Bike to Uganda: Building Tomorrow

Would you bike 7,556 miles to Uganda to provide children with the desire to learn a safe place to do so? I don’t know about you, but I would!

And the best part? You don’t need to worry about traveling the whole way – Hope College is there to help you! On April 23rd and 24th, Hope set up stationary bikes in the Pine Grove to contribute to this cause. For $20, students could pay the Bike to Uganda registration fee and receive a sweet t-shirt! Pretty neat, huh? My friend Delaney and I biked for 30 minutes to add miles to the total goal of 7,556. So far, Building Tomorrow has opened – or is soon to open – 15 schools with the capacity for 4,725 students to be safely accommodated.

Not only did Delaney and I receive a sweet t-shirt by partcipating, but we also had the chance to meet new people! I even ran into a friend of the student who hosted me when I was a prospective student. What a small world!
Not only did Delaney and I receive a sweet t-shirt by participating, but we also had the chance to meet new people! I even ran into a friend of the student who hosted me when I was a prospective student a few years ago. What a small world!

One of my favorite parts of the Hope community is that they often have their eyes set on other communities as well, both in Holland as well as around the world. I’m so blessed to be in a community such as this one! Want to know what else is happening around campus as the semester is coming to a close? Keep up with me @hopesophie17. Have questions or want to learn more? Send me an email at

Last Bible Study… Ever. (At least for 2013-2014).

I’ve been blessed by an amazing Hope senior this year, and her name is Karen.

I signed up for a bible study early during the fall semester through Campus Crusades for Christ, not knowing what God would have in store for me this year. I took it as an opportunity to meet other girls outside of Kollen Hall who could be prayer warriors and Jesus lovers with me throughout this year – and I found them – but I also found amazing friends I could share my weaknesses with so that we could build a foundation for one another in Christ.

We’ve studied so much and come so far in our faith together, and it was so sad to see it come to an end! But the best part: we created a Facebook group especially for us so that we can keep up with one another and take care of prayer requests over the summer and throughout next year.

Karen will be leaving in the coming year to go to Thailand, and I wish her all of the blessings God has to offer. Her obedience to God is incredible. She is a warrior for Christ, and I am so excited to keep in touch with her to see how her courage and bravery shines a light in the darkness.

Here are all my girls together on our last night.:) I am so blessed by all of them and can't wait to keep in touch in the upcoming years. Right to Left: Molly, Karen, Kayla, me, Eileen, Claire, and Sarah.
Here are all my girls together on our last night.:) I am so blessed by all of them and can’t wait to keep in touch in the upcoming years.

When you arrive in the fall, be sure to check out the opportunities for Bible studies on campus. There are many different organizations who offer them, with Campus Ministries and Campus Crusaders for Christ being just a few of them. Take care!

Easter Weekend

As everyone is well aware, Easter was this past weekend and I had the opportunity to get off-campus and actually celebrate. Instead of going home like everyone else, I ended up at my friend Anna’s house in Grand Rapids. Her family was kind enough to welcome me into their home and allow me to celebrate this important holiday with all of their relatives.

Since we didn’t have school on Friday, Anna and I left campus Thursday afternoon and made our way to her house. We ended up attending a church service that night and enjoyed some lovely homemade lasagna (haven’t had something fresh like that in quite a while so it was definitely a treat). The rest of the evening involved just sitting around and watching a movie in which both Anna and I fell asleep half way into because we were so exhausted from that week. Anyway, Friday we got on our study grind and were actually productive, which is surprising because usually that never happens. We dedicated a good chunk of the day doing that and eventually made our way into downtown Grand Rapids and enjoyed hanging out with some of her friends. It was pretty uneventful, but exactly what we needed since we are leading up to finals.

On Saturday, it was Anna’s uncle’s birthday so we met up with about 50 of her relatives to celebrate his birthday. It was a little overwhelming because I was the only one not related to people at the party. Therefore, we pretended I was and I became Anna’s “cousin” and it nearly fooled a few people. Even though it wasn’t my family, I still enjoyed myself and meeting a bunch of new people and hearing the funny stories associated with a lot of her relatives. This shindig took up a majority of the afternoon but Anna and I still managed to muster up some energy to go shopping for a few hours. I rarely ever splurge, but I have to admit I went a little crazy buying new clothes (in my defense it was more work attire that I needed to buy anyway). It’s easy to say we were pretty tired by the end of it all, so Anna and I just lounged around and watched The Butler. If you haven’t seen it or heard about it, it’s actually really good and made me cry at the end. Saying that I cried during a movie is really saying something, because I don’t typically get emotionally invested in either books or movies.

