold outside, the warmth from friends and professors make the cold worth it!

Here are some recent pictures that I have taken this winter! Enjoy!!

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Florida Round 3

I cannot believe February is almost over! I am definitely ready for February to be over, but I want time to slow down. February can be a hard, long, and exhausting month. Normally by this time of the year I am ready for the snow to go and for the sunshine to return. Thankfully Hope gives us two days off in February. Since my sophomore year of college Grace and I have taken a trip down to Florida to get away for a long weekend. This year we returned again to St. Pete. We left early Thursday morning and we were suppose to arrive Thursday afternoon in Tampa, but unfortunately there were plane problems so we did not arrive until Friday. Once we arrived in Florida it was chilly and rainy for the first two days. Even though we didn’t have great weather, we enjoyed getting away from Michigan and having the temperature above 0 degrees. On the first day it rained we explored the city a little bit and got our nails done. We ate at an awesome restaurant and met some fun people.

Thankfully by Sunday the sun came out and we enjoyed the 70 degree weather and rays from the sun. We laid out by the pool and relaxed the by the beach. I ran everyday while we were there, and that was my favorite part! I had missed running outdoors plus the view was breathtaking. Grace and I had some great bonding and met awesome people. We heard some live bands play outside by the beach and watched some gorgeous sunsets. I am so thankful I have had the opportunity to spend time in Florida with her for three years in a row. I came back feeling rejuvenated and refreshed. We had absolutely no agenda while we were there. We woke up slowly and always took our time getting places. The trip was a great reminder to slow down and enjoy life around me more.

I hope you all have great weeks and hang in there as winter wraps up.

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Dear Abby #1

Happy Hump Day to all! I know for many students on campus, it’s been a stressful week. I am happy to bring the good news, you are officially more than halfway through the week, and Friday comes in two days, so get pumped. For myself, I have been having a rough week, and next week won’t look any better. It’s just the life of tests, quizzes, papers, and meetings. I mean, this is what I signed up for, and I’m glad I did, but it’s just a lot right now.

Regardless, I know in one of my blog posts, I suggested the “Dear Abby” idea where you ask questions, and I’ll answer them anonymously. I thought I wouldn’t get any questions, or little questions, but I actually received an overwhelming amount!! I’ll feature my favorite questions; that doesn’t mean that I don’t like the other ones!! Here we go!

“Dear Abby, how do you have so much time to be involved on campus while being a full time student?”

Great question. Actually, during my freshman year, I primarily focused on my studies because I really wanted to get into the Nursing program. I didn’t have a job, I actively participated in limited amounts of organizations on campus, and you could locate me on the third floor of the library. Come sophomore year, I still focused on academia, but I got super involved. But being super involved was not the best idea. Although I am a student first, a lot of my time went to different organizations that my academics suffered a little. Fall semester was a little patchy. By spring semester of my sophomore year, I finally properly managed my time with involvement. My spring semester academically was very smooth, and I was active on campus without being overwhelmed. My greatest piece of advice is time management. Sign up for what you only have time for. You are a student first, so class is a priority, but it is also important to be involved. In my opinion, being a student and excelling in academics, but not being active throughout campus doesn’t give students an edge. I truly believe students who excel in academics and are involved throughout campus organizations are at a large advantage!

“Dear Abby, just from your blog posts and tweets, you seem like you are really passionate about nursing. What major would you do if you weren’t a nursing major?”

Another super awesome question. Right now, I could not see myself being any different major. I am blessed to be in the nursing program and am eternally grateful to the Hope College Nursing Department and God with providing me with this opportunity. BUT, if I was not a nursing major, I would be a political science major and go to law school to become an immigration lawyer. Another cool option would be a double major in political science and communications and be a broadcaster for a political news channel!

“Dear Abby, how has your faith grown since being at Hope College? I am just afraid religion will be shoved down my throat!”

I was also afraid that religion would be constantly shoved down my throat. But Hope’s environment is so nurturing, each individual grows in their faith differently! Freshman year, my faith was there, but it wasn’t rooted. I never went to The Gathering, and I rarely went to Chapel. P.S., The Gathering is a church service on Sunday nights, IT’S AWESOME. I just thought I could be doing homework at that time. But my second semester of my freshman year, my roommate convinced me enough to go to The Gathering, and I am so incredibly mad that I missed an entire semester of that. I loved the sermons, the worship songs, and the atmosphere. I will tell you that Chapel was one of the reasons I chose Hope College. It made me feel like home. But when I actually came to school, the majority of my classes were science classes, and I needed to give them my full attention. So I only went to Chapel a few times. But going to The Gathering made me realize why I came to this awesome school. Anyways, religion won’t be shoved down your throat. Your journey in your faith and God will be your journey. It can be quick, it may take time, and it might have its ups and downs. Journey’s are full of surprises! Hope does have resources, like Campus Ministries, Bible Study groups and much more to help facilitate your joinery in Christ. Just remember, it’s your choice!!