Sundays are always the worst because it’s a reminder that school is the next day. However, Anna and I didn’t let that get us down because we went to a nice church service that morning and then had a delicious brunch with some of her relatives. This crowd of relatives was much smaller, which was nice because I was able to actually get to know them a little bit. Eventually everyone left and Anna and I took a quick nap and did a tad bit more homework and made our way back to campus. This long weekend was really needed but it was also a reminder of how close we are to the end of the semester and finals. With all of the stress everyone is experiencing right now, everyone just needs to tell themselves, “take one day at a time.” Best of luck with studying everybody!

Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter @hopeleslie15.

Freshman Frequency

During my freshman year at Hope, I have often found myself doing some of the same things over and over. Here is some of the stuff I’ve done a lot this year!

Eaten fro-yo


Sometimes you might get fro-yo a little too often… Maybe to the point that you’ll give it up for Lent. It’s just so good. And not as bad for you as ice cream is. Sometimes.

Gone to fundraisers

Cold Stone
My friends and I headed to a Dance Marathon fundraiser at Cold Stone Creamery!

Organizations from Hope are always having fundraisers at places like Cold Stone, Orange Leaf, Peach Wave, Lemonjello’s, and JP’s! It’s a great excuse to go pick up that ice cream or coffee you’ve usually been wanting anyway, and a portion of the money goes to a cause you care about!

Stayed up late for no reason

This happened to me way more often than it should have. Sometimes I would finish my homework and then just sit around until the wee hours of the morning… Or do nothing all day and then have to do homework until it was really late. I know that happens to all college students, but I was frequently the last person in my cluster to go to bed. But that’s okay! It’s something I’ve learned how to handle and it’s actually worked for me this year!

Had great talks with my friends

A lot of times, those late night things can be “life-talks” with friends (which usually end up being awesome reasons to stay up late!). Those can just really bond you with people and help you grow as an individual and as a friend.

Done homework

Obviously this is a given in college, but I didn’t want to leave it out since I’ve done this more than basically anything else. You can’t forget the reason that you’re at college – To learn!

Played music

Between the three choirs I’ve been in this school year, worship team at Pillar Church, and solo singing, I’ve done a lot of music this year, and I’m looking forward to even more next year! It’s been so much fun to get to work with so many different people with such different musical backgrounds. I have grown and learned so much from them!

Gotten coffee


Whether it’s from my Keurig or on an LJ’s run with my friend Kelly, I have had a lot of coffee this year. Unfortunately the caffeine doesn’t affect me that much anymore, but I really like the taste! Going out to Lemonjello’s or JP’s for coffee with friends is an awesome way to have conversations, Bible studies, do homework, or just get to know people too!

Gone downtown

My roommate, Christin, and I downtown!

I love love love love LOVE downtown Holland! I might have gone down there a few too many times this school year, but it’s just such an easy walk and I find it really relaxing to just look around down there for an hour or two by myself! Downtown Holland is the best!

Changed my mind

I have changed my mind back and forth on so many things this school year, like my major, things I like and don’t like, how to do things, and so much more! I think that’s a huge part of the growing process while you’re at college!

What did you do, or what do you hope to do, a lot during your freshman year of college? Leave me a comment, tweet @hopekathryn17, or email me at! Thanks for reading!

For everything comes from him and exists by his power and is intended for his glory. All glory to him forever! Amen.

– Romans 11:36

Making Memories

The past couple weeks at Hope have been full of new experiences and new memories. As always, I’m so thankful for the adventures with friends! However, at the same time, as the year comes to a close, I feel sad that the time with special friends is also coming to a close. Many of them I will see again next semester, but some are graduating. So, because the semester is coming to a close, I thought I would tell you about the past couple of weeks, and all of the adventures I have had that you have to look forward too.

1. Two of my closest friends go engaged! It was so exciting to be a part of their engagement celebration last week. Throughout the planning, decorating, and picture-taking, memories were made. There’s nothing like supporting two great friends in a major life decision. I know Matt and Meg will make a great couple, and will make an impact wherever they go in life! Here’s some pictures from the evening:

Celebrating with the Bride to Be!
The whole gang!!
Celebrating with the future groom!

2. The Cookout! Last Saturday night we enjoyed getting together as a group and having a cookout. While the cookout started out fun with enjoyable weather, a cold front and rain soon came through. However, that just made the whole event a little more exciting.

3. Admitted Students Day – It was so great to meet some of the Class of 2018 last weekend at Admitted Students Day! I know with the new students coming on campus that Hope will continue to be an awesome school with great students.

4. Research – a few days ago, I found out that I will be participating in a research project over the summer with a Hope College faculty member. I am extremely excited and thankful for the opportunity to learn more about a specific topic, and become more familiar with research procedures.

5. Easter! Finally, I am so excited to spend the weekend with my mom! It’s been a little bit since I last saw her, and I so enjoy spending time with her and laughing.

Happy Easter to you all! I hope you enjoy time with family and friends! Cherish the time you have with people, and make tons of great memories!!

A Four Day Week

Hey folks! I know that Hope students are particularly happy that today is our last day of the week because tomorrow is Good Friday! I just have one more class, then it’s time for home. I am thankful that it warmed back up again, because there was snow on the ground Monday and Tuesday. Mother Nature, excuse me? Although it was only a four-day week, it was LONG. Why? Probably because I had so much going on. Anyway, I just want to give you all a recap of what happened this week!

MONDAY: Well last Monday was supposed to be our last Monday of clinical, but my professor wanted us to go back to the hospital to gain more hours and do more skills. At first, I thought it was pointless, but I’m so thankful that I was there! Being around patients and helping others is just awesome. After clinical, it was back to campus to do homework, and a lot of it. As the semester winds down, I want to finish as much as I can so I have all the time in the world to study. After a long night of homework, there was at least one inch of snow on the ground. That made me particularly angry. Here’s a picture.


After seeing the snow, I knew it was time for bed. I could not look at it one more second!

TUESDAY: We also had clinical Tuesday, and this was my best day at clinical yet. It was also our last, so it was really convenient! On Tuesday, I had the opportunity to start an IV, and I got it in the vein on my first try, EVER! So I got bragging rights. That’s all I could think about! I mean, I took care of my patients, and I kept busy, so time flew. But again, all I could think about is how I got that IV stick in the first try. I can’t wait to be a nurse!!!

WEDNESDAY: Wednesdays are usually the worst, in that I start at 8:30 in the morning and go until 5:00 pm. So my Wednesdays go like this: wake up, shower, eat, class, chapel, lunch, class, and class. Looks so eventful, doesn’t it! I wish I could say more about  my Wednesdays, but I can’t. Haha!

I have chosen more questions for my last “Dear Abby” post of the semester, so keep out on the lookout for that post! If you haven’t already, make sure you follow me on twitter at @HopeMarvin15 and check out my Instagram at MarvSolberg. I like to post pictures of the campus buildings 🙂 Have a great Thursday everyone!

SWAG: School, Work, And God (not exactly in that order)

As I’m nearing the end of the semester, I’m recognizing how fast this first year at Hope has flown by. Based on what others are telling me, they say each year goes by even faster – and I’m not entirely sure I’m ready for that.

Here in April, I think I’ve finally mastered the balance of finding out who I am, finding the path God has set apart for me, (and, um… finding my homework on my messy desk, which is still sometimes a struggle). I’m learning to be content with being patient and trusting in His plan for my life. Each positive experience is a blessing, and any missed opportunity will reveal itself in a different way if there is insight God desires for me understand.

That being said, I think that’s what the first year of college is really about – discovering you. Although being away from my hometown and family is really difficult sometimes, those empty spots have been filled in ways I never could have imagined. The Hope community is so special. If you’ve spent time around campus, you’ve probably heard that mentioned before – and it is so true. I have met amazing friends and been taught by amazing professors who uplift and support me every step of the way. Each time I feel discouraged, they’re willing to listen to my needs and help me fix them. When good things happen, they rejoice with me. I am forever grateful to be included in a community overflowing with so much love.