“Dear Abby, convince me why I should go to Hope.”

Interesting question. I actually wrote a blog post about this. But it was a while back, so I’ll summarize what I said. I can give you all of the positives and negatives about this school. Each school can. I am a student blogger because I want to share my experience with prospective students, and I want to show what life is like at college. It’s pretty awesome, that’s for sure! Ultimately, it’s up to you. It shouldn’t be the facts about a school that makes you decide to go there; it should be about tailoring your needs. I wanted to go to a college that was not huge, had a great student to faculty ratio, great financial aid packages, awesome student life, recognized academics, and a decent distance from home. Many colleges fulfilled this criteria. From there, I visited schools and through visits, I scratched off schools that didn’t make me feel at home. When I visited Hope, my criteria were fulfilled, PLUS MORE. The plus more is what definitely helped me chose this institution. There was faith incorporated in my learning, the atmosphere was nurturing, and the professors care about you!! I knew this was the place for me. I could not see myself anywhere else. So, when you go on visits and ask questions, admissions reps and student can tell you what you want to hear, but ultimately, its up to you to decide. Challenge yourself at each school you visit and see if it tailors your wants and needs!

Okay folks, those four questions were pretty awesome. Keep shooting me some more questions because I would gladly answer them. If you haven’t already, follow me on twitter at @HopeMarvin15. Thanks for reading!!

Meet the Coolest 3D Printer

This week was pretty easy for me. Both of my engineering labs were cancelled because of the winter break, so I did not have any lab or report on Thursday. Technically, I just had two school days this week. I also realized what my life was gonna be without labs. This was called a real life 🙂

Last week, the TA in my lab told me that everyone could use the 3D printer in the engineering lab. I was thrilled to know that because operating a 3D printer was so amazing! I never saw a real one before. If you do not understand the significance of this, then let me try to explain this. 3D printers get very popular in recent years. They are not just used for demonstration or teaching; many universities even made it possible to print skeleton and bones for medical uses. In short, 3D printing is a cutting-edge technology. That also means, the printers are ridiculously expensive. Sometimes, the 3D printing materials are way more expensive than many high-end laser printers. It is hard for an individual to afford that. As far as I know, we have about two 3D printers in Hope College. One of them is the guy I used, which was relatively cheaper, and the other one is mysterious… I know nothing about that. It is sure that the other one should be extremely precise, and it is only used for research purposes.

Anyway, it was a great chance to operate the magic 3D printer.

3D Printer

I planned to make a key chain tag at the beginning. However, things always happened in a different way… The product was too big… Apparently, we can call it a disk.

2014-02-12 18.50.01

This “little” guy took me one hour to print it. It was hard to believe. I also record a video to introduce the lab and this printer. It was very unofficial and informal because I made the video just for fun at the beginning.

The final product was all right. I learned how that machine worked after designing and printing the “pancake” by myself. I think it is so cool to be an engineer now 🙂

I will write another post later about my college life (of course, unnerdy version) later this weekend. There will still be many beautiful pictures that I took this week. Keep following and enjoy this weekend.

I Heart Hope!

Happy Valentines day to all, in a relationship or not. Essentially, Hope College is my Valentine, and that’s why I heart Hope! But here’s my take on this ridiculous holiday…

“There’s no ‘us’ in Valentines Day, but there is an ‘I.’ HAPPY VALENTINES DAY TO ME!

Anyways, this week has been the longest short week ever. Although we only had 3 days of class, I honestly felt like we had an entire week of class. There was just so much to do; papers, homework, working, and planning. Boy am I glad it’s Friday! After class, I just have to do work for Student Congress and then it’s more homework, studying, and hanging out with some of my best friends. On the plus side, in two weeks, we will be halfway through the semester already. Time really does fly.