In comparison to high school, college is a lot more difficult. Based on my high school preparation, I will say that I was very unprepared for the work load I have experienced here at Hope. However, I have found strength through the stress. Last week, I prepared for an exam and two papers – one five-page and one ten-page – as well as read a whole novel in just about five days. Along with my classwork, I was balancing other activities and taking time to serve God and take occasional break (it’s not possible to get through a week like that without some classic coffee breaks 😉 ).

It’s also not possible to get through a week without praising God every step of the way.

The most influential part of my college year is how the spark in my heart for Christ has grown brighter into a flame – in greater reality, it is a giant and unquenchable fire. God has spoken to me in so many ways and I’ve been learning more about Him and His plans for me through the Chapel services, worship events, and relationships that I have built on campus. It has been a blessing for me to finally grasp His love for me. I’ve learned that prayer changes things. Not just a little, but a lot. And when He wants me to know something, He makes sure I know it, too. All I have to do is listen to hear His voice and welcome in His presence.

Also, as I continually fall more in love with Christ, I fall in love with the person I’m becoming through Him. This is what takes the work. I have to let go of some of the ways I used to live to adopt new habits that fulfill His plans for me. Throughout this year, I have been practicing becoming more patient in times of struggle, slow to anger in times of frustration, and gentle in times of need. These things take practice, but I’m psyched to see the person I am about to become.

This is why I say “SWAG: School, Work, and God, but not exactly in that order.” “Swag” is often defined as being something cool or awesome, and that’s exactly what my first year of college has been. But it’s also why I say it’s not exactly in that order. God is first, and everything else comes second. He’s the only one who gets me through the long nights to enter into bright days. He’s my purpose and my one and only truth.

As finals week is creeping closer, I’m excited to see the plans God has for me in the coming weeks. He is so good.

Keep up with me @hopesophie17 or send me an email at if you have any questions or comments. Take care!


FOMO = The fear of missing out

It’s come and gone over the last few months and last night it hit me all over again. My sorority had a formal dance this past weekend and the pictures were everywhere. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat… every social media outlet that I use was a reminder that I missed out on a great time.

I was worried about this happening before I left, so I had a conversation about it with one of my friends who had previously studied abroad. She told me:

Time doesn’t stop when you’re abroad. Things happen; people change, relationships change, and unfortunately you miss that.

This couldn’t be more true. With the large role that social media plays in our every day lives, I think it is nearly impossible to be not be plagued by FOMO at some point during a semester abroad. It’s easier than ever to keep up on every single event that happens. I enjoy seeing what my friends are up to on campus but it’s hard to get rid of the nagging sense that so much is happening and I’m missing all of it. Most times its not even big things. A picture of a coffee date or a lyric posted from Chapel are instant FOMO triggers for me.

Right about now you’re probably thinking, “she’s in France! why on earth does she want to come back to Holland?!” The answer is simple: Hope is home. So many people that I love and hold dear are half a world away. The semester is almost finished (where did it go?) and as much I would LOVE to leave my life in the US and eat bread in France forever, I am ready for my FOMO days to be a thing of the past.

But today it’s here and it’s real. However, I think a pain au chocolat and stroll by the Loire River are just what I need to get me back in the moment.


The Final Days

Oh my goodness, just one more Monday after this one. It’s crazy to believe that the school year is finally winding down. When you, the new admitted students, come to Hope, your time will fly by. Make every second count! It’s hard for me to believe that I’m going to be a senior nursing major really soon. Being a senior just really seems like a foreign concept to me! But I am just so excited and ready!

If you were here this past Saturday, thank you for coming to Admitted Students Day! It was such a blast to be able to start your morning as an emcee. Yeah, isn’t that a weird spelling for emcee? I always thought it was “MC…” Back to the point, I hope you were able to attend you academic session and see how academics work at Hope College. I also hope you had fun enjoying the social aspect of Hope. Now I know a lot of you had fun. But just imagine, that will be YOU having fun EVERYDAY starting this August! It was so great to meet some you as well, and I can’t wait to see you around campus next year!

Anyways, this weekend was eventful and busy, but a good busy. On Friday was the Celebration of Undergraduate Research and Creative Performance. What a cool thing to go to! A bunch of my friends had research to present, so I attended for moral support. It was also SO AWESOME to see how much Hope College invests in undergraduate research. Not many schools do this, but Hope does and it’s evident because we’re ranked in the top 10 for undergraduate research! Afterwords, a bunch of friends and myself went to some dunes here in Holland to appreciate Mother Nature. And it was a perfect day because it was warm and sunny. I forgot that there was sun and warmth, thanks Mother Nature! At the dunes, we watched the sunset and enjoyed the company of each other. After, we went to get some frozen yogurt, because who doesn’t like frozen yogurt? Then, we watched a movie after. To say the least, I actually had a social life Friday!

Then, Saturday was Admitted Students Day, and I was able to emcee for that which was awesome. I definitely want to do that next year! Working for Admissions is seriously a blessing. Being a part of admissions is just very rewarding! Then, I had a 3-hour CPR renewal class. Following this class, I went to a sorority formal with one of my great friends! Saturday was very busy and eventful!

Sunday was a day for catching up on work and just relaxing. Believe it or not, I started packing my stuff already! Because this Friday is Good Friday, there is no school, so I get to leave Thursday. I’m just going to bring a lot of my belongings home, so when it’s actually time to part for summer vacation, I won’t have that much! I just can’t believe I’m already packing. This just means I’m one day closer to a summer of a lifetime! Alrighty friends, that’s it for now! Keep posted, I’m going to post soon! Thanks!

Scholarships: Life-Giving Hope

In Hope promotional materials (especially to donors and asking for donations), scholarships are associated with some type of life-giving, hope-promoting (pun there), and very crucial pieces of student life.

I didn’t understand just how important they were until I attended a Scholarship Luncheon two weeks ago. I have received many scholarships during my time at Hope, and without them I wouldn’t be able to attend. Let’s be real, not many families have $40K to throw into a single individual’s education each year. My family certainly doesn’t. This is where loans come in. But who wants to be paying back for years to come? Scholarships are LIFE-GIVING. and HOPE Promoting. On both ends.

This year, a new scholarship emerged called the Dr. Margaret DeWitt Van Wylen Scholarship, given to an upperclasswoman (Gender roles here, people) pursuing some type of pre-medical/advanced science curriculum. When I received the initial letter, of course, I was like….SCORE. MONEY. Who doesn’t like a letter telling them they get some money? And of course, I noticed my scholarship contained names that are common on campus….DeWitt…hm well there is a STUDENT CENTER called the DeWitt Center…..VanWylen…Well…our VanWylen library….

But for some reason, in my busyness I didn’t really take the time to look into my donor, and things didn’t really click.

I was invited to the Scholarship Luncheon (where donors get to check in with their award receipients to see how the semester is going), and eagerly googled my donors to see what they looked like so I could be prepared to meet them. I ran into some INTERESTING things.

Oh – did you know Dr. Margaret VanWylen was a psychiatrist that traveled throughout Michigan helping nursing home patients?

The library was named after them……

And…oh…minor detail….she is married to Gordon VanWylen – the ninth president of Hope College.

BOOM. I quickly realized I was in over my head and did not realize the prestige of my donors and their contributions to the Holland Area (they do a lot). I’m just a struggling college student!!! How am I supposed to impress them?!

So, I put on my big-girl pants and went to the luncheon. Man. They are the most awesome power-couple you could meet. I learned about their retirement years, which now include TONS of reading by Margaret and impressive work for the City of Holland by Gordon. They live downtown and even invited me over for dinner!! They were very intrigued by my research and I talked a lot with Dr. VanWylen (Margaret) about her experience in the medical field. WOW were things different! She never found out her MCAT score, they just accepted her to UM med school! HA!

Anyways, I had a blast and can’t wait to learn more about them and develop our relationship.

Here’s a little snapshot from the day. (Please ignore my awkward stance).

Me, Mark (another recipient) and the VanWylen's!
Me, Mark (another recipient) and the VanWylen’s!

More next time!! XOXO