Today is a special day because not only is it a Visit Day, but it’s also the Nursing Showcase. Yeah, I may be a bit biased because it’s my major, but it’s such an interactive day. If you are interested in the nursing major and are on campus today, you’ll get to meet the outstanding nursing staff, and you’ll be able to go to the skills lab!!! This lab is so sweet; there are mannequins students practice their skills on so you’re ready for the clinical setting!!

If you’re here for the visit day and the nursing showcase, I truly wish that you find this campus as your future home. Please take advantages of visit day! Ask questions, talk with students and professors, and experience some Hope culture! I hope you all have super time here, and if you need any help or have questions, just DM or tweet me @HopeMarvin15HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! GOD LOVES YOU!

Hope College is my valentine (Well, sort of).

In honor of Valentine’s Day tomorrow, I decided to ask some of my friends why they LOVE Hope College! Here’s what they had to say!


Freshman nursing major; Has been to Africa twice!

“I love the fact that we can worship and grow in our faith together.”


Freshman nursing major; Her middle name is Valentine!

“I love Hope College because you are supported in everything you do, not only in your faith, but also in academics and achievements.”


Freshman special education major; Has no sense of smell!

“I love being able to have close relationships with professors.”


Freshman nursing major; Won a pie-eating contest!

“I love Hope College because I met lifelong friends here.”


Freshman chemistry major; Has played clarinet for 10 years!

“I love that Hope is small enough that you get to know your advisors on a personal level and they can help you get on track for the job you want to have.”


Freshman education major; Loves Taco Bell!

“I love Hope College because of the friendly Christian-based atmosphere and all of the lovely smiling faces!”


Freshman social work major; When she was little she threw tantrums in the grocery store for broccoli!

“I love Hope because I love my cluster.”


Freshman communications major; Her last name is the same as her birthday month!

“I love the Christian atmosphere!”


Sophomore management major; Someone has been named after her!

“I love Hope College because I look good in navy.”


Freshman undecided on her major; Used to have a pet hedgehog!

“I love Hope because the people here make me feel like I’m at home and they’re very accepting of who you are and where you come from.”

Thanks for reading! Make sure to leave a comment, tweet @hopekathryn17, or send me an email at kathryn.krieger@hope.edu!

“My people will live in safety, quietly at home.
    They will be at rest.”

-Isaiah 32:18

Senior Seminar Reflections

This semester, even though I’m not technically a senior, I am fulfilling my final general education requirement: Senior Seminar. As a freshman, Hope College requires students to take First-Year Seminar, an introduction into life as a college student, Then, as a senior, students take senior seminar, which is an opportunity to reflect on life before, during, and after college.

Each senior seminar class has a different focus – mine is focusing on Christianity in the marketplace. So far, we have disclosed the role that Christians are to play in helping the poor.

One really interesting assignment that we had was writing about our definition of a liberal arts education. I thought it would be interesting to share what my definition has become throughout my time at Hope. The following paragraphs include just some of my thoughts on a Liberal Arts degree.

As a freshman, I had an inaccurate view of what a Liberal Arts Education would involve. I understood that I would take classes in different disciples; however, I did not fully grasp the implications of my General Education classes. My understanding was that in attending Hope College I was required to take General Education classes, but I did not understand that they would help shape and mold the person that I was to become.

My views of a Liberal Arts Education have changed throughout my time at Hope. As a freshman, I believed that a Liberal Arts degree was simply familiarizing myself with different disciples. Now, I see Liberal Arts in a different light. Throughout my classes at Hope, beginning with FYS and concluding with Senior Seminar, vocation and calling are two heavily discussed topics. Taking classes in the differing studies and fields has helped me understand more what the Liberal Arts degree is about. The Liberal Arts degree is not about forcing students who dislike math and science to take those courses. Instead, the Liberal Arts degree encourages students to learn and grow in every facet of life. Leaving Hope College, I will have the foundational tools to be successful in any vocation or calling that I pursue. Because I have taken classes in art, music, English, literature, I am able to hold intelligent and meaningful conversations with those I come into contact. In addition, if I am asked to write reports, reflect on ideas, or just hold a professional meeting, I have taken the classes, through my Liberal Arts education, to do all of those successfully. And this is what a Liberal Arts education means to me: providing the foundational tools to succeed not only in my business life, but also my personal life.

I cannot imagine choosing another college. My time at Hope could be considered a rollercoaster. However, the lessons that I have learned here have changed my life. Who I am today is a result of what I have learned and been through at Hope. As I said in my FYS reflection, “High school taught me so many valuable lessons and gave me a taste for what learning was really like but in no way could it completely prepare me for what I have experienced so far in college.” No statement could more accurately reflect how I feel about my college experience. While I learned so many valuable lessons previous to arriving at Hope, the spiritual foundation, values, relationships, and skills in my major have been irreplaceable lessons.

Mid-Winter Break Adventures

This past weekend was mid-winter break as many of you know and it couldn’t have come at a better time. The previous week was extremely stressful, so having a weekend to not think about homework was really nice. Most of the people I talked to said they went home for this break, but I went to Illinois with some of my friends to celebrate my friend Lauren’s 21st birthday. Here’s the run-down of what went on:

First we drove to her house in Illinois on Saturday afternoon and listened to the longest music playlist ever made. Everybody was singing and having a good time, but once we got to her house, we were all exhausted from sitting in a car for three hours, so we pretty much just crashed. We played a game called Wits & Wagers, which was surprisingly fun and entertaining and ate some pizza. The night was pretty uneventful, but we were all just tired from the travel.

Eating some pizza after arriving at Lauren's house. We're all looking pretty good I have to admit
Eating some pizza after arriving at Lauren’s house. We’re all looking pretty good I have to admit

Sunday morning we all woke up and took the train into Chicago. This is where all the fun started! My brother’s birthday was the day before, so all of my friends and I took the train to surprise him at his apartment and we all went to a super random, but shockingly good Mexican restaurant. Although I only got to see my brother for an hour or so, it was definitely a good time and his face was priceless when I showed up at his doorstep, which made it all worth it. Following that, we checked into a fancy hotel in Chicago and got settled in before we headed down to Water Tower for some shopping. All I have to say is that when you bring five girls into a large mall, you better plan on being there for quite a while!

Once the mall was closing, we went to Potbelly’s for some chicken sandwiches and cake shakes. I’ve never had a cake shake before, but it was delicious and I somewhat regret having the entire thing. I felt like I was going to explode, so there was absolutely zero motivation to walk back to the hotel. Luckily, another friend of Lauren’s showed up and had a car, so she drove us back. Talk about convenient! Anyways, once we got back to the hotel we lounged around and played some fun games until everybody nearly passed out from exhaustion. It was such a great day, but one of the most draining days I’ve had in a while.

Waiting to take the train into Chicago
Waiting to take the train into Chicago
Surprised my brother!
Surprised my brother!

Monday morning we had to catch the train back to Lauren’s house and guess what? We missed it, so we had to frantically figure out how we were going to get back to her house. Regardless, it all worked out and we didn’t have to wait long for another train, so it wasn’t as bad as we thought it would be trying to figure out a Plan B. Once we got back to her house, everybody took a nice long nap considering there was limited sleep the past few days because we all had to share beds. Once everybody got rejuvenated, we showered and headed to Lauren’s local mall and walked around for a while until we had to get ready for her family dinner. Her family took us all out to a Habachi grill called “Tsukasa.” If you’ve never heard of this place, it’s one of those Japanese restaurants where the cook prepares the food right in front of you. It was my first time at a place like that, so it was definitely exciting and entertaining to watch. It was also delicious! We had to quickly finish our meal, because then we headed to Dave & Busters for some games and for the birthday girl to get a legal drink at the bar. Since it was a Monday night, not many people were out at Dave & Busters really late, which was nice because then we got to have access to any games we wanted to play without any lines. Once we left, we just fell asleep and attempted to get some sleep, but we all knew we would be lucky if we got a solid four hours of sleep with everyone pushing and shaking the beds.

Friend and family picture at the restaurant
Friend and family picture at the restaurant

When Tuesday morning arrived, it was bitter-sweet. It was a huge bummer that break was over, but I was honestly excited to sleep in my own bed for the first time in about five days, so that was a huge bonus. The car ride back was pretty uneventful as you can imagine. Driving to Illinois consisted of upbeat music and loud singing, whereas the ride back to school consisted of mellow music with limited participation. My bet is that everybody was dreading going back to the routine of school so nobody was in the best of moods. Anyway, we all got back safely and unpacked and did whatever homework was left that needed to be completed before school started. All in all, this weekend provided for some great memories and a ton of laughs that really made the trip unforgettable. The only thing that would have made it better was if it was longer, but I guess all good things come to an end, right? Welp, it may be pathetic of me to say this already, but I’m definitely ready for Spring Break!

Car ride back to Hope!
Car ride back to Hope!

I hope everyone had a relaxing break if you had one and that everyone enjoys their Valentine’s Day weekend! Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter @hopeleslie15.

Gluten-Free Because it’s Good for Me.

A few weeks ago, I sat down in my dorm room with a friend who decided to pursue a gluten-free diet beginning this year. She asked if she could have something to eat, and I said, “Of course!” So, we dug around my GIANT food stash on the shelf below my bed.

What I found kind of shocked me. Out of the seven or so boxes of snacks, the only food I had that was gluten-free was an apple and a small package of almonds! This was the first time I recognized how much gluten I was consuming.

The second time was when I was eating dinner with some friends in Phelps dining hall and I looked down at my plate. My dinner consisted of a sandwich, pasta salad, tortilla chips, and a small spinach salad! Without even thinking, I was eating far more gluten than I should have been.

After these two situations, I began a self-motivated adventure to try to cut down on the amount of gluten I was consuming – and by saying that, I mean that if it was clearly stated “Gluten-Free” on the menu, I would order it – and looking back now, I see that my diet had little change because I wasn’t being creative or fully motivated in my meal strategies.

Over Winter Break, I went home and met with a doctor for some headaches I have been dealing with over the past month. Without me even mentioning my attempts at being gluten-free, he suggested I cut gluten out of my diet completely to try to decrease the amount of inflammation in my body, hopefully to cut out my headaches! It was reassuring to have someone else tell me that it is good for me– it definitely motivated me a lot more than before.

Gluten-Free cartoon
See ya later, Gluten. 🙂

I’m beginning today, and I’m really, really excited. In order to ensure I’m still consuming the calories I need, I have a guide for each meal: protein + vegetable + fruit.

To try to be imaginative and create new ideas, I’ve started a Pinterest board to help out! Check it out here. (I’m just starting out, so I apologize in advance for my lack of pins.) If you’re on Pinterest and have any great (and preferably kind of easy) gluten-free recipes, please send them to me!

Want to know what else is great? Hope offers a counselor who will help develop meal plans and ideas that specifically fit any of your diet needs! See their website here. Later today I’m planning on making a call to try to set up a time to meet – because I’m certainly no expert at being gluten-free!

I can’t wait to see what these changes produce, and I’ll be sure to keep you updated as time passes and I find creative food choices!

Are you gluten-free too? If you are, I would love to hear from you to have some tips! Tweet at me @hopesophie17 or email me at sophie.guetzko@hope.edu.

Have a great week!

Sochi 2014 / Сочи 2014

Okay folks, the XXII (22nd) Winter Olympic Games is on, and is on until February 23rd. I don’t know about you, but every time the Olympics are on, I always get super pumped and become inspired. Every two years, despite many countries’ differences, the world comes together for 2 weeks to attain one goal: get a gold medal. So, if every country strives for that, aren’t we merely all the same? (food for thought).

Sochi in Russian looks so much cooler, so I also put that in the title. Not only is it cooler looking, it adds pizzaz. I’ve probably watched more Olympics events than completing my homework, so Winter Break is currently a bust. I mean, I have homework everyday, but the Olympics don’t come everyday!

The Olympic Rings
The Olympic Rings

Here are some Olympic facts. Let’s focus on the Olympic Rings as featured above. Each ring symbolizes the continents of the world. North & South America are considered one mass, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia (and Oceana). Why are they interlocked? Because each nation from each geographical region compete in unity. Pretty cool eh?

Currently, here are the medal standings as of February 9, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. Norway has 7, The Netherlands has 4, and The United States of America also has 4. C’mon USA, get more medals! (Okay, I know, it’s only 3rd fay of competition, there are more days to come). If you want to know the standings, simply type in “Medal Count Sochi 2014” into Google, and it will give you a super cool chart. My favorite events in the Winter Olympics are figure skating, skiing (alpine & nordic combined), snowboarding, and what the heck, all of them. They’re all fun to watch, especially games for medal contention.

There is so much more to come in the Olympics, and Im just pumped. Sometimes, I wish I was an Olympic athlete, but I’m fine where I am right now. Okay, before I end, I just want to give you a list of where the next games will be. I personally think we need another in the USA!

  • Rio De Janeiro, Brazil – Summer 2016
  • Peyongchang, South Korea – Winter 2018
  • Tokyo, Japan – Summer 2020

Alrighty, that’s all I have for now. In the meanwhile, GO USA!